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Who Else Really wants to Sponsor Their Sports Or Community Club With a Health Drink?
In this economic meltdown we have all just experienced, conventional support for charitable and community projects have proven to be very difficult. However, two of the fastest growing trends in creating wealth are actually wellness products and relationship (network) marketing, and it is a combination of these two areas that's actually providing a superb platform to generate quite substantial levels of financial support.

To many people, the thought of paying out to get the best in a wellness product when times are hard might seem an anathema, but believe me, where people are looking for better sleep, less pains and aches (both because of sports or age related issues), more resilience to inflammation related illnesses, and a more all-round feeling of health and wellness, well - they only have one life, and that to millions, is paramount.

To prove a spot, have a look at this quote from Paul Zane Pilzer... Paul Zane Pilzer is really a world-renowned economist, a multimillionaire software entrepreneur, and he has quoted that ten million new millionaires will undoubtedly be created between 2006-2016, and his book (published in 2006) ANOTHER Millionaires explains the best way to become among them--especially in case you are in direct selling, technology, home-based business, product distribution, or an emerging trillion-dollar industry like wellness. OK - so how can this be of benefit to your charitable or community organisation?

Well, to begin with, if we can think of a health drink that is actually jam-packed filled with antioxidants, glucosamine and esterified essential fatty acids (one which tackles inflammation and another lubricates those over-worked joints) then this is a product that most people on the planet would want to consume frequently This is especially so in our present day and age of fast (mainly junk) food, and a complete disregard by millions of the importance of regular daily usage of at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables. Now given that we are able to find a product that tastes delicious, and just 4 ounces per day gives the antioxidant value of 13 fresh fruits and vegetables, you can view the power here, specifically for members of health and fitness clubs.

So - we have identified a wellness product - a health drink - that may live up to these expectations - it is the first criteria. But how is this going to benefit your organisation? Well, for that now let's consider the second criteria - relationship or network marketing. But before you run away mumbling something similar to 'That's a Pyramid, its illegal, it'll never work... etc etc', just remember that relationship marketing is NOT illegal, and if you go back to the paragraph above w here we quote Paul Pilzer as saying that is a location of tremendous growth over the next 10 years, you can observe that this is actually worthy of more serious investigation in terms of generating a residual income for your organisation. With relationship marketing, just how a product or service is promoted, is not like 'conventional' selling, with the most common plethora of massive advertising campaigns, store-rooms full of stock, and highly paid salesmen.

Because the name implies, with relationship marketing, the merchandise or service isn't 'sold' - it is suggested to others by individuals who have experienced it first-hand. A health drink, especially a world-renowned variety, will be written by people coming, in the primary, to small, informal tasting parties. At these parties, experiences are shared between those users present with the new prospects. Now, individuals who get 'jacked through to the juice' and want to get regular supplies, can subscribe as a distributor, and obtain their supplies at wholesale, not retail, so that they immediately save around 15% of their costs. For many individuals, that'll be all they ever want to do. But here's the clever thing. If Additional info invite their friends to another tasting party, predicated on their own personal enthusiasm, then guess what? If their friends get all fired up, and want the juice, they subscribe as distributors under their friends. This now means that the initial people in the team are now getting a commission on the juice their friends consume, and very soon, they will discover that not only are they getting their juice free of charge, but they are needs to create a little money.

get more info for the reason that will there be? And nothing illegal either! In over 10 countries across the world, people are making genuine 4, 5, 6 even 7 figure incomes in this manner, and guess what? The merchandise we have in mind will never be launched in the UK until later this summer! So, putting this all together, how will this benefit your organisation? Well, so long as your organisation can be an official company (i.e. they have a distinctive tax ID), your company could be signed in as a distributor. If this isn't the case, a member of your committee will need to sign up, and have an agreement in place on what the income will be distributed.

Then, ensure you get a decent supply of marketing material from the person who sponsored you, and see If you can encourage them to either attend your first few Tasting Parties, or persuade them to give you some stock on your own Tasting Parties. Ensure you also get sign-up forms, and before you understand where you are, not merely will you have built up a healthier, happier bunch of members, however your cause will have an ever-growing continual income stream on its way to your bank. So long as you select the right product, with the proper management in it, and preferably an excellent 'cause' in it already, a robust compensation plan, not to mention a good one who sponsored you, the financial future of your organisation begins looking a whole lot brighter.

Geoff Morris has been involved successfully in multilevel marketing and has already developed a considerable team beneath him for an excellent wellness product. If you would like to join his team, just visit and Geoff or one of is own Leaders will get back touch. You won't ever know, this may be the opportunity to jump start you into working part time on your fortune...
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