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How exactly to Write a Press Release That Gets Your Business Noticed
A press release is a teaser. Its purpose would be to arouse the curiosity of the reporters who receive it so they will observe up with a phone call to find out more. Of course, they could opt to run your release verbatim.

Either way, you need to have sufficient information in your release. That information must are the Who, What, Where, When, How and just why of one's story and is presented in a particular way.

The main details come first. That is so that if the article is too long and is cut from the end, the critical information - when and where your event is being held, for instance - isn't lost.

Somehow, and this is the tricky bit, you must encase all this important info within an interesting, curiosity-arousing angle.

The main task of the media release writer would be to come up with an angle that editors can immediately see will probably be of interest to their readers. This will justify their publishing it.

Your headline can be an important tool in persuading an editor or reporter to learn your release. It's sad but true that most releases are discarded before they're even read.

Your angle will determine your headline, which will need to have high interest value as a way to entice the editor/reporter to learn more.

Your release needs to include quotes from the most senior person in your organization, or the individual most relevant to the release. That spokesperson must be willing to be available for media interviews, should a reporter phone them to learn more.

If at all possible, include a photo. The more interesting the photo, the higher the opportunity your news release has to be used. Two people shaking hands while looking at the camera isn't sufficiently interesting.

Make your release as short as possible, but ensure it contains all of the relevant details. Wherever possible, confine it to two pages.

You can distribute your release in a number of ways, either direct to the publication yourself or via an organization like PR Web or PR Newswire. Email is becoming increasingly popular. Faxing is also acceptable but you cannot transmit photos in this manner. In the event that you hand-deliver your release to a news organization, usually do not expect a reporter to come quickly to leading desk to see you. Rather, website will deliver it to the newsroom.

Your release should end with the contact details of your spokesperson - phone, mobile and email. In addition, write a short caption for your photo you need to include that towards the end.

Media releases are an excellent adjunct to your other marketing activities. Constantly look for angles or ideas you can use to publicize your business via a media release. It'll pay you big dividends.

Lynnaire Johnston, the term Wizard, is passionate about helping businesses get noticed. She works together with companies to make sure they take full advantage of all the many communication methods obtainable in order to get their messages heard. You will discover free resources associated with business writing at or visit her Facebook page at
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