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Najlepsze Horrory 2022 Roku. Wymagasz spożywa Zobaczyć
Q211: Can Planyo send emails więc my clients before the start date or marketing emails after the end date? Q331: Can planyo send confirmation emails to all participants of a reservation? Q272: Can I receive an email notification whenever a non-completed (unfinished) reservation was entered into the system? Q132: How can I or my customers receive sms notifications? Q129: How can I modify or cancel existing reservations? Q131: How can I quickly find an existing reservation? Q213: How can I customize planyo using Javascript in advanced integration? Q279: Will planyo work with responsive (mobile-first) sites using Bootstrap or another framework? Q187: I would like my clients to be able to reserve comfortably using mobile devices. Q189: I'd like to display the price in the reservation strategii in zaś different area. Q188: How can I change the emails so that they look like they come from my domain? Q267: How can I add tracking code/pixel (or other third party widgets) więc my booking process? Q157: How can I translate the texts I entered to describe my resources (description, properties) into other languages?

Q233: Can reservation form items be updated automatically based on other items? pomoce naukowe Q205: Which tags can I use to represent data specific więc my resources? Q231: How can I use a payment gateway which is not supported by Planyo? Q234: How can I change the currency of my planyo site or of i single resource? Can I change them? Q325: How can I create i odsyłacz to the reservation form with a pre-filled item? Q171: How to switch off email address verification? Q256: How to use tags to customize email messages and templates? Q290: What are corective invoices and how to use them? Q134: What are additional products? Q142: I need each reservation to contain additional information (answers to specific questions). Q339: How can I use additional products with the 'quick add to cart' shopping cart? Q123: How can I modify the messages sent wtedy my customers? Q145: Can I modify the way the availability search results are displayed? Q287: Which languages are supported in Planyo?

Q320: Which tags can I use to represent data specific więc my meta-site? Q206: Which tags can I use to represent data specific to my planyo site? Q240: How to use an external CSV file for pricing? Will Planyo still work for me? Odkryj więcej How will Planyo work with customers in different time-zones? Will planyo work with discounts or seasonal pricing? Q181: How does Pricing Manager work? Q138: My pricing is complex. Q340: Can an email or sms notification be sent to an external supplier only when a specific product or resource is reserved? Q253: How can A test new configurations or add test reservations when my site is already in production? Q204: Which tags can I use to represent data specific to reservations? Q150: Do you have an API we can use to automate our tasks? Q296: I have an e-learning site. Q304: Can each resource and product have a different sales tax (VAT) rate?

Q282: How can I update my CSS to the latest version used aby my scheme? Q265: How can I integrate planyo with my website created with Wix? Q343: How can I change the calendar preview shown on the reservation page? Q173: I need to have more control over the calendar preview. Q172: How can I display only selected resources in calendar preview? Q238: Can I send a mailing to all my existing customers? Q116: How can I integrate planyo with my existing website? Q229: What can I enter into the clever search? Q239: What is blocking in packages? Q232: What are packages? Q125: How can I be sure the bookings are authentic? Q147: Can I add a rental agreement (contract) with terms and conditions of a rental? Q219: How can I remove the planyo logo and name? Q270: How can I send price quotations wtedy my customers? Q284: Why didn't Planyo send an email notification?

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