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Backgammon Set Adapts To Changing Technology
Backgammon is among the all time favorite games and its own five thousand years of history is something that few other games can filled with. From its development in the lands of the Near East, the Iran and Iraq of our own times, the backgammon game made its way over the Roman Empire. In the course of time it has reached every corner of the planet. The backgammon board with its 24 triangular-shaped, alternately colored divisions, and the backgammon group of fifteen checkers for every player, dice, and a dice shaker are instantly recognizable to an excellent proportion of the world's inhabitants. It might be thought that with the passage of all these years and the looks of so many different times of board and other games, backgammon would walk out fashion, but that has not been the case. The game has managed to continue steadily to increase its following and is most likely popular today than anytime in its long history.

Without doubt backgammon's unique mix of a game of skill and strategy with a game whose movement's are controlled by the outcome of the dice throw, has been a key factor in accounting for its enduring popularity. Yet, another contributing factor has been the way the backgammon set adapts to changing technologies.

In the first years of the game, backgammon sets were made from whatever materials were available locally. For instance, a flat little bit of wood could have the divisions of the board carved into it, and a couple of smooth stones could serve because the checkers, while the dice might be crafted from a bit of bone. As the selection of materials in regular use expanded, pottery checkers and dice replaced their humble predecessors. With the increasing commercialism in the 1800's backgammon sets produced for retailers began to replace the home-produced sets previously used. In the twentieth century the introduction of plastics came as an excellent boon for the producers of backgammon sets and helped insure that cheap sets have grown to be available to all who want to play backgammon.

In many respects the greatest development in the technology of the backgammon set has occurred only within the last fifteen years with the introduction of Internet backgammon. Spurred on by check here of backgammon gambling, Internet backgammon has introduced the overall game to a much wider audience by transferring it to a media which has turned out to be particularly fitted to hosting the overall game. The developers of the backgammon website s on the internet have succeed in creating attractive 3-D virtual versions of backgammon sets that behave exactly like their traditional wooden counterparts. The backgammon sites also boast sophisticated computers that allow players to check their skills at a rate to match their proficiency at the overall game, and they provide a clear explanation of backgammon rules for many who lack this information or merely require a reminder. Online backgammon has clearly proven the endurance of the backgammon set being an ancient leisure artifact with the capacity of successfully adapting to the twenty-first century leisure market.

Expert backgammon writer Gene Marshall is commissioned by several recognized online backgammon magazines. The writer writes commentaries about backgammon setup and advanced backgammon strategy []. More info and articles by Gene Marshall on the main topics backgammon are obtainable on line.
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