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From my tutor's feedback, I have understood that I need to revise the Harvard referencing guidelines to ensure that my in-text references and reference list match perfectly. This will improve the accuracy and reliability of my sources, making my work more credible and appropriate for academic writing. Additionally, I need to address issues with format and informal language, which will help me maintain a professional tone and style throughout my work.

Implementing these changes would improve the appropriateness of my texts for the intended purpose and audience in several ways. Firstly, accurate referencing is crucial in academic writing as it allows readers to verify the sources I have used and supports the credibility of my arguments. By following the correct Harvard referencing style, I would ensure that my references are formatted correctly and consistently, making it easier for readers to locate and evaluate my sources.

Secondly, addressing issues with format and informal language would help me maintain a professional tone and style, which is important in different communication contexts. For example, in an email inviting someone to a party, using a more formal tone would be appropriate to convey the seriousness of the event and make the invitation sound more official. On the other hand, using informal language in a discussion post meant for academic peers could undermine the credibility and professionalism of my writing.

It is important to adapt written and visual language skills to suit the intended purpose and audience because it helps to ensure effective communication. Different contexts and audiences require different levels of formality, tone, and style. Adapting my language skills to match these requirements allows me to convey my message clearly, appropriately, and professionally, increasing the impact and effectiveness of my communication.

This reflective task has been beneficial in helping me identify areas of development with my communication skills. It has highlighted the importance of paying attention to referencing details, format, and language style in my writing. I have also realized the need to seek feedback from my tutor or peers to address any uncertainties or issues I may have. By implementing the changes suggested by my tutor and practicing referencing and formatting using online resources, I can improve my written and visual communication skills and produce higher quality work in the future.

In conclusion, my tutor's feedback has provided valuable insights into areas where I need to improve my communication skills. Revising the Harvard referencing guidelines, addressing issues with format and informal language, and adapting my language skills to suit the intended purpose and audience will enhance the appropriateness and effectiveness of my written and visual communication. This reflective task has helped me identify areas of development and has been beneficial in improving my communication skills.
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