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The Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebrations
14th May 2005 Crystal Palace Sports Centre London. UK

Henry Ellis, a direct student of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sense, from 1957 describes the fantastic event at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre, London, to celebrate this great teacher and his arrival to THE UK in 1955 and the next inception of Aikido. Tribute website to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei at [] . . .

The Bushido ZaZen International Society Annual Dinner

In February 2004 Derek Eastman and I were invited as guests at the annual dinner of The Bushido Za Zen International Society by its Chairman Mr Arnold Davies Hanshi an old student of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and a detailed friend of my very own good friend Bill Woods Sensei. more info meant that evening was to be something special with so much history and martial arts background between us.

Once we arrived we were met by Mr Clive MacDonald, an associate of the Bushido ZaZen. Mr MacDonald and Mr Davies have been instrumental in piecing together most of the facts to greatly help with the protection of the real history of British Aikido during the great British Aikido Board Controversy.

Memories of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei

Mr MacDonald immediately brought several pints of beer to our table and after that the conversation flowed along with the beer. Once we spoke of our memories of the legendary master, Kenshiro Abbe Sensei, I said "Are you aware that it is 50 years next year since Abbe Sensei found its way to Britain!" We all discussed the importance of the date, I then suggested that, once we all belonged to the Essex Aikido Forum ( EAF ), which is a group of like minded people interested only in Aikido without its politics, we agreed that people should organise a celebration of such an important date. Mr MacDonald called over Mr Davies who, with out a moments hesitation, gave the event his full support and financial backing.

The Organising Committee

Prior to the evening was over we realised that this event would be bigger than anything ever previously organised by the EAF or any Aikido organisation for that matter. We decided there and then that we would want an operating committee if we were to put this very special event together. Mr MacDonald approached two other senior EAF member, Mr Mike Leavy and Mr Eric Gillett, who decided to join our organising committee. I then approached Mr David Humm the administrator of the very popular website the "National Aikido Communication DataBase". Mr Humm had also been involved in our efforts to protect the annals of British Aikido. He also became a willing committee member. Mr Rob Peck decided to be the secretary We have now had a full committee of seven members who were now totally committed and dedicated to putting together the best Aikido seminar ever in britain. I don't think that any one folks on this night could actually grasp the enormity of the task we had pledged to undertake.

The Venue

Because the word spread through the entire Aikido and MartialArts communities and, from the interest that has been now being generated, we now knew that we would need a prestigious venue After much deliberation and following a visit to Crystal Palace Sports Centre, we soon realised that was to be the final venue. This is to be a smart decision as, with its great hall and facilities along with the accommodation blocks and restaurants, It would later prove to be with the capacity of hosting the planned event comfortably. The function attracted 430 students. 60 guests, 370 spectators and visitors totalling almost one thousand people on your day With students from all over the UK - USA - France - Holland - Germany, Czechoslvakia.

The Teachers of the Day

As this day was to celebrate the arrival in the UK of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei in 1955, and the next inception of Aikido. It was decided to invite the five surviving direct students of Abbe Sensei from the 1950's/60's mentioned below.

I, Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman had already agreed, now I had to approach my old friends, Sensei Ralph Reynolds and Sensei Hayden Foster, who willingly offered their support.

Sensei Ken Williams, first student of Abbe Sensei, was also approached. He previously to decline because of prior commitments. He did however provided a letter of dedication to be read out at the event. I then approached Sensei Bill Smith Shihan MBE, who sadly had to decline because of health issues. His son Phillip taken care of represent his father and the AikiKai. Now we had a complete Aikido teaching team. The event was officially under-way. We also received a letter of tribute to the memory of Abbe Sensei from the Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba ..

The Guests

The guest list was a who's who of the Martial-Arts world in the united kingdom. There were 60 guests and, with respect, I'm unable to mention them all but, the following will give some insight.

Mr F Motai of the Japanese Embassy - Sensei Bill Woods Aide / Secretary to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 1955 - Sensei Bill Stopps, Personal Aide to Matsutaro Otani Sensei from 1947. - Sensei Robin Otani, Pesident of the British Judo Council. - Mr P, Don of Sport England. - Sensei N Jones, my personal guest. - Ms Jenny Earle, World Judo champion.

Mr Ken Cottier Shihan, a member of the Aiki-Kai World Council. Mr Gigs Shouten, a particular guest from Holland. Joe Curran Sensei who read a letter of tribute to Abbe Sensei from Kazuo Chiba Shihan.

The Budo Demonstrations

Through the mid day the main event there was a break for the students while the Budo demonstrations were carried out by a number of the absolute best exponents of the various arts on display. This is a distinctive event where students were now in a position to witness most of the Budo arts that they had never seen before.

Aikido -Judo - Karate - Iaido - Kyudo - Kendo - JuJutsu - Ju Kendo

The Event and The Day

This was a very wonderful and wedding day for me personally after almost 50 years of practicing Aikido. On the morning of the event as I entered the fantastic hall at Crystal Palace Sports Centre to the electrifying sound of the Taiko Drummers and masses of students round the mat area plus a lot more queuing at the entranceway to join up. I walked onto the concourse floor to see all of the various stalls lay out. Mr Don Baney an expert in Japanese artwork had a fine display of Samurai armour and swords, to find out more visit: The atmosphere was fantastic, an indication of the great day ahead. get more info met so many people that I had not seen for so a long time.

There was a raffle by the end of the day with a prized valuable ShinKen sword, presented by Nine Circles Budo Equipment Supplies. A made by hand Tanto presented by Sensei Dave Rogers of New Mexic,o USA. Additional hints included the book "Positive Aikido", Gi's, bokkens, shinai's and many commemorative T-Shirts.

This was indeed an extremely special day.

I was privileged to be at the great event in 1963 held by Abbe Sensei at the Royal Albert Hall in London where I was assistant to Mikoto Nakazono Sensei. I never thought that I'd ever see another event to equal that one. On this day of celebration and commemoration of the life of Abbe Sensei, I believe I saw the function to eclipse all others.

Henry Ellis Event Liasion Officer

Co-Author of Positive Aikido

Principal Coach Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido

Henry Ellis born 1936. Co -author of Positive Aikido. A primary student of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1957. Ellis has had articles published in several International FIGHTING TECHINQUES magazines, he's got written several articles on the proud history and lineage of British Aikido. Protecting the legacy left by Abbe Sensei from people with attempted to alter the facts to advance their insatiable ego's.

Henry Ellis co-author of Positive Aikido was a direct student of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1957. He could be the Principal Coach of the Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido UK - USA. Ellis has written several articles on the proud history and lineage of British Aikido from it inception in 1955.
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