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int motor2pin1 = 7;
int motor2pin2 = 8;
int switchPin = 12;
int enB = 9;
/*This block of code initializes four integer variables motor2pin1,
motor2pin2, switchPin, and enB with their respective pin numbers.
These will be used to set up the Arduino board's pins*/
bool switchState = false; // initialize switch state to released
bool lastSwitchState = false; // initialize last switch state to released
bool motorDirection = false; // initialize motor direction to false (opposite)
/* This block of code initializes three boolean variables switchState, lastSwitchState, and motorDirection.
switchState and lastSwitchState are used to track the state of a switch connected to switchPin.
motorDirection is used to determine the direction of the motor. */
void setup() {
pinMode(motor2pin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2pin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
/* This block of code is the setup() function,
which runs once when the Arduino board starts up.
It sets the pin modes for motor2pin1, motor2pin2, and switchPin. */
void loop() {
// Read the current state of the switch
switchState = digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW;

// Check if the switch state has changed
if (switchState != lastSwitchState) {
// Update the last switch state variable
lastSwitchState = switchState;

// If switch state is pressed, toggle motor direction
if (switchState == true) {
motorDirection = !motorDirection;
/*This block of code is the loop() function,
which runs repeatedly after setup().
It reads the current state of the switch connected to switchPin,
and if the state has changed since the last loop iteration,
it updates lastSwitchState and toggles motorDirection if the switch is pressed.*/
// Set motor direction and speed based on motorDirection variable
if (motorDirection) {
analogWrite(enB, 255); // Goes down after button press
digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor2pin2, HIGH);
analogWrite(enB, 255); // full speed
digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
analogWrite(enB, 64); // 25% speed, stalling torque speed, will stay stationary in pipe
digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);

} else {
analogWrite(enB, 255); // full speed
digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
/* This block of code sets the direction and speed of the motor based on the value of motorDirection.
If motorDirection is true, it sets the motor to run in the opposite direction for a short period of time,
then reduces the speed to 25% and stops the motor indefinitely. If motorDirection is false,
it sets the motor to run in one direction at full speed.*/
// Delay for a short time to debounce the switch
/*This line of code adds a short delay at the end of each loop iteration to debounce the switch input. */
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