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Notes -

first year bourne triology - 1980
chess piece diagonally - bishop
zion national park - utah (zion canyon)
us state 0 oceab - great lake - ny ontario, erie, atlantic
silk road where, how long - 4000 mi rome
drake how long 3 years - what year 1580
what kind of website takes its name for the haiwan word for quick and greek word for education/ upbriging
first ss play on film - king john
wd 40 - wd water displacement
axis powers lose 1/4 troops - eastorn front - battkle of tsalinguard
expensive aicraft on earth af1 - 4biollion dollars - boeing
largest amittheter - collosuem
what olympics did the us biycott - 1980 why - soviet invasion of russia (where)
best selling beer in the us - bud light
fbdo - gf first name - sloan
fifa world ciup first winner - urugary - what year 1930
how long did it take the us to declare war on germany after japan - 3 days
capital of missoury -0 jefferson city
who resuced his wife dueyrice from hades - orpehus
invented - eletrical bass - leo fender
red repersnt in usa flag - valour
tablesponns in a cup - 16
medical term for fainting - sybncope
who company esigned nyy yan kess lokgo - tiffany and co
six flags what state
arabic word for season and weather phenenom in southern asia
firts year uk pluymiacs - 1908
who eu headquarters - switzerland
picasso suspect for stealing what - mona lisa
whagt country offerd ensitein prime minsiter - israel
most common operation/ procedure in hopsitals - c section
qatar sell before oil - pearls
homo sapines mean in latin - wise man
what currency is dispensed dfrom antarticas only atm - dollar
europes largest banan farm - iceland
in the beach biys album oet sounds, what animal makes the sound is at the end - dog barking
tea named after a prime minsiter - earl gray tea
outsde colour in a raiunbow - red
stars on nz flag - 4
river made for grand canyon - colorado river
first movie to release a ost album - snow white
which actor had all his scenes cut in et - jarrion ford as headmaster
who sold the virgin island to the us - denmark - 25 mil in gold coins
tale of 2 cities - paris and london
state named granie city 0 new hampshire
what party was lincoln - repubiican
what three things is posiedin the god of - horses, ocean, earthquakes
animal on levi logo - horses
who direted the god farther - francis ford coppola
who did finland declare indopenace from - russia
most vistied attraction uk - british museaum
city known as auld reekie - edinburgh
flag - 12 - most colours - belize
meteor or comet - shooting star
why is pound abberictad to lb - libra is latin for pound
suv stand for - sport utlity veichle

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