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The study showcases the stereotypical behaviour toward women, considering them less warm
Analyses have indicated that stereotypes of middle-aged females as less "nice" can keep them back at work. This is frequently referred to as the "double bind" that ladies face, where they are anticipated to be both competent and likeable, but when they are seen as too self-asserting or confident, they are sensed as less unsympathetic.

Jennifer Chatman is a professor, from their early days to her forties she seems dynamic to change the way she perceived her classes by the students.
She is more specific, specialized, and experienced in her forties although students treat her entirely differently, she was concerned about the change and discussed it with her colleagues, surprisingly female co-workers also have the same situation however men did not. For more visit Source Essay at online assignment help quebec

The unusual things the professor going through were not something as unusual as the research claiming that it's a common phenomenon that women in middle age go through. The examination provides data that supports men of a similar age do not receive such stereotypical behaviour however women from the late thirties to reaching age forty-seven approximately feel more stereotypical behaviour or changed attitude.

The investigation is published in a notable journal Organizational Behaviour & Human Decision Process, the finding was pointing towards the popular belief that with age the experience increases in both men and women. However, only women with age and experience contemplated harsher, less kind and that's why they are regaled severely.

The historical approach to understand the stereotypes

When you meet people, the first thing you analyse about them is how they behave, are they cold or warm?
Historically the structure of our society and the historical course have established some facts about the institution of behaviour and the division of labour.
Women from the beginning of history are considered warm and the duties she performs need more compassion and kindness although men are considered less drawn toward such emotions and strong, masculine, and the work they do historically require strength and less compassion.
When in the modern era women are not just part of households they are working outside the boundaries of homes. The perceived notion of them being warm is somehow changed and people consider them as less warm, confident and rude.

The approach to analyse

To understand the whole stereotypical ideology related to mid-age women the professor and other researchers investigated all the data related to the evaluation of the performance of both genders men and women.
They took data from a young age to their forties to see the differences age makes in their performance, the experts kept other additional factors that can influence the age range such as having a child or having more work (more teaching jobs).

The result was shocking as both genders do not get similar treatment. Women, who are in their mid-age with more power, prestige, and experience still the nice behaviour or warmth in their nature considered lacking, this perception developed by others. This leads to people not liking her. The men get more respect and no such stereotypical behaviour.

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