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Choosing the Right Type of Car Insurance
Car insurance covers you in the event that you're injured in an accident or your car gets stolen. It also helps cover the cost of any damages you cause to another person's property. The main categories of car insurance are collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Choosing the right type of insurance depends on your individual needs.
Liability coverage

Liability coverage is a type of car insurance that pays for injuries and property damage caused by a driver's actions. It can be confusing when you're shopping around for a policy. However, there are a few basics to understand when choosing this kind of coverage.

medium in creating a car insurance policy is to decide on the amount of liability coverage you need. Most states require you to carry at least a certain amount of liability coverage. If you're not sure, check with a licensed insurance agent.

Minimum liability limits vary from state to state, but most require at least $100,000 in property damage per accident and bodily injury liability for one person. You can always purchase higher limits, but you'll be liable for the damages that exceed the limits of your insurance.
Property damage liability

Property damage liability insurance is an important part of your auto insurance policy. It can protect you if you are a negligent driver. And, it can save you thousands in the event of an accident.

Property damage liability insurance typically covers damage to another person's car or property. It also can cover legal expenses if you are sued.

The amount of coverage you need will depend on a few factors. A car insurance calculator can give you a good idea of what you need.

You may also want to consider getting an umbrella policy for added protection. An umbrella policy will cover legal expenses if you have a major property damage claim. Also, more coverage is useful when you spend a lot of time driving.
Collision coverage

Collision coverage on car insurance can be an important part of your car insurance policy. It can provide you with peace of mind and save you from a steep repair bill if you get into a collision. However, you need to decide whether you need it.

If you're on a budget and cannot afford to pay for repairs, you may want to consider dropping collision coverage. The good news is that you can usually get a discount on your premium if you can't afford to pay for your repairs.

Having collision coverage isn't mandatory in most states. However, your lender may require you to carry it on a leased vehicle. This can raise your premiums by a couple hundred dollars a year.

As a rule of thumb, collision coverage pays for the cost of repairing your car after an accident. Insurance companies will generally cover the remaining costs up to the value of your vehicle. You will need to determine how much coverage you need and decide on a deductible before buying collision coverage.
Comprehensive coverage

If you haven't invested in comprehensive coverage for your car, then you might be missing out on some very important benefits. It can help reduce your stress when you get a surprise car damage claim. In addition, it can pay for part of the damages to your vehicle in the event of a crash, theft, vandalism or other natural disaster.

Comprehensive insurance is one of the three basic components of an automobile insurance policy. The other two are collision insurance and liability insurance.

Comprehensive coverage will pay for any damage your vehicle suffers from a non-collision accident, such as a falling tree branch or an animal striking the front of your car. However, it will not cover the cost of injuries sustained by passengers.
Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is a type of auto insurance policy that helps cover the costs of an accident caused by a negligent driver. This includes medical expenses, lost wages and property damage.

The state laws of each state determine whether uninsured/underinsured motorist protection is required. If you aren't sure, you can ask your agent or insurance provider. They can also explain the coverage available in your state.

Underinsured motorist coverage pays for damages up to the limit on your policy. It may also help pay for damages that exceed the limits on your liability insurance. You can choose to carry both types of coverage.

Uninsured motorist coverage can be purchased for a small fee. The cost will vary depending on the level of coverage you choose. In addition, the amount of assets you have will also affect the price.
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