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Speech Recognition Technology and Medical Transcription Services

Speech is now not confined solely to the human race, and even living beings on a broader perspective. It has extended to the World of Technology; specifically Computers and Software. Speech Recognition Technology [SRT], little known until recent times, is an area that has been constantly growing over time. SRT has opened new windows of panoramic dimensions to human kind.

Speech Recognition Technology - Defined:

A technology wherein a machine or program identifies spoken content and converts them to readable format. In more simpler terms, voice/speech is converted to text format.

The Beginning:

Speech Recognition Technology, as we know it today, didn't just bloom overnight. It's the work of over 30 years. The 1st implementation of Speech Recognition was designed and displayed by IBM through the 1964 New York World's Fair. It had been called the IBM Shoebox; and typically sized too. This product only recognized spoken digits from 0 to 9. Over the years, Software companies have delved upon the benefits and the profits that can be reaped from developing SRT, plus they have come quite a distance since. Now many noted companies have come up with different versions of the technology, offering various features.
While Speech Recognition has progressed vastly, the downside is that it's been an extended and laborious road this far. It demands training and updating of Software to work flawlessly; in fact it is currently definately not perfect. There is so much more to go before it can be said that SRT is without the imperfections.

Speech Recognition Technology - In Health Care and Medical Transcription:

An area where this technology has caught on to a great extent may be the Medical Transcription Industry. Speech Recognition is of two types: Front End and Back End.

Front End: Because the doctor dictates into the machine, the words are automatically generated and displayed. This text could be edited directly, the report finalized, and signed by the physician immediately. But there are few Front end users because of time constraints faced by doctors and practitioners.
Back End: Also called Delayed or Deferred Speech Recognition. The written draft is generated by the program and delivered to the Medical Transcriptionists for editing and proof reading. That is more convenient for doctors since it requires less time spent reading the proofs.
EMR: Speech Recognition can be applied in Electronic Medical Record systems of hospitals, clinics, etc. Searches, queries, and also filling of forms could be made simpler and faster with voice instead of using the keyboard.
Speech Recognition Technology can be advantageous to both Medical Transcriptionists along with doctors in several ways. A few advantages are:

There isn't much typing involved as the first draft is generated by the program
Requires only editing of the machine-generated text
Faster turnaround of reports
Saves amount of time in completion of reports
Stat reports could be completed and returned quicker than utilizing the conventional method of typing
Being a technology which has not entirely been perfected, SRT has a few drawbacks.

It cannot fully distinguish words spoken with heavy accents
Homophones (words which sound exactly the same but could have different spellings and meanings) can cause spelling errors
Incorrect grammar is bound to occur in the generated texts
Punctuation rules aren't apt to be followed at all times
Multiple speakers can't be clearly differentiated
Background noise and disturbances could cause misspellings
Question of the Hour:
A niggling thought in the minds of many Medical Transcriptionists is whether Speech Recognition Technology poses a threat with their livelihood. This is usually a baseless fear, keeping in mind the drawbacks of SRT. No report will undoubtedly be complete until a eye has scanned it. Machine-generated documents can only be 60%-70% error-free. It demands well-trained and professional Medical Transcriptionists to read through and edit the reports. check here , a good tiny one, can lead to unpleasant situations for many. And one cannot rely on mere machines to do the job 100% without errors. In conclusion, Speech Recognition Technology is certainly original. While it have not yet reached the peak of perfection, it really is still quite an aid to the healthcare industry, specifically Medical Transcription. And there is certainly no threat of software or machines or even technology entirely taking over man's work; technology is merely merely helping out!

About SpectraMedi: SpectraMedi is a US based company providing Medical Transcription Services through the entire country. Located in New York, they have been servicing over 400 clients for a more than a decade. SpectraMedi is well known for its integration of the most recent technology within its transcription processes, thereby yielding top-notch results: quality transcriptions at short turn around times. Spectramedi is poised and set to merge Speech Recognition Technology into its Medical Transcription process. All the efforts of the business in generating quality documents are bound to culminate in satisfactory results, both for clients and staff. SpectraMedi's dedication to its work has earned it a valuable group of clients, thus proving that the company is a leader in Medical Transcription Services. Supported by way of a strong team of skilled and expert Medical Transcription Professionals coupled with IT Professionals, SpectraMedi has established itself as a premier Medical Transcription Company. For information on SpectraMedi and Medical Transcription Services, visit: For quality Medical Transcription Services, visit:
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