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Is Twitter Ready For Prime Time With Small Business?
Calgary based SMALL COMPANY IT Professional Stuart Crawford thinks so, part of his online marketing strategy for 2009 includes leveraging Twitter to reach new markets, inform clients and work locally.

Twitter is extremely popular with those active in the internet. Sending out tweet after tweet, updating their twitter followers regularly on the status, where they're at, what they are doing, where they are going and who they're meeting. The big question that lots of marketing professionals are asking today is. Can Twitter will be effective as a prime time tool in mainstream marketing.

Twitter has an active role for all small company firms and must be part of their overall marketing strategy. Business has already began to distance themself from traditional Yellow Page type advertising along with other forms of traditional marketing for his or her business in substitution for a far more direct and active online marketing campaign. Twitter is playing a dynamic role in the web strategies for many companies.

Are you still confused about Twitter? Twitter is a very simple to operate online service which broadcasts your messages, status updates, web links along with other types of quick and snappy messages to those faithful followers. Twitter is a wonderful exemplory case of permission based marketing because those that wish to follow you simply do. Permission based marketing is now the de facto standard, replacing email marketing as spam rules begin to restrict what can and cannot be send through email.

If you can't figure it out on your own there are many consulting and marketing agencies now offering Twitter services with their clients. "We encourage each of them (clients) to have Facebook and Twitter sites and we become administrators to send "chest pounding" messages about the services/products they provide." states Pauline Harris from SPIN in Baltimore, MD. Her agency acts provides consulting services for business who simply need a firm to keep on top of Twitter.

Twitter broadcasts out a short 140 character message to your followers whenever you have something to say, announce or share. The wonderful thing about Twitter and a long time secret to those Internet Marketing experts who figured this out early, is Twitter is merely a conduit to other great services. Twitter may be used to pull information for your corporate, association or personal blogs, you need to use your Smartphone to send Tweets (Tweets are what Twitter users call their messages) or it is possible to type your tweet directly into Twitters online page.

Twitter then will send your message out to your followers and using services included in social networking applications, your message can also be sent out to their services. Twitter is really a robust tool to attain thousands of people each day for the expense of your time to develop the content.

Are you still confused concerning the business benefits to Twitter? You need to look outside of the main Twitter application to start to see the real value and you also need to deflect the "get rich" type advertising that promises that you'll build your followers to many thousand overnight. check here are steering away from the spray and pray approach, electing at hand pick who they follow and in exchange who follows them.

Effective use of this powerful social networking tool takes careful planning and consideration before true mastery of the marketing tool occurs. Many business owners and entrepreneurs simply visit the primary Twitter website , see a tremendous amount of noise and dismiss it. Twitter is a lot more than an online teleprompter for newsfeeds of those that you follow. If that is how you consider it, then Twitter will not be a tool for your business.

Here are three great tools that you need to have in your Twitter arsenal:

Twitterfeed - can be an online solution that provides a mechanism to take your site posts or any RSS service and broadcast it out to your Twitter followers and networks including Facebook. If your business has a blog, writes articles or submits news stories to online services, you then will need to have this solution running to promote the work you are already doing to a bigger audience.

Tweetlater - This nifty application is really a handy service for the busy business proprietor or entrepreneur. With Tweetlater it is possible to leverage this online web treatment for schedule your tweets. Simply do up a number of tweets and then have Tweetlater send them out. Tweetlater also permits you to setup policies that enable you to automatically follow those that follow you. It is just a karma thing and karma goes quite a distance in the Twitter world.

TweetBeep - Don't have time and energy to watch Twitter all day or how keeping on top of the people that you follow. With TweetBeep at this point you can monitor Twitter for keywords so when an item of interest is tweeted it seems in your Inbox. This service even works together with shortened URLs. Watch your names of domain. Monitor what your competitors are doing. Stay on top of industry trends and so much more.

There are various great online applications available to improve your Twitter experience, find the one that meets your organization needs. Twitter may become very noisy and you may need to find tools that will give a filter to limit the noise and bring the messages you want to the foreground.

Twitter when leveraged correctly may bring amazing home based business results, connect you with the industry leaders and provide a conduit to talk about your experiences. Dawn Meade of Advanced Video Systems says "I sought out fellow Twitterers in my own field by searching for AV and similar terms, followed several and discovered one to be considered a staff writer on two industry magazines. Through our Twitter 'friendship' I ended up being interviewed for articles and a sidebar feature on my company!"

Before you dismiss Twitter as just another social online service with no relevance to the business community, do your homework. Twitter can work to help promote your small business to the world or simply your local community. You could learn from the industry leaders.

Relationships are still important running a business, either virtual or in person. Take read more on the ladder to build up deep and meaningful relationships with others in the business world and allow one to share your insight with the global community.

Stuart Crawford invests much of his time doing work for small businesses in Calgary and Red Deer, AB. His passion would be to ensure that small business wins within their market with the proper technology treatment for meet their business goals. Stuart has been awarded the Top 40 under 40 (2007) in Calgary, is a recognized Business Leader of Tomorrow (Business in Calgary). His current role may be the Vice President of Business Development with Bulletproof InfoTech. Bulletproof provides managed computer and network services to businesses in Alberta. Stuart's can be contacted through his blog at [] or at 403.206.2233.
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