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5 Health Ailments That Casino Regulars Experience and How to prevent Them.Match the Dealer in Blackjack
Just like any physical pastime people pursue on a regular basis, gambling in the casino can exert quite the toll on your body. And before you scoff at the idea of gambling as a physical exercise, consider your average session at the casino for an instant.

Walking long stretches from the table game pit to the slot parlor. Standing all night on end when a hot craps game is underway. Riffling chips in your hand, continually pressing buttons on the slot or video poker machines, and giving your lungs a good work out in smoky corridors ? these physical tolls can quickly add up.

Below you?ll find five health ailments which commonly impact regulars at the casino ? alongside five ways to help prevent them.

1 ? Back Aches and Pains
By far, probably the most widespread negative health effect shared by regular gamblers is chronic back pain.

Let?s face facts? even the most glitzy Las Vegas casino isn?t exactly interested in ergonomically sound furniture design. The home?s goal would be to get butts in the seats, not to source seats that offer the most in comfort.

Table game players know this all too well, as they?re routinely forced to clamber up onto elevated chairs made to put players on even ground with the felt. These chairs frequently have wooden backs without cushions, and when cushions are thankfully present, their curved nature leaves much to be desired in terms of back support.

Throw in the telltale ?backbend? shared by table game regulars ? used to lean in to the table and enjoy full domain over one?s card spot and chip stack ? and grinding blackjack, baccarat, or Three Card Poker truly is a grind.

Roulette and craps players aren?t immune either, as sitting on your feet for hours at a time serves as an easy track toward an aching back.

If you?ve noticed your back muscles barking after marathon sessions at the casino, I?ve stumbled upon a few simple fixes within my decades in the overall game.

Table game players stuck sitting all day should make a indicate take regular breaks from the action. Excuse yourself however you please, a restroom reprieve or perhaps a quick cigarette, but when you leave the table, look for a secluded spot to stretch. Touch your toes several times and hold the position. Twist your torso to and fro slowly, allowing your back muscles to contract and relax in quick succession.

Just Make Sure You?re Getting Some EXERCISE Moving in Those Crucial Back Muscles
As for people that gamble while standing, the contrary approach should prove quite effective. Regularly remove yourself from the action and locate the nearest bar or open machine ? wherever you will discover a comfortable place to sit. Then, park your tail right there and sink in, allowing your back muscles just a little breath of fresh air, so to speak.

By taking a few moments from your daily session to care for your back, you can actually beat back those pesky pains and aches which plague the gambling community.

2 ? Sore Hands or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Regardless of your game of choice, repeatedly spending long spells at the casino can often lead to creaky knuckles and sore hands.

Gambling, even given the 21st century?s technological advances, is an inherently manual activity. That is to say, at virtually all times, you?ll be making use of your hands to take part in the action.

Imagine a simple game of blackjack to see what I mean?

To enter the game, you?ll exchange some cash for a stack of chips. To put your first bet, you?ll grab a chip or two and stack them in the correct spot. To check your cards, you?ll peel them up from the felt. To take a hit, you?ll tap or paw at the baize. And to claim your winnings (lucky you), you?ll grab the brand new chips and add them back to your stack.

Throw in that ever present comped cocktail going from hand to mouth like clockwork, and also a phone which must be checked every short while, and your hands will undoubtedly be busy every step of just how.

Slot and video poker machines have buttons which should be clicked every second or two. Craps players alternate between flipping chips on the felt and flicking the dice to the far end of the table.

Like I said earlier, no gambler gets away with using their hands lightly.

Accordingly, hand soreness, tightness, and even numbness have become common afflictions among the gambling crowd. In the worst-case scenarios, nerve tightness between your wrist and the palm ? clinically referred to as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) ? can require surgery to correct the damage.

Whenever your hands are continually in pain following visits to the casino, it is possible to have a few steps to treat the situation:

First, try your very best to become ambidextrous, at the very least when the casino can be involved. Using your non-dominant hand on every third bet or spin, for example, can lighten the load on your own dominant hand.
Next, invest in a cheap, specially equipped hand and wrist brace designed to prevent CTS. These braces provide invaluable support to your forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers while you play.
Try to play your preferred casino games online. Most are very simple to navigate and you also don?t have to ever leave your house so as to gamble and make real money.
And finally, make an effort to locate liftable chairs or cushion boosters that could be elevated to put your forearm level with the playing surface. In accordance with CTS experts, this technique is a impressive preventative measure mandated by OSHA requirements.
3 ? Cough and Other Respiratory Issues
Fortunately, casinos today aren?t the smoke-filled dens that they once were. Back in the day, you could barely see 10 feet in the front as a result of ever-present cloud of hazy smoke lingering overhead.

But even with the last three decades? worth of second-hand smoke awareness, casinos remain loathed to reject cigarette and cigar users outright. Thus, every casino still has an area where smokers can convene and light. They use air filtration to lessen the impact, but most non-smokers can still instantly tell if they?ve hit the casino floor in line with the scent alone.

As such, spending long stretches cooped up in a casino can quickly result in a lingering cough, labored breathing, asthma, along with other respiratory issues.

In order to avoid these preventable side effects, you have a couple of options up for grabs.

Masks could be worn for disease prevention nowadays, but they?lso are impressive at mitigating smoke inhalation.

And at Park MGM (formerly the Monte Carlo), you?ll find Sin City?s first and only completely smoke-free casino on The Strip.

4 ? Deteriorating Eyesight
That one largely affects the older gamblers, but even folks in their 20s and 30s can eventually find themselves struggling to see like they used to.

Casinos create an ideal storm for potentially diminished eyesight in several ways:

Everything around you is brightly lit, all flashing neon and strobe effects with fluorescent bulbs overhead.
The cards use tiny numbers and ?pips? to signify their ranks, and often, you?ll be squinting to see them from several feet away.
Machine games essentially put a TV screen a few inches from your face, which is precisely what your mother told you'll leave you blind 1 day.
With that said, spending your days and nights inside a casino can chip away at your eyesight as time passes.

If you?re worried about this unfortunate fact, make an effort to schedule at the very least three periods during your session to leave the building and go outside. This serves as a ?reset? of sorts, allowing your eyes to acclimate themselves once more to sunshine and day light. You can also wear sunglasses inside to shield your eyes from the onslaught of unnatural light spawned in every casino.

5 ? Migraine Headaches
All those flashing lights will surely hurt your eyes, but when they?re combined with constant loud noise on the gaming floor, a splitting headache may very well be in the cards.

Migraine headaches are defined by severe throbbing and pulsating in the temples and/or forehead. The pain can become so extreme that nausea and vomiting, alongside increased sensitivity to light and sound.

Light and sound never cease at the casino, so that it?s no surprise to discover that many gamblers have problems with migraines.

Do your very best to drink plenty of water and electrolyte-laden drinks like Gatorade while you play. Get right up and go outside to reorient your eyes, a la the prior tip. And if your headache keeps on pounding away, see your physician and discover which prescription migraine medication will continue to work best for you.

Gambling at the casino, when done right, is about enjoying a uniquely entertaining experience. Nowhere else on Earth provides patrons with an possibility to laugh, live it up, challenge themselves? and even walk away with more money they arrived with. Needless to say, doing any activity day in and day out is bound to result in a group of small, yet serious, hits to your wellbeing. So when those hits accumulate, casino gamblers tend to be surprised to start to see the toll that their hobby as exerted on the body.

Now that you understand about these five common maladies shared by gambling regulars, do your best to cut them off at the pass using simple and effective precautionary measures.Match the dealer usually refers to a side bet that?s offered by specific blackjack tables. But it?s also a term used for a technique that some losing blackjack players use.

Nearly all this post explains what the match the dealer side bet is, how it operates, and the return percentage you may expect when you make a bet. Toward the end of the post, I explain the match the dealer blackjack strategy and just why you shouldn?t utilize it.

Like most blackjack side bets, the match the dealer isn?t an excellent bet. Nonetheless it?s better than a great many other side bets, so it won?t set you back too much money in the event that you make the match side bet from time to time. Learn everything you need to know concerning the match the dealer side bet in this post.

Match the Dealer Blackjack Side Bet
The first thing I wish to cover is the match the dealer side bet, that is the most common usage for the phrase. Match the dealer is a side bet that you could find with any blackjack style game, including Spanish 21.

The way the Match the Dealer Side Bet Works
At the beginning of every hand, when you?re playing at a blackjack table with the match, the dealer side bet you place a bet for the main blackjack game and have the option to produce a bet on the match the dealer wager. The casino dictates the number of the bet and can be a set amount or within a range of bet amounts.

For Example:
You might be able to make a standard bet for from $10 to $100 on the bottom blackjack game, and the same range of bet amounts applies to the match the dealer side bet. So, in cases like this, you can bet $50 on the base game and $10 on the match the dealer bet, or bet $20 on each option.

When you place a match the dealer side bet, you win when either one of one's first two cards may be the same rank as the dealer card. For example, if the dealer has a seven and one of your cards is a seven, you win the total amount listed in the paytable.

If you have two sevens, you win more, and if one or both of your sevens are the same suit as the dealer?s seven, you win more. Thus, the paytable differs based on how many decks come in play in the blackjack game.

In a double-deck blackjack game, you win 4 to 1 1 for every card matching the dealer card rank and 19 to at least one 1 in the event that you match both rank and suit. However, realize it?s impossible to match both rank and suit for both your cards in a double-deck game because there are only two cards of each rank and suit in the overall game.

When playing a four-deck game, you win 4 to 1 1 for a matched rank and 12 to at least one 1 for a matched rank and suit. A six-deck game pays 4 to at least one 1 for a matched rank and 11 to 1 1 for a matched rank and suit. An eight-deck game pays 3 to at least one 1 for a matched rank and 14 to 1 1 for a matched rank and suit.

Here?s the same information in a table for easy reference:

Amount of Decks Rank Match Suited Rank Match
2 4 19
4 4 12
6 4 11
8 3 14
As I mentioned earlier, the match the dealer side bet is available on some Spanish 21 games. For example, in an eight-deck Spanish 21 game, a ranked match pays 3 to 1 1, and a ranked suited match pays 12 to at least one 1. However, if the game uses 6 decks, a rank match pays 4 to 1 1, and a ranked suited match pays 12 to 1 1.

You can also find match the dealer offered on other blackjack variations that work with a standard deck of 52 cards. In every of these games, the paytable is the same as the table listed above. I?ve never seen a paytable that didn?t match the table in this post. So if you visit a paytable with different payouts, you can quickly see if it?s better or worse.

If the paytable pays more than the numbers listed in this article, it?s an improved paytable, which offers a higher return, and when the numbers are worse, the return is lower.

For example, if you?re playing an eight-deck game and a suited rank match pays 15 to 1 1 rather than 14 to at least one 1, you get an improved return. However, if the suited ranked match pays 13 to 1 1, your return is leaner. You will learn more about the return percentages for the paytable you just read in the next section.

Match the Dealer Return to Player Percentages
The return to player percentage for the match the dealer side bet varies in line with the paytable and number of decks in play. The return percentage may be the amount of money without a doubt on any bet that you win back, on average over time, displayed as a share.

For example, in the event that you make a bet with a 96% return percentage, for each $1,000 in total bets you make, you regain $960. Therefore, you need to compare return percentage numbers for each bet you make, so you make more bets with higher returns. In the long term, making higher return bets gives you a better chance to win and minimises your long-term losses.

Listed below are the return percentages for each combination:

Double-deck game ? 96.7% return
Four deck game ? 95.2% return
Six deck game ? 96% return
Eight deck game ? 96.3% return
Six deck Spanish 21 game ? 97% return
Eight deck Spanish 21 game ? 97% return
The return percentages for the match the dealer side bet aren?t bad when compared to many blackjack side bets, however when you compare them to the return for the base blackjack game, you need to observe that the returns for the side bet are worse than for the base game.

Most casinos have at least one blackjack table with rules where one can get yourself a return over 99%. If you find the proper rules and use basic blackjack strategy, you may get a return of 99.7% or better. I never make the match the dealer side wager because I always get a better overall return from the base blackjack game.

Match the Dealer Blackjack Strategy
You?ll notice that this section isn?t as extensive because the remaining sections in this post. This section isn?t as large because the others because most people looking for information regarding match the blackjack dealer are trying to find details about the medial side bet. You just learned everything you can concerning the match the dealer side wager.

But there?s also a technique that some gamblers use when they play blackjack that I?ve heard called match the dealer. Of course, the match the dealer blackjack strategy is a bad strategy. But I needed to make certain that I touched onto it for the few people who might find this site looking for home elevators the strategy.

The first thing I want to get out of the way is there is not any technique for the match the dealer side bet as described earlier in this post. You could count cards to possibly find a way to change the house edge a little amount privately bet, however, not enough to create it profitable.

Your long-term returns are much higher in the event that you count cards for the regular blackjack game and ignore the match the dealer side bet.

Now, on to the match the dealer strategy I mentioned in the beginning of this section.

The match the dealer blackjack strategy uses exactly the same rules the dealer uses when they play their hand. The rules are basically to hit until you have 17 or more and stand on any total of 17 or higher.

When you play using this strategy, the house edge is greater than utilizing the basic blackjack strategy, which means that your return is lower.

The best strategy you can use is to forget that the match the dealer side bet exists. You get a better return when you don?t utilize the match the dealer side wager, so if you never get this to bet, you?re not likely to lose just as much money.

If you?re considering using the match the dealer blackjack strategy, now you know why it?s an awful strategy.

If you decide to try the match the dealer side bet, your very best it’s likely that at a Spanish 21 table. But understand that the best technique for Spanish 21 is different than the best strategy for a normal blackjack game.

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