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setting : is set in a fictional country during the medieval era, which is plagued by a deadly disease called the "Red Death."

where : The story takes place in the abbey of a prince who has gathered his wealthy and privileged friends to escape the contagion.

when : they made the decision shortly after the Red Death began ravaging the country.

Major Characters:

Prince Prospero: The wealthy and powerful ruler who has gathered his friends to escape the Red Death in his abbey.
The Red Death: A deadly and highly contagious disease that ravages the country outside of Prospero's abbey and eventually makes its way inside.
The Masked Stranger: A mysterious figure who attends Prospero's masquerade ball and is revealed to be the embodiment of the Red Death.

Minor Characters:

The Courtiers: Prospero's friends and companions, who have joined him in the abbey to avoid the plague.
The Abbess: A religious figure who represents the futility of prayer in the face of death.
The Clock: A symbol of the inevitability of death and the passage of time.
The Rooms: The seven rooms of different colors in Prospero's abbey, each representing a stage of life and a reminder of the progression towards death.

The problem in "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe is the outbreak of the deadly disease known as the Red Death, which is spreading rapidly and killing many people. The story follows Prince Prospero and his courtiers, who attempt to escape the plague by sealing themselves inside Prospero's abbey. However, the Red Death eventually finds its way into the abbey and kills everyone inside.

event 1
Prospero's masquerade ball: Prospero holds a grand masquerade ball in his abbey, featuring elaborate decorations and entertainment to distract himself and his courtiers from the horrors of the outside world.

outcome event 1 : The masquerade ball creates a false sense of security and provides a momentary distraction from the inevitability of death.

event 2
The arrival of the masked stranger: A mysterious figure dressed in a costume resembling the Red Death appears at the masquerade ball, causing fear and panic among the guests.

outcome event 2 : The arrival of the masked stranger foreshadows the inevitable arrival of the Red Death and serves as a reminder of the mortality of all the characters.

event 3
The confrontation with the Red Death: After chasing the masked stranger through the seven rooms of the abbey, Prospero discovers that the stranger is actually the embodiment of the Red Death. Prospero and his courtiers all succumb to the disease and die, showing that they could not escape death despite their attempts to do so.

outcome event 3 : The final outcome of the story emphasizes the inevitability of death and the futility of trying to escape it, as all the characters in the story meet the same end regardless of their wealth, power, or status.
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