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Good afternoon. For those of you who do not know me I am Mariah, Summers maid of honor. I had a great time writing up this speech, because I was able to look through old pictures and talk about memories to be able to share some of the best ones with you. I almost forgot how ridiculous Summer and I are when we're together.
For instance we had our own way of communicating with one another. We had this journal that we carried with us everywhere in middle school. We wrote notes in it and when we saw each other in the halls we would pass it back. I swear that thing had every bit of 500 pages filled up and we never ran out of something to write.
But eventually we grew up and we still seemed to bring the fun with us wherever we went. From getting our license and me calling summer one night because I was stuck in my jeep and I needed her to pull me out. To finding dogs on the sides of the road and trying to take them home with us every time (which we still try and do).
I'd have to say that by far, the best stories I have are the simple ones. From the countless number of sleepovers when all we wanted to do was wake up bright and early in the morning just to play guitar hero, to the amount of bacon sandwiches we ate that her dad made us for breakfast everyday. When we would spend hours looking up 50 cent music videos in her moms room and try to learn all of the lyrics in one night.
Caleb: Thank you for Making her so happy
Summer: Thank you for asking me to be a part of this big day with you. Our friendship has grown in the past few years. You are beautiful inside and out, generous, compassionate, forgiving, and selfless. And I have been blessed to have you in my life for so long.
From one BF to the other I will leave you with this blessing:
Be you rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
And, may the joys of today
Be those of tomorrow.
{To Summer and Caleb Bateman}
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Regards; Team

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