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My name is Mellie Jeon, aka M.T (Mel-Tiger) but my family member and my friends call me by Mel. I at age of 27. I'm half Caucasian and half Korean. Due to this my skin is fair and complexion white followed my mum with couple of my height, everyone consider me as a supermodel, it is 164 cm. My hair is actually in wheat of chestnut brown but now I dye it into an ombre hair color of combination of my natural hair color and white-lavender at the bottom of my hair, a length of my hair is 22 inches where it reach my armpit- where it mean is armpit length – with a cute bangs of white-pink with combination of wheat to chestnut brown. My hair type is a Straight; Layered; wavy.
My parents are a workaholic businessman and businesswomen that ran a multinational companies. Basically, they travel a lot. Sometimes, they even left me with my sister who is also a workaholic businesswomen. She in age of 30. She doesn't have any boyfriend but he have one guy that she said that he is hers best friend. Well, I work as a singer. I'm not that famous. Well, I under June companies which it's own by my uncle, who's name Jack Windy. My dad older brother.

And now, I'm sat at my seat (First class). In airplane to fly to Seoul. To meet my mum and my grandma. I promise to her, a week ago that I'll fly to Seoul for celebrating my grandma birthday. My mum said it's will be a party. A huge party than my one. I'm not from RICH family, thou. I'm at the B+ level family. A family is RICH and A+ is RICHEST family. Well, I invite my best friends. She in level of A+ family. And we're really close friend. She seat next to me right now, listen to Big Bang song. She so damn in love with them especially Seungri. Well, she love a guy that younger than her. Her name is Alexa Ashton, I always call her by Al - and now I reading my novels.

I close my novels and starts to spacing out at outside the airplane window. FYI, we just aboard the airplane. Then I takes my sleep. She? Well, she too damn busy with her work about Big Bang. I close my eyes.


"Wake up" someone whisper at my ear. I open my eyes as the person told me so. He smile. A guy lean against a bedroom door. "Let's eat. I make our breakfast" he said as he takes a sit next to me. I keep silent. He then smirks. "What?" he ask. I shook. "Mel, I'm your boyfriend soon to be your husband" he joke. I look away with a blush. "You know, yesterday was amazing" he said. I face him immediately. He starts to laughing like hell. "You silly. We didn't do anything. We went out for a drink and you drunk than me. You said you so hot and I ask Al to come over and she took your clothes off and she even warn me for not touching you" he said pouting. I face him with a stuck out tongue like childish. He laughs.

"Go wear your cloths. I wait you outside" he said. I nods. He walk away and I grab my cloth and wear it on. Wash my face and walk away from the room. I wear a short pant and a big t-shirt that I don't know it's mine or not. He gives me a smile when I take a sit at the dining table. "Here you go" he said as he put down the food in front of me. I smile. "Gomawo" I said happily. He smile nodding. He sit opposite of me. Staring at me while I'm eating. Where it make me so duper uncomfortable.

He then chuckles,
I mad at him,
"Fine, fine" he laughing,
"Yah!" I burst out my anger,
He still laughing,

I pouts as in anger. He face me. Chuckling. "Fine, Mel" he said and walks towards me and hold my hand over. Bring me to living room. I sit beside him. His hand around my neck. I lean over to his shoulder. Romantically! "I always love you, not matter what" he whisper lovely and kiss me at cheek then he kiss me at my lips with full of love.

As he kiss me. The grip of his and his kiss are disappear from my sight. I couldn't feel his touch. And I also wonder who the guy will be. He treat me very royal. I couldn't see his face clearly when he gives me a kiss a while ago.

With that, I open my eyes. Rubbing my eyes to make sure that I'm not that sleepy. I look to my left. Al, she asleep. I sighs. Then I heard an announcement been made by the captain that say, we're going to be landing soon. I take a look at my watch. Daniel Washington watch.
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