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how did goa meet a useless scarred bitch like me again. like actually how though.. she wanted a nice time in the game block man go, but i just fucking FUCKING ruin her fucking nice time in block man go by meeting her at january 30 2021 2 FUCKING YEARS WITH A SON OF A BITCH making her time worse and i know that every time i meet her she will know the horibble shit i did to her and im scared to meet her everytime cuz i made her life in block man go a living hell. i wish she never met me beacause you know? look up. yeah.. just one thing why did she even went along with my fucking shitty ideas and i made her life a living hell, scarred her and i was talking to her so much and i know she REALLY hates me cuz i kept annoying her for fucking 2 years and she had enough so she left block man go for 7 months to heal while im here the mother fucking ass hole ruin her life crying cuz i ruin a girls life and im a total piece of shit i just *sigh* wish she never met me cuz i said fuck you to her that has felt a fucking living fucking hell and i know ive been saying living hell alot. because it IS A LIVING HELL with me cuz she has been traumitized, fucked in game, loved by a fucking PIECE OF SHIT THAT HAS NO POINT TO BE WITH HER PRESENCE which is me and by th way i want you to actually say this FROM THE DEEPEST BOTTOM OF YOUR HEART SAY THIS TO ME IN BLOCK MAN FUCKING GO say this to me (Fuck you i wish you the worst life ever) ok? (i didnt cry a single time writing this cuz i know already:])
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