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Why THE TRICK Won't Always Work For Me, Chapter 3
I was previously probably the most optimistic person you'll ever run into a dozen years ago. The Law of Attraction was always working for me, it was a chain reaction of successes. But even in the past it was not 100% constantly. I think for the reason that my intelligence is above average and I tend to analyze everything that comes my way. I'm a large believer in positive thought as I do not sign up to cable TV due to amount of negativity in the news and such. At least with a newspaper or magazine I could choose to only browse the positive stuff rather than look at whatever is depressing.

I enjoy read stories like the ones in the book" Chicken Soup for the Soul" about how people were in a position to turn things around in their lives. I surround myself with magazines and books about those who have done some amazing things. But on the flip side of the coin I am always asking the question Why. In the book "THE TRICK" we have been taught about attracting positive things in our lives rather than to always ask why but to just trust that the good will happen if we just let them happen. Like attracts Like. Think only positive thoughts and the Universe will bring more positive into our lives.

It is hard for me to trust that God or some Supreme Being has always been there. I try to hypothesize that maybe God is life from another planet that's far more advanced than the world. Frequently I believe that God is someone on the Enterprise in the Star Trek series like the character within the next Generation 'Q'. We are taught that the universe goes on forever but I am constantly convinced that it must end somew here and when so what is beyond the finish.

According to the Secret everything that is around today started out as just a concept. This is true because before anybody sets out to invent some device they need to first have a thought or idea of what they are trying to create. Additional info of the auto didn't just one single day put together a bunch of part and invent the first car without first having a concept of what he wished to accomplish. Same with the lamp. Everything must first start out as a considered some sort.

Look at our world. Back when the dinosaurs roamed it this planet was basically a huge chunk of rock with some forests or jungles onto it. Look at all that is created in the last million years, the final thousand years as well as the final 50 years. All this has come from an enormous chunk of rock. For me, it is hard to believe that we are the only life in the entire Universe. I'm always thinking of this and attempting to come up with explanations.

But on the far side of the coin I see so much good coming to those who rely upon "The Secret". They have confidence in regulations of Attraction and look where they're today. Everybody now includes a book out that's basically "The Secret". Joe Vitalle has "The Attractor Factor", my partner just got me a video last night about this same sort of stuff by Deepak Chopra with Olivia Newton John. If I can just stop trying to get these answers, stop analyzing everything and trust that when I focus on positive thoughts that the universe will reward me with more positive in my own life then I too will one day be there.

Why does everything need to drop to knowing exactly why things work the way they do? Why can't I simply trust in a higher power and put my faith in God and The Universe? I cannot see air, Gravity or electricity but I understand they exist certainly why can't I trust in an increased supreme being without all of this solid proof of its existence? Everything is a chain reaction the way when one bad thing starts to occur and several other similar bad things also are attracted the same has been the good. It rarely happens with only 1 good thing happening at the same time.

We all should try to learn how to rely upon the things just like the Law of Attraction in our lives. We won't need to try to analyze everything because all this does is develop a lot of doubts and prevent us from becoming everything that others are becoming. I've tried way too many things with the analysis and doubts its time that I try things just how that everybody else is doing and let the Law of Attraction enter into my life.

Jeffrey has over 2 decades experience available world. When website writes he blends his unique wit and humour into every article which if you rread his blog you can view all of his many works.
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