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Acc# 8773100782319814
Callback# (772) 337-3140

Joy spoke to: John
Issue: wants to have a tech to install the internet
Actions Taken: informewd the cx of the charge for the tech // ask sup for assistance, set appointment on 5/1 at 10-12 // EOC


Acc# 8299700051666277
Callback# (202) 957-5513


Joy spoke to: Margaret
Issue: having issues with receiving calls thru xfinity mobile
Actions Taken: informed the cx to be transferred to mobile care


Acc# 8993112200335672
Callback# (330) 807-3050

Joy spoke to: Ralph
Issue: wants to activate landline
Actions Taken: Check the status of the TN // registered to the modem // Run ITG // sent signals // cx can receive calls but ringing to the modem from verizon // checked from port in dept for the status of the TN // active the TN // tried calling the number // can received calls // issue resolved // EOC



Acc# 8993211210120791
Callback# (304) 374-9930

Joy spoke to: Harriet
Issue: cannot able to access the weather channel
Actions Taken: informed the cx that the weather channel is not included in her package // cx wnated it back to her package but cx didn't make changes, informed the cx that in every year we do have changes of the channel line up // cx wanted to really get the weather channel, informed the cx that we might need to upgarde but cx don't want additional charge // cx wanted a callback about the channel already added in the account // informed the cx that without upgarding her package we cannot still add it to her services // endorsed to support


Acc# 8993212990594908
Callback# (412) 491-1040

Joy spoke to: Olivia
Issue: transferring service
Actions Taken: connected to bulk dept to reinstate the account


Acc# 8299400023659621
Callback# (667) 303-0921

Joy spoke to: Taylar
Issue: waiting for the tech
Actions Taken: as per hcecking, we cannot do tech go back since there is no service in the account // connected to sales to r einstate the account // EOC


Acc# 8499100530981140
Callback# (267) 581-0798

Joy spoke to: Fatima
Issue: have the tech on her place and needs some assistance
Actions Taken: as per cx, tech got an agant already // EOC


Acc# 8499051240096762
Callback# (215) 806-4374

Joy spoke to: Robert
Issue: wants to complete the disconnection of service today
Actions Taken: as per checking, the cx already had a pending order for disconnection // completed the order and confirmed to the cx that the order is completed and the service is disconnected // EOC


Acc# 8499101710788917
Callback# (609) 635-6439


Joy spoke to: Malcom
Issue: wants to activate modem
Actions Taken: completed the pending order on the account // cx activated thru the app/ cx unable to change the wifi name and password // run ITG // reset wifi name and password // cx can connect now // cx connected the flex but unable to check if it is correct input // cx will look for the tv remote and will callback if needs help // issue resolved // EOC

Bigger prints

Acc# 8773201100608258
Callback# (917) 710-2529

Joy spoke to: Yvonne
Issue: modem offline
Actions Taken: Run ITG // modem offline // sent signlas // modem still offline // routed to tech // set appointment on 5/1 at 8-10, waitlist on 4/30 at 7:30-9am // EOC


Acc# 8993210120121832
Callback# 4126133258 // 7246932856

Joy spoke to: Beverly
Issue: cable not working
Actions Taken: Run ITg no picture // restarted the cable // sent signals // cable not responding // cable processing signals // routed to SOAK // advice the cx // endorsed to support // EOC


Acc# 8499050830050114
Callback# (856) 678-9567

Joy spoke to: Judith
Issue: wants to lower done bills, looking to downgrade the package
Actions Taken: connected to retention team // EOC


Acc# 8299600670039742
Callback# (540) 405-3247

Joy spoke to: Rusty
Issue: wants to tranfer phone but the phone is locked
Actions Taken: connected to mobile care

2427 south hudson pa 19148


Acc# 8499100022922529
Callback# (215) 467-2999

Joy spoke to: louis
Issue: calling to activate replacement cable
Actions Taken: Run ITG // checked connections // sent signals // cx can see pictures now to the tv but remote not working // cx can use the channel up nad down but changing the channel very slowly // shipped new remotes // shipping waived // issue resolved // EOC


Acc# 8773103761746395
Callback# (978) 399-9651


Joy spoke to: Bridget
Issue: internet activation
Actions Taken: Run ITG // reset wifi name and password // provisioned device // cx can connect and surf the internet // isue resolved // EOC

Acc# 8499200074150068
Callback# (215) 439-7035

Joy spoke to: unverified
Issue: customer requested for Spanish representative
Actions Taken: connected to Spanish CDV technical

tomorrow 1:30 afternoon 4/30 callback

Acc# 8773102230709463
Callback# (480) 294-0569

Joy spoke to: Erik
Issue: no signal on the tv
Actions Taken: check connections // cx can see welcome scren but the tv cutting in and out from welcome screen to no signal // cx choose to swap the cable with new one // shipped cable // EOC


Acc# 8773201250126960
Callback# (603) 765-6515

Joy spoke to: Michael
Issue: had a tech but wasn't able to resolve the issue // as per technician, he don't have teh cable required so the cx called in to have a box shipped to him
Actions Taken: processed the shipment // set on priority, charge waived // EOC


Acc# 8993111440499280
Callback# (717) 962-1065


Joy spoke to: Jermaine
Issue: internet activation
Actions Taken: Run ITG // modem offline // tried another outher outlet // cx got online light // reset wifi name and password // provisioned device // cx can connect and surf the internet // Issue resolved


Acc# 8499050700152800
Callback# (609) 405-2838

Joy spoke to: john
Issue: cable activation
Actions Taken: checked connection // run ITG // restarted the flex // cx followed on screen activation // cx can see apps now // issue resolved


Acc# 8773105060044075
Callback# (508) 292-4562

Joy spoke to: Vincent
Issue: cable activation
Actions Taken: cx seeing no signal // helped the cx to correct the input // cx seeing channels now // cx wants to remove closed captioning but unable to read the screen // tried using voice control but not working, routing to different page // offered tech, cx refused // ask the cx that he needs assistance for this physically, cx will callback // EOC


Acc# 8299200061471255
Callback# (302) 841-5389

Joy spoke to: Velvet
Issue: wants to apply the acp on her account
Actions Taken: Connected to ACP
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Regards; Team

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