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How to Use Google My Business Categories for Local SEO
In today's digital age, local search engine optimization (SEO) has become an essential aspect of any business's online marketing strategy. With the rise of mobile devices and voice search, more and more people are using search engines to find local businesses. Google My Business is a free tool that can help businesses improve their local SEO and attract more customers. One of the most important features of Google My Business is the ability to choose and optimize your business categories. In this article, we will discuss how to use Google My Business categories for local SEO.

Section 1: Understanding Google My Business Categories

Google My Business categories are predefined labels that describe the type of business you operate. These categories help Google understand what your business is all about and match it with relevant search queries. When you create a Google My Business listing, you can choose up to ten categories that best represent your business. It's essential to choose the right categories because they can affect how your business appears in search results.

Google has a vast database of categories that cover almost every type of business. Some categories are broad, while others are specific. For example, if you run a restaurant, you can choose a broad category like "restaurant" or a more specific category like "Italian restaurant." It's crucial to choose the most relevant categories that accurately describe your business.

Section 2: Choosing the Right Categories

Choosing the right categories is crucial for local SEO. The categories you choose will determine how your business appears in search results and how likely it is to be found by potential customers. Here are some tips for choosing the right categories:

1. Be specific: Choose categories that accurately describe your business. Avoid broad categories that don't provide much information about your business.

2. Use all ten categories: Google allows you to choose up to ten categories for your business. Use all ten categories to provide as much information as possible about your business.

3. : Look at the categories your competitors are using and choose categories that differentiate your business from theirs.

4. Use Google's suggestions: When you start typing in a category, Google will suggest related categories. Use these suggestions to find relevant categories for your business.

Section 3: Optimizing Your Categories

Once you've chosen your categories, it's essential to optimize them for local SEO. Here are some tips for optimizing your categories:

1. Use primary and secondary categories: Google allows you to choose a primary category and up to nine secondary categories. Choose a primary category that best represents your business and use secondary categories to provide more information.

2. Include location-based keywords: If your business serves a specific area, include location-based keywords in your categories. For example, if you run a plumbing business in New York City, include "New York City" in your categories.

3. Avoid keyword stuffing: Don't include irrelevant keywords in your categories to try and rank for more search terms. This can hurt your local SEO and make it harder for potential customers to find your business.

4. Update your categories regularly: If your business changes or expands, update your categories to reflect these changes.

Section 4: Monitoring Your Categories

Once you've chosen and optimized your categories, it's essential to monitor them regularly. Here are some tips for monitoring your categories:

1. Check your category rankings: Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor how your business ranks for different categories.

2. Monitor your competitors' categories: Keep an eye on the categories your competitors are using and adjust your categories if necessary.

3. Respond to customer feedback: If customers suggest new categories for your business, consider adding them.

4. Keep up with Google's updates: Google regularly updates its categories, so it's essential to keep up with these changes and adjust your categories accordingly.


Google My Business categories are a powerful tool for local SEO. By choosing and optimizing your categories, you can improve your business's visibility in search results and attract more customers. Remember to choose relevant categories, optimize them with location-based keywords, and monitor them regularly to stay ahead of the competition. With these tips, you can use Google My Business categories to take your local SEO to the next level.

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