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B. Social Skills

07. Social Perception
Being aware of the needs and feelings of others.
08. Independent Work
Working with little or no supervision.
09. Team Work
Working cooperatively with others.
10. Working with the Public
Representing the organization and communicating with persons outside the organization.
11. Assisting/Caring
Providing assistance, care, or service to others.
12. Performing
Interacting with others to entertain or sell.
13. Instructing
Teaching, guiding, or motivating others.
C. Movement Skills

14. Finger Dexterity
Coordinating movements of the fingers.
15. Manual Dexterity
Coordinating movements of the hand, arm and hand, or both hands.
16. Motor Coordination
Coordinating movements of two or more limbs together.
17. Stamina
Exerting one's self physically over long periods of time.
18. Strength
Exerting force repeatedly or continuously.
19. Rapid Response
Moving quickly and correctly between two different activities.
D. Perceptual Skills

20. Sound Discrimination
Detecting the difference between sounds, pitch, or loudness.
21. Shape Discrimination
Detecting the difference between sizes, shapes, and mass.
22. Color Vision
Detecting the difference between colors, shades, and brightness.
23. Depth Perception
Detecting the distance between objects.
24. Visualizing
Forming a mental image of how something will look after it is moved or when its parts are moved.
25. Creativity
Originating, designing, or creating new ideas, relationships, systems, artworks, or products.
26. Aesthetic Judgment
Recognizing artistic or natural beauty.
E. Situational Skills

27. Stress Tolerance
Dealing calmly and effectively with tense situations.
28. Hazards Tolerance
Working in potentially dangerous conditions.
29. Discomfort Tolerance
Working in unpleasant environmental conditions.
30. Repetition Tolerance
Continuously performing the same action.
F. Processing Skills

31. Following Procedures
Correctly following a given set of rules to complete a task.
32. Categorizing
Identifying items by similarities.
33. Record Keeping
Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information.
34. Attention to Detail
Checking each item or task carefully.
35. Verifying Information
Evaluating information against a set of standards or ensuring that it is correct.
G. Technical Skills

36. Installing
Setting up equipment, machines, or structures to meet specifications.
37. Inspecting
Checking and evaluating equipment, structures, and products.
38. Repairing
Fixing, servicing, aligning, setting up, and adjusting machines, devices, moving parts, and equipment.
39. Troubleshooting
Determining the cause and solution of an error.
40. Controlling Machines
Using control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines.
41. Operating Vehicles
Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment.
42. Using Computers
Working with computers by using programs or entering data.
43. Programming
Writing computer programs.
44. Technology Design
Developing or adapting equipment and technology.
H. Math And Science Skills

45. Calculating
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
46. Estimating
Approximating distances, quantities, time, costs, resources, or materials.
47. Budgeting
Allocating financial resources.
48. Math Reasoning
Using mathematical methods to understand and solve problems.
49. Science Reasoning
Using scientific methods to understand and solve problems.
I. Communication Skills

50. Reading
Understanding information and ideas presented in writing.
51. Writing
Communicating information and ideas in writing.
52. Speaking
Talking to others to convey information.
53. Listening
Listening to what people are saying and asking questions.
54. Concentrating
Focusing on a task without interruption.
J. Problem Solving Skills

55. Information Gathering
Locating and identifying information.
56. Evaluating
Judging the success or progress of an idea, work activity, or project.
57. Advising
Providing consultation or advice to others.
58. Synthesizing
Reorganizing information to get a better approach to problems.
59. Analyzing
Examining information and using logic to solve problems.
60. Planning
Developing approaches for implementing ideas.
61. Active Learning
Working with new material or information to understand the implications.
62. Using Knowledge
Using work-related experience.
K. Management Skills

63. Safety of Others
Managing the work environment to provide for the health and safety of others.
64. Persuading
Convincing others to approach things differently.
65. Negotiating
Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.
66. Confronting
Communicating a position opposed to by others.
67. Initiating
Taking on new responsibilities and challenges.
68. Coordinating
Organizing people and activities to complete tasks.
69. Directing/Leading
Providing leadership and direction to others.
70. Decision Making
Understanding information and reaching a conclusion to solve problems.
71. Managing Resources
Determining the best use of human resources, finances, and material resources.
72. Impact of Responsibility
Accepting the long-term outcome of decisions.
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