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A Naughty Afternoon in the Shower
I woke up feeling restless, like something was missing. sissy story porn had been living with my nephew for a few months now, and things had gotten quite comfortable between us. We would hang out after school and watch movies together or do our homework side by side. But today felt different.

My mind kept thinking of our last encounter in the shower when he innocently asked me to show him how to shave his face properly. I knew that it wasn't a good idea, but at the same time there was something about being so close to him that made me feel alive and excited all over again. As we were standing there, I could almost see his heart pounding through his shirt as he stared into my eyes with an intensity that only teenagers can really understand.

literotica 's when it happened - I just couldn't resist anymore and my lips met his in a passionate kiss while water ran down our faces like tears. The sensation of the warm water against skin combined with the heat from our bodies made me lose control completely as we explored each other's curves and tasted each other's mouths hungrily. His hands roamed around my body freely while mine caressed every part of him until finally one thing led to another...

I'm not sure how long we stayed under the shower but eventually we both came back to reality realizing what we just did was wrong on so many levels! We quickly got dressed trying not to look at each other in embarrassment and shame before heading back downstairs like nothing ever happened - although deep inside both of us knew this wouldn't be forgotten easily!

The rest of the day went by quietly as if nothing special had happened between us but images from earlier kept playing on repeat in my head making it hard for me concentrate on anything else than what we did behind closed doors.. Blowjob porn videos were running through my mind making me even more aroused than before which lead me into temptation once again! When everyone left home later that evening I sneaked off upstairs eager to touch myself remembering every naughty detail until finally reaching orgasmic pleasure....

Knowing exactly what I needed right now, I glanced around smiling mischievously as nobody was watching before slowly undressing myself while listening intently for any sound coming from downstairs... When all seems silent enough, I opened the bathroom door letting steam fill up the room invitingly while thoughts about earlier filled my head once again along with some new naughty fantasies involving blowjob porn scenes! Being alone at home has its perks after all!

With curiosity taking over, I stepped into hot water letting myself relax completely enjoying every single second until suddenly hearing someone coming up stairs - It was him!!! Before panicking completely though, a naughty thought crossed my mind bringing smile onto my face ... Maybe this is fate giving us another chance??!!

Our eyes locked for few seconds without saying anything before finally he joined me under shower embracing passionately allowing ourselves get lost in waves of pleasure once more until eventually everything became too much for both of us causing us scream out loud while reaching final peak together fully satisfied yet still wanting more!

After stepping out of shower we hugged tightly knowing deep inside neither one wanted this moment end but unfortunately reality called knocking at door reminding us why this shouldn’t have ever happened… Although disappointed somewhat by having no choice left apart from leaving things just like they were before without anyone ever finding out about our little secret affair.... We still smiled looking away full contentment knowing if given another chance ....we wouldn’t hesitate doing it all over again !

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