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A Magical Introduction To Public Relations
If you were any place in the civilized world toward the finish of June 2006 you almost certainly witnessed public relations working its magic. While the release date of the ultimate installment in the series of Harry Potter novels wouldn't normally be announced for six months, something extraordinary happened. On a British talk show, author, J.K. Rowling, mentioned that two familiar characters would meet their doom in book number seven, and that one of these may be young Mr. Potter himself.

get more info set an avalanche of press coverage into motion. All of the major television networks and their web and cable counterparts covered the story. The New York Times gave the story a prominent spot in its pages and on its website. Even the venerable Wall Street Journal gave it a mention. The story also graced the pages of newspapers around the world because of news wire services like the Associated Press and Reuters.

The trade journal Ad Age covered the story and the story behind the story- the reason why this announcement is this type of big deal.

When you look under the surface you note that it's not only in Ms. Rowling's interest to keep her work in the general public eye, it really is significant to the book's publisher, the producer and distributor of the favorite Harry Potter movies, and a many companies that make and sell Potter paraphernalia. Since the Harry Potter brand has already reached a fanatical popularity with children and adults everywhere additionally it is in the interest of television producers, newspaper editors and magazine publishers to cover this announcement. Why? Only reference to the boy wizard's name gets the moment attention of viewers and readers that is good for the organization covering the story and great for those who advertise with them.

"The Harry Potter phenomenon started with a unique product: an engaging, imaginative novel that bridged generations by captivating children and adults alike. Favorable media coverage stemming from the first book made Harry right into a 'star' that became as newsworthy as anyone on the Hollywood A-list," says Michael Drabenstott, somebody in SPARK a PR and marketing firm located in suburban Philadelphia. "The general public wanted to find out about Harry and journalists willingly obliged. Each successive book stimulated additional excitement and buzz. When people you trust and admire talk about a product, you are more prone to buy it which means you, too, can become part of the conversation," Drabenstott concludes.

This can be the win-win-win situation created by the unique type of marketing created through PR. Individuals delivering the message win by obtaining the word out about their work, those delivering the message win because it draws the public with their information outlet, and the consumers win because they get access to the information that they crave. This can be the magic of public relations.

Gaetan T. Giannini Jr. is Chairman of the business enterprise, Management & Economics department at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pa. He is also President and Chief Consultant of Giannini Marketing. A firm that focuses on marketing technical and industrial products, as well as products sold into the affluent marketplace.
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