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bio 151 11/2/15
crossing over in meiosis I recombines parts of homologous chromosomes
-synapsis of homologs makes TETRAD
-one chromatid can recombine with another at CHIASMA
-adds more variability in offspring
crossing over creates non-parental chromosomes and genotypes
Location of crossing over usually precisely matched between homologs
-uses base pairing between identical or nearly identical regions
lets us know how far apart genes are (the distance between genes on chromosome determines the frequency with which they recombine)
-rarely occurs between adjacent genes
-commonly occurs between distant genes
if you are on the same chromosome then you have one probability bigger than another
if you are on different ones then you have equal probability
messing with Mendel
5) what if genes are on a sex chromosome
-sex often genetically controlled by presence of absences of specific sex chromosomes
-in one sex the two chromosomes are not homologous, but carry many different genes
-even non-homologous sex chromosomes are paired during meiosis
Autosomes: non-sex chromosomes
Sex chromosomes: in one sex have two different, partially or wholly non-homologous sex chromosomes.
birds are opposite (female have two different sex chromosomes (ZW) and males have two that are the same (ZZ)) (see slide 11 to see more)
genes on a sex chromosome= sex linked
-many x-linked genes are not on y-chromosome, and vise versa.
-males HEMIZYGOUS for allele of that gene
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