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Grow More Food in Your Organic Garden - Seven Fast Ways
To grow more vegetables faster in your natural garden, you will want to pre-germinate the seeds? Here are several new organic gardening tips. We can all explore them - inside our kitchens.

Why should we pre-germinate the seeds before planting them? Because we can make sure that every seed we plant is likely to appear. Gardeners need that confidence if they are using seed that is clearly a couple of years old or precious seed they can't risk. In addition, it saves lots of wasted amount of time in the garden planting seeds which will never come up.

And the faster we germinate our seed, all else being equal, the faster we'll get crops to consume.

A female in Switzerland - that includes a very short growing season - wished to grow organic tomatoes very early. So she soaked some tomato seeds in water with a few drops of valerian extract. Simply, she took some valerian blossoms, soaked them and strained off the juice.

She found that the seed drenched in valerian extract sprouted a complete week before her other seeds. But was it the water or the valerian? she asked. She'd be the first to admit this was not a controlled experiment. Soak seed beforehand and it'll appear faster than unsoaked seed. Having said that, growth stimulators can have a very significant influence on seed germination.

Why not explore these simple suggestions to get your seeds off to a quicker start and grow more food - faster?

Quick and easy experiments in plant propagation

Lettuce seed is thought to germinate more quickly in warm weather if soaked at 50F overnight in bleach (10% available chlorine). Why? It softens the seed coating It’s likely that, it'll get other notoriously 'slow' seeds like parsley off to a fast start too.

Soak the seed for 12 hours within an infusion of nettle, kelp or chamomile. Kelp infusion is also proven fungicide. For example, it can help to deter damping off disease in seedlings. So it is a good idea to feed and spray seedlings with a dilute kelp solution until they turn into sturdy plants.

- Strangely enough, check here is said to help seeds germinate faster, perhaps as a result of tannin content. Logically, therefore, oak leaves will make a good substitute.

Find a fast seed starter at a pharmacy

- Some experiments have suggested that commercial vitamins like C and B complex enhance seed germination, although to use synthetic preparations is hardly organic.

- Aspirin has also been used successfully. Simply dissolve 100mg of crushed aspirin in one pint of water plus a little alcohol like cheap vodka to ensure the aspirin dissolves.

Indeed, might an infusion of willow bark, that aspirin could be derived, serve equally well? (That's certainly organic!)

- Many essential oils have been recommended to germinate seeds faster. Try a 1% solution of mint, lavender, rosemary, tea tree or any other herbal preparation available at an aromatherapy or health food outlet.

Regardless, it's worth buying essential oils for the garden, as they're a gift to natural pest control. They will drive off most bugs that are attracted by smell. An inspired tip is to steep kitchen paper in essential oils, strap the paper to sticks and post them about your vegetable beds.

Plant physiologists at Hokkaido University in Japan found that seeds germinate faster if subjected to intense vibration. The jiggling about of starch cells in the grains causes the release of ethylene, which boosts germination, they suspect. So... should we put our soaked seeds in our pocket, when jogging?

In days gone by, gardeners would carry large seeds within their purse. The seeds surfaces were abraded by the coins.

What other gardening delights might we enjoy, even over winter? Simply take a trip around the shelves of pharmacy and health food stores. You might stumble on some elusive elixir, not yet recognized to horticulture, that may trick your seeds into earlier life - and faster food production at home garden.

Dr John Yeoman PhD is chairman of the guts for natural gardening ideas [], the Gardening Guild. You will discover a wealth of original plans to obtain additional fun, food and profit in your garden with less expense and effort in his practical book Lazy Secrets for Natural Gardening Success.

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