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A good CV should be clear, simple and easy to understand. Here are four of the most popular CV formats and advice on when to use them:


This is the traditional CV format and is extremely popular because it allows employers to see all the posts you have held in order. It provides flexibility because it works in almost all circumstances, the exception being if you have blocks of unemployment that are difficult to account for. This type of format is particularly useful when you have a solid and complete working history spanning five years or more.


The functional CV is designed to describe your key skills rather than the jobs you have done. The functional CV format is typically used by people who have extensive gaps in their employment history, or have often changed jobs. It also suits those who want to go in a different direction work-wise and change industry. You might choose it if you want to highlight skills learned early in your career, points that might get missed if a chronological format is used. It is also appropriate if you have done little or no actual work, for example, if you are one of the current years graduates.

Because this format is often used to cover a patchy employment history, some interviewers may view such CVs with suspicion, so be very careful should you choose it.


An alternative to the functional CV is to use an achievement-based resume highlighting key achievements in place of skills. This can help show your suitability for a role if you lack direct experience of it.


With the explosion of digital and creative industries over recent years, CV formats have become more and more imaginative. You can present information through graphics, which can be more visually engaging and turn out to be an unusual but winning option. This will definitely make you stand out from the crowd. It also demonstrates design skills and creativity in a way that a potential employer can see and feel. However, a highly creative CV format is only really appropriate for creative and artistic sectors, such as those involving promoting products, though it would also work for the media too.

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CV formats

There are several different formats including:


– very common

– gives 30Yanıt
in most cases

– perhaps inappropriate if there are periods where 31................. is not easy to explain


– appropriate for people who intend to follow a new 32 ……………… in their career

– suits recent graduates

– can create 33 ……………… in recruiters, so is best used with caution


– focuses mainly on what the person has achieved

– may be advisable if the person has no 34 ……………… in the area


– enables use of attractive 35 ……………… to present data

– suits applications for jobs in marketing or 36 ………………
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