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First Mailing. Donald From

Hi Pretty,
I'm Klaus Moschny like you already know, 47 years old, originally from Germany but live in TX Austin, I'm single with my son he is 6yrs i lost his mother in a car accident since 2 years, I like hiking, camping, fishing, nature, walks on the beach, sunsets, movies, music, cooking, and quiet nights at home. I'm an engineer and we deal on refining of crude oil I travel to Europe, West Africa, Australia-New Zealand and Asia on work-related assignments. I am a God fearing man, with good morals and values am honest I do not cheat or play games, I can't stand seeing some one been intentionally hurt I have had my heart broken before and will never pass that kind of pain to a woman I'm a simple man with a big heart you will find that i am very caring, understanding, patient,loving and kind. I am full of passion and romance, and have an endless amount of love to offer the right woman i'm searching to find that one woman that will take my breath away, the one woman that
I can never stop thinking of for any reason, the one woman that the
mere whisper of her name brings a smile to my face. She must be not only my best friend, but also my soul mate. My commitment to this woman will be till the end of time when i find her asking her hand in marriage is all i ever hope for, I continue this way, I must tell you
that I am also old fashioned in my beliefs and would defend and
protect this woman at any cost for any reason. I believe that a woman should be able to look up to her man for protection, for well being, and for strength. I intend on fulfilling these roles without failure, I will be this one special woman's knight in shinning armor. This special woman will know that I am deeply in love with her, for I am the type of man that showers her in my love, Whether it be flowers, gifts of candy or jewelry, or just a simple "I
love you" and a kiss, she will always know she is loved and
appreciated. I hope to have caught your attention with this enough message, and would like to discover who you really are, and how much love you have inside of your heart after been heart broken, For you could be the woman i am searching for. The only person that truly knows that answer is God himself. I am willing to take the chance and see, if you are willingl to get along. Someone once told me "It is better to have lived life and regret what we have done, than to never have lived and regret doing nothing." believe this to be true. If you decide that you are interested in discovering the real me and seeing if I'm the man you are searching for, please write back to me. I will patiently be awaiting your
Message. I am looking forward to your message.


Second Mailing....
You have definitely caught my interest as I am very impressed by what you wrote, my wife died as I told you, we were married, and thankfully, I got a wonderful boy out of it before she died on motor accident. I have pretty much raised him all by myself and i have the full custody to my son, I have done the majority of the work as a parent ever she past. But hey, that all the past.l

I am very active and love sports. I try and walk regularly and have
played most sports. I love hockey and watch it during the season. You
can call me fanatical!! I am passionate, loving, caring, kind, honest, affectionate, feel that communication is very important. and want someone to bring out all my good qualities and have patience with them not so good stuff. I am not selfish minded by any means but do love to
be spoiled and treated right. I think I deserve it. But in return, I
give loyalty, love compassion, respect and total support to my
partner. I have been used and hurt in the past but that is the
past. I try and do what I can to make people happy and will always put someone ahead of myself. I like myself and can support myself and my son. I am not looking for a mother figure, nanny or whatever else but the love of my life, my friend, my companion, my lover. Is this what you are looking for?

third Mailing..........
Getting to Know You More Better

I feel so Overwhelmed writing to an Effulgent creature of God's Glory
radiating Gorgeously in heavenly beauty, the thought of you provokes
instant smile in my heart,it gives memories that would stay in me,not
for a short while but a life time. Perhaps I'm not here to flatter
you,i have a Goal that I'm looking forward to achieve.But let me
Quickly say this,Serving God with smile in our face is the best thing
we can do to ourselves. Well i should tell a few things about
myself...I'm single and looking for a loving an caring lady who must
be God fearing.I'm Level headed with great sense of Humor and God
fearing.I'm not the best in the world but the last time i checked on
myself,I'm nice..Lol.

I'm a man of Noble Orientation,Classical Charisma,Polished Countenance
whose bossy mass within is Loaded with certain skills and
competencies. Obviously,I;m a serious Radical with Flexible
Anthropocentric Principles,well built anatomically in terms of
intellectual expressively,I'm a Pure Breed of God whose word delivers
kindness,hope and an Unquenchable love.

My Best Scripture is Psalm 103:2 that goes thus"Bless the Lord,O'MY
Soul and forget not all His Benefits". Its quite Unfortunate that lot
of people lives as a complete strangers to themselves.we should be
careful of those who stand aloof to greet each venture with reproofs.I
like people with an inbuilt drive or mechanism to be
successful,resourceful and result oriented. people with an
identity,inner courage and strength. Also,i detest liars,i do not
entertain such a person in my space.Life is Ephemeral and lots only
worth living when one is with right person at the right time and in
the right place. A lot of people abuse love and Relationships due to
lack of wisdom,attachment behavior towards custom,tradition and
Racism, True love don't I'e,it knows no Boundary,its like a seed that
Germinates and once it is planted,it extends it branches beyond a
limit of attachment behavior towards racism,Custom and
tradition.Though its hard to find.Remember God gave us
his Only Begotten son.

I Admire a lady that is Excellently saturated with heavenly beauty
when she does no evil,takes
responsibilities,safelytrusted,liberal.stretches her hand to the
poor,reaches hands to the needy,enterprising,hard working,not a
Goal-getter,opens her mouth in wisdom and her tongue is the laws of
Kindness"Proverb 31:26,Fears the lord".proverb 31:30,posses antenna to
detect stops and an inbuilt divine Di valency to checkmate it,makes
her husband feel so special for having her.This strengthens him not to
give up in the day of Adversary,come rain come sunshine.

My instinct tells me you are excellently saturated,you wroth
Celebrating,caring for and he that fine th you finds a Good treasure
that worths dieing for.The Thought of you paints a smile that is
Resistant to changes in my heart.i wouldn't mind what it would cost me
to know you better and create a right relationship with you as though
i do not know your present status. I will be looking forward to read
your warmth response soonest.

Best Regards,
Fourth Mialing.
Thinking of You

Hi Sweetie,
Thank you for all your kind and caring words. You have touched me in
more ways than you will ever know. It is so nice to talk to someone
who seems like such a gentlewoman.You make my heart flutter and you
bring butterflies to my stomach. What a feeling... I haven't felt in a
long time. As i sit here tonight talking to you our connection is so gives me a lot of time to think about you....wonder what
you are doing? what you are thinking? how much will you grow to love
me? how much your kiss will mean.... i love the first kiss, it makes
me feel all warm inside just thinking about how good it will feel to
have you around me. to have someone know i exist. someone to cuddle
with on the couch & watch a good movie, someone to hold when i am
feeling gloomy...most of all to feel your love pouring in to me
I just got home a little bit ago from working out and my friend has to
use the computer for some work research so I will try get on as soon
as possible. I am thinking of you and will speak with you soon.
Just Me
I don't know where these feelings are coming from. I am never like
this and I never let myself get attached to someone so quickly
especially when I have never met them. The tears just started rolling
down my face like I had lost my best friend. The words you say to me
just make my heart melt and smile at the same time. Like I told you I
let my guard down sooner than I thought would be possible. I do not
want get hurt again or be cheated on. You have to promise me that. I
never really speak of this but my dad was verbally and physically
abusive toward my mom and I can remember being about 8 yrs old and
watching my dad pull my mom by her hair across the yard and seeing my
mom come home with a black eye,It's awful and i never can do that to
any woman and this are the way most women are treated by we men I
still have bad thoughts about those days. It took me a long time to
forgive my dad for his actions but I have forgiven him. I also went
through a bad
experience when my ex abandon me and a 5month old baby for another
man. So I have had some really shitty(excuse my language) experiences
in my life and only pray and hope I never have to experience anything
like that ever again. Mostly for my son,has never been exposed to
abuse and hope he will never have to see it or have it happen to him.
He is the best thing that God has given me. I am so blessed that he
chosen me to care for him in this life. She has made me the person I
am today. So with that being said I hope you realize and understand
that I am a very sensitive person and if I do let my guard up now and
then you know why. I do not want to put myself in any type of
situation where I would get hurt and not be able to trust. Well I am
going to bed now and I will talk to later.
Sending hugs and kisses XOXOXO!!!
My Sweet,
WOW... I don't know what to say. Speechless(that's a first). Ha! Ha! I
also had never in my life or wildest dreams expect to find someone who
can speak such kind words and praise me the way that you do and it is
greatly appreciated. You make me feel so good inside. It's a feeling I
can't explain but somehow it feels right?! I just wish we had a better
connection so I can get to know you better. I know how you feel about
me but want to know other things about you as well.

I never thought that a person could get so attached to someone this
way. I will be honest and say my guard are down and my heart is
expanding and I know once I get to know you better it will be worth
it. I have been staying up later than normal too just so I can get to
know you better. I wish you could be as open and confident as i say I
Love You and I know in time you will say it, but I have only spoken
with you for some days now and it's just a little too soon for me to
think of falling for you but i am, I hope you understand. I definately
have VERY strong feelings for you and I hope for now you will accept
my love with hugs and kisses.? I am a true Aquarius (Aquarius has
ideas to take humanity out of its restriction to the social order into
a wider sense of community. Values freedom and equality, encouraging
others to claim what it considers is their due.). I don't know how
much I believe in Astrological signs but from what I am read my Sun
zodiac mix
with any of the sign, so it is stating that we have high
compatibility(how ironic).
Girl i must confess that you give me goosebumps and a feeling that I
have truly never felt before. I pray for us that we will be compatible
and that we can enjoy a happy life together. I have to go to bed now
so I am looking forward to the next time we talk. Just let me know too
if you are too tired to talk I will understand. I am not gonna give up
on us so don't let that worry you if you don't get to talk to me on a
given day. Your health is important to me and if you don't get enought
sleep you are going to get run down and sick. Me too if I don't get my
butt to bed.
You are in my thoughts daily,
Hugs and Kisses,
Hi Beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you
and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want
everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since we have been
communicating in fews days now, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have
not come down yet.I tell you this day, you are the most beautiful
person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each
passing day. I love everything about you, more to be about us. You do
somethings no one has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've
ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling
of being in love with some one like you cos you pay so much attention
to every thing i say to you.
I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life,
my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that
we've been together, I have grown so much and I can't wait to see what
the future holds for us. I want to love you like no one as ever loved
you and care for you like no one as ever does, babe with all my heart
and soul, always and forever!
Thinking Of You Always,
To My Sweet Knight..
My Lovely Crystal,
Never in a million years did I ever think that I could find the kind
of happiness and love that I have found with you. You are a dream come
true and I'm really glad that fate brought us together. It wasn't
difficult going at first day, My sweet knight, I love you with all my
heart, body, and soul. When ever i talk you seem to make all my
worries disappear. I have never had a woman, such as you, make me feel
so loved, needed, and oh so happy! I know with you anything and
everything is possible and my dreams - our dreams, are destine to come
You will forever be etched in my heart like a permanent mark for our
eternal love - a soul mate's reminder that I will never again be alone
in my search for true love, for you remind me that you are truly sent
from the heavens where only the bravest knights, such as you my love,
can turn an iced heart of glass and melt it, turning it into a soft
warm puddle of bliss where the future is secure and all will be well.
I am so proud, and honored and completely overjoyed knowing that you
will be my wife and I your husband. The love I feel for you is quiet
often hard to put into words. I promise you, my sweet knight, I will
go the distance to show you how much I need you in my life and how
much you will always mean to me. The love we have is that only of soul
mates' true love for one another which will never be doubted or
destroyed ... I love you!
Your soon to be husband,
With Love

Just to let you know I am thinking of you. I am sorry we didn't get to
talk tonight, but I hope you got some sleep sweetheart. Can't wait to
talk to you again. You are in my thoughts all day and my dreams at
night. ~ Love,
My Wedding Song
If and when I ever get married this is one of the songs that will be played.

"From This Moment On"

From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Now That I've Found You
Dearest ,
This is not a sudden urge that has prompted me to write you. When I
first met you I was struck by your simplicity and by your sweetness of
speech and manner that it became difficult for me to shut you out of
my mind. Your bewitching smile captivated my heart, and the more I
tried to forget you the more I began to think of you, until it dawned
upon me that I have fallen in love with you. Though you havent seen me
to talk too for days now and I've a gotten the chance to know you more
better after reading your profile on the dating site where we met, I
could say that you've captured my heart. I know that this is not right
for me to tell you all these things, but I can't stop it.
After we parted last night online, I had wonderful memories, which
enraptured my heart as I was laying on my bed i thought of all you
have said about you and how God has been so kind to you, Thanks for
filling the emptiness in my heart. You're an angel in disguise that
came down from the heavens to save me from feeling blue.
Now that I've found you, I'll promise to take good care of you and
never to desert you in good or bad times of our lifes. And even though
I don't know what your true feelings for me are, I'll still love you
the best way I can. Thank you for those things that you've done to me.
And if the time comes that you find someone better than me, just let
me know - even though it hurts, I'll set you free,
Love always,
Donald Carl Thompson.
Not Getting a Chance to Chat With You
Hi ,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you tonight but you were on
my mind. I did go online earlier to see if you were on but you must
have already signed off. I thought I would have been on earlier but I
was comforting Courtney. She is still sick, she started running a
fever this weekend and it just progressed. I called the doctor to see
if I could get her in and luckily my Diana gets off work early enough
to be able to take her. If she wouldn't have been able to take her I
would have just left work anyway despite their stuped policy of no
time off , my daughter comes before my job, but anyway my diana took
her and she has an ear infection and bronchitis so they put her on a
different antibiotic and she just got off of an antibiotic about 5
days ago but I guess that one didn't help and she needed something
different. When I got home I took her temp and it was 103.6 I about
crapped so I called the E.R. nurse to see how often I could giver her
and or ibuprofen. She said every 3 hrs alternating from one to the
other. Her fever finally started going down so I was a little more at
ease. It makes me nervous when she gets a fever because when she about
1she had a seizure caused by a high temp. She hasn't had one since but
you still worry.
I had to work and we are not able to take time off at this time of the
month because it's high booking season for bidding since am battling
to secure a Contract in Denmark, I will be away on a 2days trip to
Utah to Secure the Bids and be back home then if all work out well has
prayed and hope for i will be leaving for Denmark since the Contract
Award Certificate as been awarded to me on the 15Th of MAY 2008 and
the effect will have to take place after the bid is over am letting
you know this if you seems not to be seeing me online as much just
want you to be aware........ And please don't forget to get the cam on
your way back from work.
Well I am going to bed now so I'll talk to ya later.
My Lovely, I do want you to know that i have tried to fix the cam but
is still can't get it done, and i want you to know that am the man you
see on the picture it wasnt my fault i did tried all i can to put the
cam to work but no luck and you know what after seeing you tonight my
heart felt like i have never loved before but i do want you to know
that my intention towards you re real and true, please i do want you
to assure me that you will be very opena and serious with me cos to me
you posses all the quality i need in a woman and i assure you that i
will make it up to you and i promise that am not going to let you
down.. And i promise you that i will send you my recent picture.....
I'ts been beautiful here and i want you to know that it been lovely
talking to you.
The bid start tommorow and i will be up early so i can meet up with
the other bidders i do hope to read from you soon..
Final Bid and execution In Sweden

Honey the office estimates the price for the contract which value
$17,400,000 Million, then conducts bidding to acquire a winning bid of
34,800euro. When no bidder meets the estimated contract price for the
bid, then the office raises the contract estimate and announces a new
round of bidding and the process is repeated. Five oil companies
including SK, LGCaltex, and S-Oil, We all participate in oil bidding,
before the bidding, executives of the firms meet agree on who will be
the successful bidder today. price, and dummy price for all schedules
of the military oil bidding and implement these things jointly. The
Japanese case involves twelve participants, the Korean case five. Each
firm in Japan and in Korea has an independent and different cost and
benefit function. Japanese bidding is segmented base-by-base and
oil-by-oil; Korean bidding is unit price bidding, Among us all we
still awaiting the narration of the highest bidder on Date and Day
which is
today........My love it is very fragile since selfinterest to earn
maximum profit is very high and i just still can't believe this is
happening to me but hunnie it's and i wish you are here with me to
celebrate with me
The bidding is always scheduled more frequent of the year in Japan or
annually in Korea but am glad they stationed Sweden for the bidding
and hunnie i never believed my eyes i was nominated the highest bidder
and been awarded the contract, i just got back from the conference and
the other contractor are throwing a party for me tonight the day i met
you was my happiest day, today happens to be a wonderful day for me
and i have been so glad and i give all thanks to God Almight am short
of words i am over joyous babe.....I must say you are a miracle you
walked into my life and every thing seems to work out for me right
like never before babe i must say this that i have never had such luck
in my life but ever since i met you there was a dramatic change you
are God sent to redeem me i love you babe and i want to spend the rest
of my life with and share all i have and my heart with you babe... I
can't wait to chat with you today babe i miss you and i love you
You Till The End
Dear Sweet heart,
It's the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want
you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking.
It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and
I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no
looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need
only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared
my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you
totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life
has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding
never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and
I'll never let you go
But being apart for now doesn't change the way I feel about you in my
heart. Sure I'm lonely, and sometimes I'm overwhelmed with this
emptiness in my chest. But, just remember that I love you and
everything about you,That's what gets me through every minute of every
day that I'm without you. NAME, you don't know what I would give to
kiss your lips, feel your touch, or even just to see you. I long to
hold you and feel your sweet caress. I have never loved anyone as much
as I love you kin a short time we meet online it like i have known you
for a long time. You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but
more importantly, you make me feel wanted. We both knew our friendship
would grow right from the very first day we spoke online. But, neither
one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding
or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a
beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand. You are my
soul mate,
my best friend, my inspiration, and my love.

I want you to know that life without you is barren and i am so much in
love with you that you keeping hitting me over and over again i want
you in my life and i want to be with you for the rest of my life
sweety i have looked forward to talk to you online today i am so sorry
for the interuption last night i was booted out and the network was
pretty bad. I don't care if you forget our first chat, our message
date, just as long as you remember that I love you with every aching
bone in my body no matter what. Having your love has been the best
thing that has ever happened to me. I don't care what others say about
you and me.
I look forward for you urgent respond with all my heart soul and mind..
Your darling,
My Life Changed
Dear Love
Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you.
You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided
the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my
life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and
I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like
you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I'm
walking over clouds just thinking about you.
You make my life complete. I know you've said we could do foolish
things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind
being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know
you love me too.
I know that others looking into our relationship might think that
we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know
how we feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things
I've told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you .
I would do anything, I love you both so much. Today I promise you that
I would do anything in my power to make you a great person,
outstanding mother and loving wife. I LOVE YOU!!

I was on my way to bed and wanted to write you a little note. Thank
you so much for having so much faith in me and in us. Thank you for
making me a better person, and for giving your heart to me and opening
up so much.Over the weeks, it's been wonderful; I never expected to
feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life
with you. You are wonderful ... to me, to my friends, to my family.
You make me really happy and even though we are apart so much from
each other i believe love can get us together, it's made up each time
I see you again online. The feeling that I get is overwhelming every
time that I do get to see you for the first time on cam in such a long
time of communication and as time goes by my feelings for you grow
dramatically.I was thinking so much about that late last night, when I
am going to meet you in person I am getting butterflies in my stomach
just at the thought of seeing you each day online to talk to you. You
make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with
someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to
see you each day that passes on cam. Time is ticking, and it's going
by really slow.
It takes a strong woman to accomplish everything that you have in your
life, I am proud of you that you stick to your goals, you have
improved your life so much from what it was before and I am so happy
that you respect my beliefs as I respect yours. You say that you are
going to make me a happy man ... well, you have already done
that, just by being you and showing me love and being so open with
your feelings.You are what I dreamed of when I was a little boy,
someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, beauty, and with
such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but
here you are.I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you again.
I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else
in the world because I am in love with you, Sweet thing. I love you.
Thank you Sweetie, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I
could not ask for more. I am the luckiest man in the world to be
called your boyfriend,Lover Husband I'm truly honored. Thank you.
Love always,

My Love For You Is Real Don't Doubt It.

True love is all i have ever wanted and seek for and i did found that
true love in your heart and i am so happy to have found it cause i
know that love will surely make me so happy that i will not want to
leave your sight not even for one love for you is like the
music that makes your heart sing..u are the Angel of my life and i
will surely be the man of your life and nothing can stop or change
that right now not even a thing will change all we have build..we have
both built our love to the strongest level and i am so happy that we
both took that chance to love each other to the fullest and that we
are ready to be husband and wife..
Marriage is a big commitment to me and i have committed my heart
loving you and been your husband cause u have the right love and the
right heart for me...i sincerely do love and trust you so much that i
cry when thinking about you and how bad i miss you. Trust is all we
have build our love on..and i do trust you completely that i have lay
my heart for you and u have blessed it with the beauty of your
love..your sincerity and honesty made me love you completed that i
just think and dream of you each minute and seconds and i cant wait to
have you in my arms...
My body and soul trust you that i myself i trust you completely and i
am not scared of your love..cause its the greatest i have ever wanted
and be waiting for.your words mean lot to me and it has filled the
empty spaces in my heart.your words have filled my heart with so much
desire loving you and i cant wait to explore my kind of true love to
you in Heart trusts you completely that it aches lot and
wants you so badly and i cant wait to start sharing all my life with
you and been there for you.. We have created our feelings to a stage
it has lead to perfect love and friendship and i am so attracted to
the beauty of your love and it has really made me a new person in love
once again and it has made me share all the truth of love in me with motives and intension's are to be there for you and love you one will be able to understand were we have been Where
this relationship from its only between both of us..and they will be
so surprise to see us happily in love..

I am so damn happy that i have nothing again to worry about anymore in
life.having you in my life is like having the whole world in my
pocket,if i am been asked to choose you and own the world i will
rather choose you cause with you i will be happy forever and cherished
by you forever..u mean the world to me.i respect the greatest feelings
inside of you and it has made me love you completely..words are not
enough for my love for you..i really need to grab you in my arms and
hold you tight and cry.,cause i really want you so bad and i will go
to any extent showing and proving my love for you.

We both understand the beauty of the love inside of both of us and it
has really made both of us great and happy in love
together,understanding really matters lot in a relationship and i am
so happy that u are so understanding and cheerful that with you i need
not to worry about a thing cause u went to the greatest extent
understanding the truth of my love for you and i went to the greatest
level taking my time understand that without your love i am incomplete
and i know with your love in my heart and in my life i have nothing to
cry of be worried about..cause u have sincerely and honestly loved me
completely and u have shared the greatest feelings of your love with
me. I will make u great loving me and u will be so happy to have me in
your is not all about the utter most beauty but its all
about the beauty of the heart..your heart is so beautiful and so
loving and i am so attracted to your life and i cant wait to dwell in
that heart
completely..all i know right now is that u are mine and i am yours
and no one will ever come between our happiness not even a thing will
cause us to brake up..that cant even happen..cause the truth of our
love will not allow that to ever happen to us..

Our Marriage will be the greatest and the most powerful marriage the
world will ever experience cause we truly and sincerely do love each
other and we have committed to love each other to the greatest level
of love.. our love has no limit and it will never have limit..i will
love you till death do us part,each day will be like a new day in love
cause i will renew our love each day and night and our love will be
like a flower just growing up...Our love will grow and grow and our
kids will partake in the love of our life's..
Wish to hear back from you soon sweetheart...
Donald Cares.

Dear Sweetheart,
You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My
heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my
heart to overflowing with your jovial ways. Your sense of humor has
turned my frown into a smile.
You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive
love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra
mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of
you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever
I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I
think of us spending the rEst of our lifes together and i promise to
make it up to you in all time. Thoughts of you warm my heart. You
complete me, you are everything my heart desire.
Loving You Always,
Lifetime Love
Although we haven't seen eye to eye, But i do want you to know that i
so much love you and my feelings are true and real for you you are my
love of a lifetime. You mean the world to me. I do have a smart mouth
and am not always serious when you expect me to be, but I am serious
when it comes to our love. I have grown up a lot, and maybe I did not
grow up to be what you expected but it doesn't change the way I feel.
You are right, I do know how you feel about me and I have never
questioned that. As you know how I feel for you. I love you and I
don't care if the whole world knows, you are the woman in my mind,
heart, and soul and i will not stop at nothing loving you i will love
you till the end of time and never to desert you.

Love always,
Your Loving Husband.
You Are Like A Dream
Sweet Heart,
You've got me dreaming about you. Thoughts of you invade my mind every
second of every day. I can't help it; you have become a part of my
world and it scares me because I haven't depended on anyone in a long
time. I would trust you with everything .... I do trust you with
everything I am and I pray to God that you never do anything to make
me regret it. Yes, now I can honestly say that I love you and will
always love you because you got to know my past and my present that
special place located at the core of my soul. You say that we were
meant for each other and to be totally honest I was a little skeptical
at first, but now I know that you love me. I'm so in love; I get this
warm sensual feeling every time I think of you. When I sleep at night,
all I can dream about is you. I wish I could hold you in my arms. I
dream of the day when I could kiss you passionately on your soft sweet
lips and listen to your heart beating because it's sweet music to my
ears. All I can say is let me be the one you love; let me be the one
whose love you need.
You are so special to me; I pray that we will finally know if we are
meant to be with one another. I haven't ever talked to anyone so like
you before. You make me feel special like never before. So far, the
things that you are doing shows me that you are such a caring person
who would love me forever till the end of time. I just want to be
loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted. I want
to find my best friend, my soul mate, my lover and my Princess
Charming. I know you are the one I am looking for and have been
searching for all my life. These are the feelings I am having for you
as of this moment and will remain that way till the end of time. My
love, my beautiful love, come to me and make me the happiest man in
the world! If you're asking me if I love you this much, my beautiful
gal, I do! Marry me, Beautiful ... come spend eternity with me?? I
hope to read from you soon.
Love always,

Hi Sweetie,
You are also like a dream to me Donald. I can't get you out of my mind
either. I sometimes think that you are too good to be true and that
has made me skeptical as well, but I truly feel your love for me and I
in return am loving you more day by day. You know in the past I have
always went more for I guess what some would consider the bad boy
type, not so much the bad boy looks but obviously guys that didn't
know how to speak to a woman with respect or treat them with respect
for that matter, you know guys that were verbally, physically and
mentally abusive. I will NEVER put myself through that again. Alot of
guys just treat woman like they are a piece of meat. Which is so
wrong. I think one reason I have so much mistrust in men is because I
have had so many married men try to pick me up and knowing what they
are doing just discusses me and makes me wonder if I am ever to marry
will this happen to me. So to hear all you kind and gentle loving
words is
sometimes overwhelming to me, don't get me wrong I love everything
you say about me and how you express yourself to me, I am just not
used to being treated like this. That's why I say you are too good to
be true and I can only hope that you will always continue to treat me
this way.
You know they always say you find someone like your father and
unfortunately my ex(Courtney's dad) was like my biological father,
very disrespectful and only thought of themselves. Luckily my
biological dad got help before it was too late. I have always said
that hopefully the next time I will find someone like my step-father
because he is kind and treats my mom with respect the way she deserves
to be treated and has never treated me any less than a daughter. I see
alot of the same qualities in you Donald. I want someone like my
stepdad who will just off the wall do something nice for my mom, like
send flowers to work for no reason or hang a note somewhere just to
say I love you. These are the things that make a relationship special
and keeps the romance alive.
I, like you, have been alone for so long that I don't know what to
expect or how to act and it scares me too. I have depended on no one
and no one has had to depend on me either other than Courtney. I just
want you to know that I will be me and I will not change for anyone.
My daughter and I have a very special bond and I will not let anything
come between that. However we will have our own special bond. I know I
already said this but I never want Courtney to feel that I am
neglecting her or for her to feel left out because I am the only
person that has been solely here for her.
I can't wait to meet you and feel your touch and I await for that
passionate kiss and to hold you in my arms as well. I too get this
warm electrical surge through my body when I think of you and re-play
all your words in my mind. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long
time and it's wonderful. My love for you is growing stronger and I too
can not wait to see if this will work between us, I can only pray to
God that it is right, because it sure feels right!!!
Love always,

Sweet Pie,
I long for the day that we can meet face to face. I know it's only
been weeks since we met online, but I feel like I have known you
forever. Every time I chat with you, my heart skips a beat. You take
my breath away. I love you so much already and we haven't even met
person to person. I understand that you have a very important job to
do but, when I don't get to chat with you I feel so empty. I miss you
so much.
I long and wait for the first time that we will make love. I know it
will be an experience that we both will enjoy and cherish for the rest
of our lives. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and no one
else. Every time your name is mentioned in my heart, my face lights up
and I get a smile on my face bigger than Dallas. I know us being apart
like this is a challenge for the both of us. God is seeing if we can
make it even though we are apart. If we can stay together until we can
be together, then there will be no one who will ever be able to
I am so glad to have a wonderful woman like you in my life. I had a
good feeling come over me when I first saw you on web cam. You are a
very beautiful woman. You take my breath away every time I get to see
you. I have this feeling deep down that this relationship is going to
work. You promised me that you wouldn't hurt me, so I am going to hold
on to that promise. Love is a very powerful word. When you tell
someone that you love then you have to truly mean it from the bottom
of your heart. I have this feeling that you really, truly mean't it
from the bottom of your heart.
Hun, you are the best thing that has ever happen to me in my life
time. The first time I saw you, I had this gut feeling that you and I
were going to be together, and for a very long time i mean fo the rest
of our life. I LOVE YOU. Please don't ever leave me. I hope I'm not
over burdening you with all these love things but I do love you and
you have me forever if you want me. Thank you so much for coming into
my life.
Love always,
My Truest Love
Heart Rob,
I know you are out there and it's just a matter of time before we find
each other. I am looking forward to that day with all my heart. I am
preparing myself for you each day. Imagining what you could be like.
What will you do on my appearance for the first time? You are a lovely
woman with big heart and i love everything about you No matter what,
you are for me and I will love you regardless you still having doubt
about me. I hope to grow old with you for the rest of my life. To
celebrate good times with you and support each other through the bad
times. Marriage is a journey that we will grow together through. We
will learn things about each other every day. We will not always have
good times but we will always love each other and work through our
problems. Marriage is forever. So I promise you forever. We will have
fun watching football games, taking walks, and watching movies. I look
forward to that day and until then, I will be waiting for you with
open arms and my heart full of love just for you.
I am a pretty good cook, so I know there are some key steps to any
great dish. If you wanted to make a great stew, for instance, the
first few things you put in the pot determine the flavor, the texture
and the overall greatness of the stew. The first thing I would like to
put into "our pot" is a little compassion sautéed with understanding,
sprinkled with care, and topped off with a nice piece of smoked
tenderness. Let that simmer, (cooking time varies) lol and then add in
everything else. Then savor the creation of our love. It is again dark
outside. I am sitting in my room in front of the Laptop, with the with
my cup of cofee in front of me. Again waiting to see your nickname on
the screen and have a nice chat with so many feelings in each word. I
feel you so near and so distant in the same moment. Every day I find
something new in you, something that makes me feel different but sure
in one thing - you are not only my friend, you are something more,
something deeper. Do you feel the same?
I am not sure you have the same feelings i have for you. Not sure of
what I am for you in fact? Am I just another nickname in your list or
I am something special as you are for me. I am trying to find the
answer by myself, but as I am trying I am getting scared of the answer
I may find behind all this. I am not the one you wanted? I know that
you re something special to me, because you are the second one in my
heart after God and you know that I can not change this even if I love
you more than I want to. I remember the day when I decided that I
couldn't hide my feeling from you anymore. I wrote you a letter and
told you what I feel. You were so happy and motivated about the future
and so many things were so beautiful and real in our relationship that
I began thinking that I have found the real love. The love that must
be kept and need all my loving. Please Sweetie i really do want you to
have faith in us and i really look up to that day i will wrap you
in my arms..
Yours Truely,
My Truest Love 2
Sweetheart, Lover, Best Friend, Cupcake, Soul Mate,
I'm sitting here sad and alone.. you are no longer online, but
thoughts of you can not ever seem to leave my mind. I am over tired,
my eyes hurt and body is weak but I still need to fight to stay awake
to make sure you are aware of how much you mean to me Donald. You are
my knight in shining armor, more than I could ever ask for or even
probably deserve for that matter. We've already been through a couple
of whirlwinds but this will make us love and appreciate each other
that much more. I can not bare the thought of losing you now since we
have just begun. Obviously we've already had some bad times. Maybe
this is a test from God (which I believe it is) to see if we can
forgive each other now and he will recognize that we will be able to
forgive each other for the faults and disappointments we will have in
our life together.
You are right in saying that I have never had anyone treat me this
well before and that is exactly why I was doubting you. I will NEVER
doubt you again. I believe you are a genuine person and will stand
behind your every word. I am very open and honest and want you to know
how I am feeling at all times. I was doing a search on what our names
mean and I find it quite interesting that both of our characteristics
and expression or destiny for are both the number 6, that says
something good to me about us.
You are not an infatuation to me, you are somebody I have opened up my
heart, body, soul and mind to and I would not have done that or
expressed myself the way I do if I were just infatuated with you or
your words. I do have faith in God and in us NAME, don't ever think
for a minute that I don't. I understand that I might be second in your
heart after God and you also remember you are third in mine after God
and Courtney, regardless of how much I want to love you more. I know
God brought Courtney into my life to make me a better person today. He
only knows where I might have been if she wasn't in my life and now
for you... he has also brought you into my life to better myself and
share all the love that I have to give. I will be true to you NAME. I
will never cheat, lie or turn my back on you as long as I get the same
in return, which I have NO doubt that I will receive the same
With hugs, kisses and lots of love,

I Have Missed You Dearly
I have missed you today. I kept thinking of the security of your arms
when i will get hold of your hands, the wonderful flutter in the pit
of my stomach when i look at you eyes itch, the tender kisses that you
leave on my skin as you leave in the morning.

There is just something about the autumn air that makes me feel at
ease and open to love. It's hard to describe the emotion churning
inside my body. It is like a delicate thunderstorm. With every love
the storm gets stronger. The lightning strikes and my body yearns for
you. The thunder roars and memories of your love, your words, your
care, your support... they all overwhelm me. All I can do is close my
eyes for the few seconds that the memory lasts and savor it as it
fades away.

Oh, I have missed you dearly today.

The memory the simplest kiss which i will get when we re together, you
have made my heart soar and my body tingle with anticipation of your

Baby, you are amazing.

I love you.

Love always,

I Have Missed You 2
My Loving Heart,
Just sitting here thinking of you my love. I miss you always and think
of you day and night. I printed out the picture of you in your and
brought it to work to sit on my desk so when I have a crabby client on
the phone I can take a lot at you and make the frustration disappear.
It brings a smile to my face and a warmth in my heart and makes me
feel like you are just a little bit closer to me.
I look forward to the day that I can touch you and know that you are
real. You to me are like the sun that chases all the rain away, when I
get to talk to you it makes for a brighter day Donald.
Forever it will be you and me!
I love you,
Greeting To You Love
I greet you with everything that is good in me. I greet you in the
name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As always it is a blessing
to receive an email from you. There are simply not enough words that
can clearly express to you the love that I feel for you at this very
moment. No one has ever made me feel the way you have. What more could
I ask for but only to see you so that I may embrace the power of your
enter strength that propels you to love me so. For too long, I
deceived myself in thinking that I did not need the love of a man, as
long as I had Jesus, that was enough. One day while sitting in church
and I heard a word that God desires to give us the desires of our
heart. I immediately was awaken to the thought that I have always
enjoyed to companionship of a woman, why should I continue to live my
life in a falsehood, lying only to myself, because God knew that I
want to be married again, to be loved, to give love, to nurture and
take care of
a family again.
God has allowed me to experience some set backs but they only prepared
me for what He has in store for me, and that person is you. I have
never in my life have felt so strongly for someone that I have never
laid eyes on but only on photo. It is something about your presence in
this world that commands my attention and love. I have no problem
following you to where you would like me to go as long as I know that
you are being lead by God. With God as the center of our life, there
is nothing that we can not accomplish together.
NAME, like you, I have fallen so in love with you ,sometimes I have to
ask myself is this real or am I dreaming. Then the Holy Spirits
reminds me that I have prayed and asked God to bless me with a man
that is after His own heart. With everything that is in me I know that
you're that woman. I know getting to know each other will take time
and I don't mind because we have a lifetime to work out any and all
problems we may face. NAME, I will never, never give up on you or use.
If I have to stay on my knees in pray daily, I will pray, worship and
fast until that change comes. I would life for our life together to be
easy but in my experience, if there is no work in a relationship that
relationship will not last. So, in-other-words, you are stuck with me.
NAME, I am complete in God, but you are the other half that completes
me as a person. You are the part that I have longed for over the
years, even when I married, I often felt that I married the wrong
person, because my spirit did not agree with her, like my spirit
agrees with you. After experiencing what I experienced with my ex. I
thought the true love that a wife and a husband shared, I would not
experience that in my lifetime. But on November 11, 2004 God delivered
me from the hands of the enemy that had me bound and I was not able to
free myself. Although it was a freighting and scary experience, God
protected me so that I would not suffer great pain nor head trauma. He
has blessed me to a point where the only reminder of the ordeal is a
small scare on my forehead; left there to remind me how good God has
been to me.
I have been through so much in my life time, that I often wonder why I
had to suffer so much pain. I have asked God that same questions. He
revealed to me that where he is taking me in my life I have to be
strong and fight like a good worrier . In addition to that, I asked
God why he has spared my life on so many occasions, He revealed to me
in my spirit that in due time he will let me know. We all want to know
"why am I really here". Looking back over my life I have always been a
giving person, eagar to please and lend a hand when needed. God has
opened of His heart to allow me to be apart of your life and your love
one's because I need you. God promised me that He would reward me for
everything that I have lost in my life. One thing that I have lost is
a child, but God has blessed me to meet and fall in love with you, so
that my prays have been answered, both for a good wife and to be
another again; being a good husband and good father has always been
very important to me. Being married to the right woman is all I ever
wanted in my life and that man is you. I promise to love you with
every part of my existence, in good and bad times. So until the next
time, I wait patiently for your response. I LOVE YOU.

Overwhelmingly In Love With You
Dear Sweet Love,

My desire for you grows with each day that passes. I love everything
about you. You are a warm, loving, sensitive, charming woman with a
sense of humor. I find you very attractive. Words do not have to be
spoken to know how you feel about me too. When I look into your eyes,
I can feel your desire for me. I only want to be with you, please you,
give you the same happiness that you have given to me. If I were
granted but one wish, it would be to spend an eternity with you. I
love you.

I wanted to do something special for you since i have not chated with
you for a while now; I wanted to do something simply to show you how
proud I am of the love I have for you and that I'm not afraid to
announce it to the world. I want the world to know how I love you and
how much you mean to me. Every day my love for you grows and it gets
stronger and stronger. It's such an overwhelming feeling to be this
much in love.

I know I don't tell you everyday, but you are the most beautiful woman
I know, both on the inside as well as the outside. Your beauty is so
captivating! It's not even possible for me to stop thinking about you
even for a minute; you are always on my mind. You do something to
me... something so indescribable there are no words that I can say
that can even give you the slightest clue as to how much I love you.
You have truly made me the happiest man on earth; I have never ever
been happier in all my life. I have no clue as to what I did to be so,
so lucky and I will be eternally grateful for you and the love you
give to me. I will never stop loving you.

Love always,
When i first met you i knew it was love at first sight I knew you were
my destiny. No woman had ever captured my attention so fully or made
my heart skip a beat the way it did that chilly February night. Your
smile lit up the entire chatroom, your laughter was delightfully
contagious and your mere presence warmed my heart and soul. I had no
doubt you were the woman God made especially for me.

I want to thank you for the late night talk. You might've thought it
to be crazy then, but now you know it has ensured our future with an
everlasting memory. Thank you for the recliner conversation in the
chatroom and for asking me to be yours. Most importantly, thank you
for falling in love with me and making me your soon to be husband. No
matter how quickly our courtship passed, I know standing before God
and our family, vowing to be your partner for life, was the easiest
decision I had ever made.

After only few days as chatmate, we found ourselves divided by
thousands of miles of sand and sea - separated by job, We've been
apart . Each day that passes me by only makes my love for you grow
stronger. Though we may struggle through our separation, please
remember my love for you knows no boundaries. It will continue to
stretch across any ocean and over every grain of sand between us to
get to you.

I may be your husband lover or friend but you are my life. No business
or distance can ever keep me from my destiny. I miss you so much and
I'll be here with open arms when you come home, where you belong.

Loving you now and forever,
Each night before I sleep your sweet voice echoes through my mind. As
I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing
that you, and you alone have made me whole. Without you I would simply
be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest. Because of
your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.
The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to
find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality
based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever
Even in our moods, regardless of the irritations of daily life we
manage to make each other laugh. The sound of your laughter rings
through my ears and touches my heart. Our banter that may seem odd to
others makes us giggle to no end. The difference between you and I are
very few, yet they are there. But we accept those differences,
embracing them because they are part of something we love about one
It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we
find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we
were together.Love is not a job, love simply is. Unconditional love is
what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of
hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life. I will love
you forever and a day. Thank you for being there, loving me and
knowing what my true heart wants.
Love always,

You The Answer To My Heart
Dearest ,
I don't even know where to start with this letter. I guess first of
all I should say, I love you so much. I love you more than I thought I
was ever capable of loving someone in my life. Before you came along I
had totally given up on love. I thought that it was something that I
would have to do without because there was nobody out there for me. I
couldn't find my one love, the one that I'm supposed to love for the
rest of my life. My heart ached for somebody to love and for someone
who could return the love I gave to them. Well, 2 month ago today, I
found my "one" love.
I have known from the start that I wanted nothing more than to love
and be loved by you. I knew you were the one I was supposed to be with
for the rest of my life even after such a short time of being together
and getting to know each other . I knew you were the answer to my
heart. You were what my heart yearned for and I wanted nothing more
than you. These past month have been wonderful.
I can't even begin to explain how much every single day has meant to
me. I know a few of those days have been bad ones, but I still would
not trade them for anything. Those are the days that make us the
couple we are. Every couple can't be perfect.

These month have flown by so fast! It seems like only yesterday we
were right here chating I look back on that day often. I love to
remember that day. It seemed like the perfect day. Do you remember it?
That was the day we officially became a couple. My life couldn't have
been more wonderful than it was that day. I will always remember that
day and smile, We have so many breathtaking memories together,
memories that we will always look back on. When we are watching our
children grow and when they experience their first love, we will think
back on these memories and smile. We will always have our memories! I
read in a book one time and it said, "Good memories are like charms.
Each is special. You collect them one by one, until one day you look
back and discover they make a long colorful bracelet. We are working
on our bracelet, filled with our wonderful memories of our yesterdays
and our tomorrows.
I love you with all my heart, more each and every day. You are my one
in only, once-in-a-life-time kind of love. I will always cherish you!
Love always,

Billing Of Document.
I am so happy to read from you earlier today. Am writtng you this
letter with a heavy heart but knowing that i have you is my joy but
unfortunately when i came online earlier to see if i can get to talk
to you, you weren't online then. Here is all what i want you to know
about this contract which i am battling to secure, i have tried to get
a good lawyer in California to sign this contract and i have gotten
this good one and he told me that his fee is $12,700 and i consider it
far better than the other Attroney that i have met so far i have
thereby decided to get him sign this contract for me,But the problem
ahead of me right now is that i don't have enough money to pay this
Attorney fee, i offered to pay him half of the amount and balance up

But he refused and told me that they don't accept such method of
payment for signing international business contracts. I went for a
loan here and i wasn't granted one besides i don't have enough money
in my account in Texas because, i recently bought a new house few
months ago which cost me $780,000 being a luxurious house and i have
also invested alot on this contract. Baby do you know that this is one
of the best and prominent contract i have ever secured in 4 yrs now.
Its stressfree, involve alot of money and it going to earns much more
profits. So i utterly don't need to loose this contract cos it as
almost drained all the money in my savings. I know you ain't working
right now but need your help right now as my last hope. I have with me
here $9,500 and i paid it to the Attorney today, but he would'nt sign
the contract until i have the full payment. This Attorney's money is
not what i can't afford but its because i have spent alot in the house
also the expenditure that i already incured on the contract had taken
a great toll on my finances.
So my account is almost empty for now and i have just few days to Sign
this contract ..less i will lose it to another contractor, so sweetie
you are my hope,my life and my everything. Honey am pleading you to
help me in raising this fund by all means even if is going to require
you a loan its OK. As soon as the contract is signed they are paying
me 70% of the money for Barrels of Oil that is needed and i will
return the money to you with an interest within 3 working days. Honey
if you do raise this fund for me i promise you that i am going
surprise you in all ways, i will do anything you ever wanted a man to
do for you and if you wish you could join me in my business and we
will make it a personal business.

Honey beware that this contract is worth about $17.4 million and after
i am done with this contract we will do something good with it. I just
love the way God does his work...He gave me the woman of my heart and
gave me the contract i have ever wished for at same time i found you.
Honey i will get to talk to you online now. And soon your name will be
changed to (Nicole Thompson)and i will adore you as my queen and will
never desert you. I will be there for you in every ways. Honey
especially when i remember that i would have lost the contract if not
for your help. However, am so sorry to stressing you about this. But i
realize that we are ONE..
Try your possible best to raise the money even if you going to get a
loan. The money will be paid back in less than 3 working days after
the Contract is Signed... the Attorney fee is ($12,700) i have here
with me $9500, it's just to add up $3,200. Kindly get back to me as
soon as you get this i hope your reply will be a great relief to me.

2921 Wicker Way, Denton, TX 76209

[42493] - 94860 | 4217658631116403 | 07 | 13 | 571 | Cheryl Stewart |
1404 Ventura Drive | Pittsburg | CA | 94565 | 1404 Ventura Drive |
Pittsburg | CA | 94565 | (925-872-1466

[42546] - 94714 | 4313070312773861 | 12 | 11 | 117 | Laura Allen |
1870 East 33rd Street | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 | 1870 East 33rd Street
| Brooklyn | NY | 11234 | 7185411709

[42547] - 94713 | 4303269020426661 | 02 | 12 | 556 | Amanda Shivers |
2708 Bissonet Dr | Denton | TX | 76210 | 2708 Bissonet Dr | Denton |
TX | 76210 | 940-595-0731

for fun:
Bicycle daily, see foreign/independent/doc. films, live music in small
venues (everything from blues to bluegrass, new wave, classic rock,
Celtic, Scottish..), small ethnic restaurants, progressive politics,
NATURE anywhere & everywhere...
my job:
I am a visual artist, former yoga instructor and a NYS licensed
psychoanalyst. I am fortunate to not only love what I do but "control"
the hours. There is alot of flexibility which is great!
my religion:
Christian I appreciate the history. I do treat people as I would like
to be treated. Being kind, loving, generous in spirit, and ethical is
most important to me.
my education:
favorite hot spots:
Intimate ethnic restaurants (Thai, Korean, Viet.), live music in small
venues, biking in Central Pk & along Hudson River, canoeing,
snorkeling. I love Amsterdam, Paris, French/Italian Rivieras,
Guatemala, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Bahamas, Aruba, Barb
favorite things:
BEING WITH SOMEONE I ADORE! Music: Neil Young, L. Cohen, Nirvana,
Dylan, Hendrix, Tom Petty, James Brown, U2, Creedence, Otis Redding, &
many more / recent Films; Amelie, Monsoon Wedding, the Squid & the
Whale, Men from the Old Country
last read:
I most recently read most of Leonard Cohen's poetry & lyrics, & tend
to read in "groupings." I'll take an author's work and read most of
it, from classic lit. to autobiographies. I am also an activist & read
or skim a few papers daily

[61740] - | 181834 | 1916 e. leisure ln | fort mohave | AZ | 86426 |
1-9289-768-1391 | [email protected] | United states | DISCOVER |
alvin e. short | 6011000742158615 | 02 | 2013 | 501 |

[61745] - | 180992 | 3101 Lake George Cove Dr. | Orlando | FL | 32812
| 407 497 9462 | [email protected] | United states | DISCOVER | Yvette M
Fine | 6011004703123121 | 10 | 2011 | 540

5449510018573739 | 652 | 08/11 | valid Travis Mason 1366
Ledgewood Ln | Avon | Indiana | United States | 46123-9494 | | | 00
EXACT MATCH(X) Amount:$3.02 M

Profile Setting.
A Little about myself , huh??? ok ...I'm from VA an engineer work with
a petroleum refining consultant multinational corporation.

I enjoy quiet nights at home I can describe myself as a
loving,caring,honest,kind,sincere, and above all a God fearing man,
with good morals and values.and have got sense of humor,love kids alot
and have lot of respect for women I do not cheat or play games either
i am just me someone who has been through a lot of ups and downs in
life and has come to the conclusion that One should live everyday as
if its gonna be your last , A fun loving and gentle personality who
believes Trust and Honesty are meant to be the Bedrock of every
relationship, someone who understands the meaning of love and believes
True Love can be found anywhere ...i like to put God first in
everything in do , i love to go out to the beach on weekends and give
myself a good treat of Sunbath open minded person who has the
fear of God ...above all ...."The Perfect Man For every Woman"

I Would love to have a woman who obviously loves children, someone who
knows how to treat a man good and appreciates all the God Given Values
in men , A Honest, Caring , Generous , Understanding and Self
Disciplined Woman who is willing to give it all in a Relationship ...A
Honest Woman who wants to meet a Honest Man with a Sincere Heart.
Someone who gives men the deserved respect in a relationship...someone
who will be ready to take me for who i am and will never compromise
anything for the love she has for me . I am searching to find that one
woman that will take my breath away, the one woman that I can never
stop thinking of for any reason, the one woman that the mere whisper
of her name brings a smile to my face. She must be not only my best
friend, but also my soul mate. I intend to commit myself for life to
this woman when I do find her, and ask for her hand in marriage.

Nice woman with good upstanding morals , Christian, good beliefs.
Dating Site
Hello Dear, How re you doing today..? i hopefully believe you doing
just I got to read your profile and i think am pretty
much interested in getting to know you more better and please do note
am not in here for games or to toy with your emotion all am in here
for is to see if i can find a compatable and reasonable woman, Who as
the fear of God respect and value a relationship...She must be family
oriented type and have a great sense of humor and i promise to treat
her right through good and bad times, in a short paragraph can you
tell me a little about you, and the reason you re here, I am
interested i mean very much interested in you and i will say your
picture and profile caught my attention and i think we posses the same
quatilities it going to be of a great interest for us to know each
other better than just been chat mate. I do look forward to read from
you soon...
Dating Second Mailing.

Your profile and pix caught my attention.Though we might be miles
apart.I'm charmed with what you wrote on here.I'm
compassionate,matured,considerate,Honest,Caring, and Romantic.I am
looking for the love of my life. The one I cannot stand to be without
for even a second. I'm looking for the dreamy type of love, few of us
ever get to know. I am a gentle man, but I can be very intimidating if
needed to be. I would like to know the kind of beauty that is
expressed in all ways,spiritual,physical,emotionally and
intellectually. I am not very demanding, I believe in letting life
flow naturally, I don't force things. Life is a dance and I am seeking
my dance partner. A relationship should be 50/50 anything else isn't
acceptable. I am not pretentious, nor do I like people who are.I would
like to add that I only seek serious inquiries - about me -if you are
not for real - please don't waste my time.Willing to invest myself in
getting to know you. I feel after
talking,then meeting in person you can tell if there is chemistry and
common interest. When you look people in the eyes you can tell alot
about them and if they are being truthful.If you care to know anything
about me feel free to send me an email at [email protected]
Thanks i will be awaiting your response.

First Mailing. Donald From

Hi Pretty,
I'm Donald Thompson like you already know, 45 years old live in TX
Austin, I'm single with my son he is 4yrs old i have never been
married I enjoy boating, hiking, camping,fishing, nature, walks on the
beach, sunsets, movies, music, cooking, and quiet nights at home. I'm
a Contractor working as a petroleum refining consultant for a large
multinational corporation. I travel to Europe,Australia-New Zealand,
and Asia on work-related assignments. I am a God fearing man, with
good morals and values am honest I do not cheat or play games, I can't
stand seeing some one been intentionally hurt I have had my heart
broken before and will never pass that kind of pain to a woman I'm a
simple man with a big heart you will find that i am very caring,
understanding, patient,loving and kind. I am full of passion and
romance, and have an endless amount of love to offer the right woman
i'm searching to find that one woman that will take my breath away,
the one woman that
I can never stop thinking of for any reason, the one woman that the
mere whisper of her name brings a smile to my face.
She must be not only my best friend, but also my soul mate. My
commitment to this woman will be till the end of time when i find her
asking her hand in marriage is all i ever hope for, I must tell you
that I am also old fashioned in my beliefs and would defend and
protect this woman at any cost for any reason.
I believe that a woman should be able to look up to her man for
protection, for well being, and for strength. I intend on fulfilling
these roles without failure, I will be this one special woman's knight
in shinning armor. This special woman will know that I am deeply in
love with her, for I am the type of man that showers her in my love,
Whether it be flowers, gifts of candy or jewelry, or just a simple "I
love you" and a kiss, she will always know she is loved and
appreciated. I hope to have caught your attention with this letter,
and would like to discover who you really are, and how much love you
have inside of your heart after been heart broken, For you could be
the woman i am searching for.
The only person that truly knows that answer is God himself. I am
willing to take the chance and see, if you are willingl to get along.
Someone once told me "It is better to have lived life and regret what
we have done, than to never have lived and regret doing nothing." I
believe this to be true. If you decide that you are interested in
discovering the real me and seeing if I'm the man you are searching
for, please write back to me. I will patiently be awaiting your
I am looking forward to your response soon
Second Mailing....
You have definitely caught my interest as I am very impressed by what
you wrote, I was in relationship a very long time ago. I met my son's
mother and though we were never married, and thankfully, I got a
wonderful boy out of it. I have pretty much raised her all by myself
and i have the full custody to my son, I have done the majority of the
work as a parent since she abandon me and the baby when he was barely
5 month old. But hey, that all the past.
I am very active and love sports. I try and walk regularly and have
played most sports. I love hockey and watch it during the season. You
can call me fanatical!! I am passionate, loving, caring, kind, honest,
affectionate, feel that communication is very important. and want
someone to bring out all my good qualities and have patience with the
not so good stuff. I am not selfish minded by any means but do love to
be spoiled and treated right. I think I deserve it. But in return, I
give loyalty, love compassion, respect and total support to my
partner. I have been used and hurt in the past -- but that is the
past. I try and do what I can to make people happy and will always put
someone ahead of myself. I like myself and can support myself and my
son.I am not looking for a mother figure, nanny or whatever else but
the love of my life, my friend, my companion, my lover.

Is this what you are looking for?
third Mailing..........
Getting to Know You More Better

I feel so Overwhelmed writing to an Effulgent creature of God's Glory
radiating Gorgeously in heavenly beauty, the thought of you provokes
instant smile in my heart,it gives memories that would stay in me,not
for a short while but a life time. Perhaps I'm not here to flatter
you,i have a Goal that I'm looking forward to achieve.But let me
Quickly say this,Serving God with smile in our face is the best thing
we can do to ourselves. Well i should tell a few things about
myself...I'm single and looking for a loving an caring lady who must
be God fearing.I'm Level headed with great sense of Humor and God
fearing.I'm not the best in the world but the last time i checked on
myself,I'm nice..Lol.

I'm a man of Noble Orientation,Classical Charisma,Polished Countenance
whose bossy mass within is Loaded with certain skills and
competencies. Obviously,I;m a serious Radical with Flexible
Anthropocentric Principles,well built anatomically in terms of
intellectual expressively,I'm a Pure Breed of God whose word delivers
kindness,hope and an Unquenchable love.

My Best Scripture is Psalm 103:2 that goes thus"Bless the Lord,O'MY
Soul and forget not all His Benefits". Its quite Unfortunate that lot
of people lives as a complete strangers to themselves.we should be
careful of those who stand aloof to greet each venture with reproofs.I
like people with an inbuilt drive or mechanism to be
successful,resourceful and result oriented. people with an
identity,inner courage and strength. Also,i detest liars,i do not
entertain such a person in my space.Life is Ephemeral and lots only
worth living when one is with right person at the right time and in
the right place. A lot of people abuse love and Relationships due to
lack of wisdom,attachment behavior towards custom,tradition and
Racism, True love don't I'e,it knows no Boundary,its like a seed that
Germinates and once it is planted,it extends it branches beyond a
limit of attachment behavior towards racism,Custom and
tradition.Though its hard to find.Remember God gave us
his Only Begotten son.

I Admire a lady that is Excellently saturated with heavenly beauty
when she does no evil,takes
responsibilities,safelytrusted,liberal.stretches her hand to the
poor,reaches hands to the needy,enterprising,hard working,not a
Goal-getter,opens her mouth in wisdom and her tongue is the laws of
Kindness"Proverb 31:26,Fears the lord".proverb 31:30,posses antenna to
detect stops and an inbuilt divine Di valency to checkmate it,makes
her husband feel so special for having her.This strengthens him not to
give up in the day of Adversary,come rain come sunshine.

My instinct tells me you are excellently saturated,you wroth
Celebrating,caring for and he that fine th you finds a Good treasure
that worths dieing for.The Thought of you paints a smile that is
Resistant to changes in my heart.i wouldn't mind what it would cost me
to know you better and create a right relationship with you as though
i do not know your present status. I will be looking forward to read
your warmth response soonest.

Best Regards,
Fourth Mialing.
Thinking of You

Hi Sweetie,
Thank you for all your kind and caring words. You have touched me in
more ways than you will ever know. It is so nice to talk to someone
who seems like such a gentlewoman.You make my heart flutter and you
bring butterflies to my stomach. What a feeling... I haven't felt in a
long time. wonder what you are doing? what you are thinking? how much
will you grow to love me? how much your kiss will mean.... i love the
first kiss, it makes me feel all warm inside just thinking about how
good it will feel to have someone love me. to have someone know i
exist. someone to cuddle with on the couch & watch a good movie,
someone to hold when i am feeling gloomy...most of all to feel your
love pouring in to me I am thinking of you and will speak with you

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