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Who Should Pay For Our Health Care?
The debate goes on, should the government be responsible for providing our health and wellness care?

There are numerous arguments for and against national healthcare.

At one time, individuals were responsible for their very own health, there is no insurance. In that day and age, health care was much less expensive than it is today, even considering the rate of inflation through the years.

The rise in cost has in part is because of all of the new technology on the market, but to a big degree, the rising cost is due to increased demand.

Because of the change inside our national mentality, in a big part because of negotiated union contracts, everyone thinks their health care is free. Most attended to believe this is a right, a right no one pays for.

I'm a company believer that affordable healthcare ought to be available to everyone.

However, because of the present system, very few people realize the cost of health care, and since it is presumably absolve to them, they go to the doctor for every little sniffle they get. Many visits are unnecessary and costly. People visit the er for a skinned knee, or perhaps a splinter within their hand, these emergencies could be taken care of in the home.

It has become "fashionable" to go to the emergency room.

Health insurance ought to be paid for by the individual. If each individual was in charge of their healthcare, they might become more knowledgeable on what "works" and what doesn't.

Most companies that provide health insurance allocate a certain amount of wages for the payment of benefits including health insurance, if they tell the employee or not.

The individual employee should be made aware of this, that money should be allocated to the average person to allow them to purchase their health care on an individual basis.

Thereby eliminating any corporate influence the business could exert on the insurance company, also it would open the insurance industry to more competition, that is always a very important thing.

That would enable the given individual to have more control over his healthcare and ensure his right to have or not have insurance.

Occasionally, when both spouses work and so are covered by their individual company insurance, both companies are providing and paying for health insurance and only 1 health plan is needed.

Therefore, money is wasted by the couple because they don't use the insurance provided by one company. If the amount of money was assigned to the employee, he / she could determine how to best utilize the money in a means that would benefit the couple instead of the money being flushed down the drain.

website would make the average person more responsible for their own health and welfare, also it would be his choice to possess or not have health care.

If he chooses not to have health insurance, he then would be responsible for any charges incurred, and pay the results for not having insurance.

By reducing the demand through the elimination of people going to a doctor or er unless necessary, then your cost would naturally drop, and people would find the alternative, less costly, better forms of treatment.

Of course, there will be some society who are struggling to care for themselves and they should be provided for, but you can find far too many people abusing the machine.

The only way to avoid that is for folks to stay charge of their own health. Whatever you believe, no one, including the government can look after you like you will.

This is America, our country was founded on the idea of the individual having the ability to make their own choices concerning how to run their lives, it's time we returned to those ideals and obtain government out of life management.

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