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What Is The Difference Between Having Nightmares And Dreaming?
What's the purpose of dreaming? What is the reason we experience nightmares? Two of these questions have likely asked yourself when you woke up from a bizarre dream or scary nightmare.

Dreams happen in the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. Because REM sleep causes different brain parts to produce electrical impulses which can trigger random thoughts or images to arise. These flashes could trigger dreams that are in the direction of emotions, thoughts and images.

Scientists aren't sure the reason we have dreams. We do know that we imagine. There are, however, several theories that could explain why we think. They can assist us:

Process emotions

Improve our long-term memory

Express wishes and desires

Be more creative

Read on to learn more about dreams, science , and how you can recall them.

What's a dream?

The essence of dreams is visual and hallucinations created by our brains for our unconscious minds. They are strange and unique because of the way that our 'sleeping' brains process time, reality and memories very differently than our brains that are awake.

REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep is when people have vivid dreams and have realistic dreams. It is also when they are sleeping the least. The REM cycle occurs every 90 minutes or two hours.

NREM (nonrapid eye movements sleep) is also possible, but dreams that occur in this stage are less likely to be recognized. Scientists believe this is because the brain is more likely be connected to your feelings and thoughts during this time.

What is the length of time dreams last?

Even if a dream feels like it lasts for hours, it's most likely just a matter of 20 minutes or less. Dreams last just two hours each night. This is because we can only dream during certain stages of the 5 steps cycle of sleep.

What's the point of the dream?

The electrical impulses that trigger REM sleep are responsible for how we dream. There are many theories about why we dream. Some scientific, some emotional.

Dreams aid long-term memory

One of the most widely-used theories for the purpose of dreams is that they help your brain make lasting connections to help retain important information. Because your brain will retain certain memories over others, that's why you may find it easier to remember specific things when you get up in the morning. This is the reason it might be easier for you to recall certain details once you awake in the early morning.

Dreams are a reaction to the instincts of flight or fight

According to some scientists, dreams are a method by which your brain reacts to the amygdala section of the brain. The amygdala is partially responsible for the fight or flight response and is most active while you're asleep. This could indicate that your brain is activating this portion of your brain by creating images in your dreams.

It's a good thing, REM sleep relaxes your muscles, which prevents your body from performing these fantasies in the sleep.

Things that can influence dreams and nightmares

Did you know that specific aspects of your life could influence the way you dream and experience nightmares? This could impact the quantity you dream, the types of dreams you've had and the amount of time you're spending in the 5 various stages of the sleep cycle.

Health or medical conditions

Certain health conditions can affect your sleep patterns, which can impact your dreams. Take, for example:

Sleep deprivation happens when you're able to fall asleep following a night of sleep deprivation. This can lead to greater REM sleep. Sleeping in REM is usually the time we experience the most vivid dreams, so when you sleep after experiencing sleep deprivation, you may find that your dreams are more vivid for what seems as if they've been a lot longer.

Pregnancy hormones could be activated during the course of pregnancy. This may cause more REM sleep. This may cause dreams that are more realistic. a more unrealistic result.

Mental disorders: Disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and depression may have an effect on the dreams noční můry u dětí . Scientists believe that dreams can be related to previous traumas or stress that are associated with these disorders.

This suggests that our mental and physical health can have an impact on our goals.


The most popular food that people associate with nightmares is cheese! Although this may just be a myth Some people believe that the types of foods you consume before going to bed may actually influence your dreams.

There is no solid evidence to back this up, but if you eat foods such as carbohydrates closer to bedtime, it may possibly affect your body while you rest. A lot of people remember times when they felt tired after eating carbohydrates, or feeling depleted after eating sugar. It could cause a feeling of lethargy, difficulty concentrating and the feeling of being tired.

These triggers can have a negative effect on your brain and body when you're awake. What is the result if these food items are consumed prior to the time of bed? What effect could sugar-crash and the post-carbohydrates slump on our sleep patterns? Although we don't have any evidence to support this theory this is an interesting thought.

What's a nightmare?

Nightmares are dreams that tend to be terrifying or traumatic. When you wake from a nightmare, it is more likely that you'll feel a physical or emotional reaction.

They could include:


Breathy and heavy

Heart rate increases

Not being able to go back to sleep

To find out more about the causes of nightmares, and the ways you can end them, take a look at the sections below.

What's the purpose to have nightmares?

Similar to 'why do we dream?' we're not completely certain why we've noční můry, but there are two primary convincing theories on what triggers nightmares:

Stress and anxiety


These are in line with the belief that dreams are in the hands of subconscious memories and emotional states. The stress and trauma experienced by us can feed into dreams, making them more frightening and disturbing.

If you're concerned about the amount of nightmares you're experiencing consult an expert in healthcare or a doctor.
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