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Will Counting Cards Send Your Casino Profits Soaring?How Ed Thorp Ruined Blackjack for Everybody
The internet is full of articles and forums covering how exactly to count cards. This advantage gambling technique turns the edge on the casinos and can help you ensure a long-term profit.

There are movies about the practice, and it?s a normal subject for television. For having such an immense influence in pop culture, card counting remains mysterious.

Let?s step behind the curtain and examine what you may expect as a card counter. With more and more people talking about how exactly to count cards, I offer the question that needs answering.

Will counting cards send your casino profits soaring?
First of all, Card Counting IS Legal
There?s a prevailing little bit of misinformation I run into fairly often. That's that card counters are somehow criminal masterminds.

To start with, card counting is completely legal in virtually any casino on earth. You aren?t making any alterations to the cards, nor are you exerting any influence on the outcomes.

You?re also not in collusion with the dealer in any way. You?re merely taking the information that is given through regular gameplay and working it in your favor.

That?s perfectly legal for any player on any game. Actually, the casino allows players to create their basic blackjack strategy chart to the blackjack tables. However, the essential strategy only reduces the home advantage. Counting cards extinguishes the edge and turns it in the player?s favor.

The casino will never take action to dispel the myth that card counting is illegal because they stand to miss out on profits. So, Hollywood and ill-informed gamblers perpetuate the fallacy while the casino lies along the sidelines, shrugging their shoulders.

There can be consequences to your card counting endeavors, but legal trouble isn?t included in this.

Anyone Can Become a Card Counter
I hear from many gamblers searching for a solution to become profitable in the casino. Once the subject of counting cards is posed in their mind, they recoil.

The notion of learning to be a card counter seems foreign to them, a pipe dream that can only be achieved by the very best echelon of casino gamblers.

You don?t must be an MIT mathematical genius to become a proficient card counter. You don?t have to memorize every card that?s been played to make a profit. You merely need to learn the procedure and practice it to perfection. You will find a world of distractions on the casino floor, so practice is paramount.

Card counting doesn?t work as you know very well what your hand will be. It functions by exploiting the 3 to 2 payout for an all natural.

The natural blackjack is where card counters gain the mathematical edge. By assigning value to cards, it is possible to track how many low-value cards have been played or high cards, with respect to the count.

That information is essential because the more high-value cards like aces, tens, jacks, queens, and kings that remain in the deck, the better your likelihood of hitting a natural and obtaining the bonus payout. However, there?s more to making a profit than merely understanding the concept of card counting.

Becoming Profitable Takes a Lot of Work
Learning to be a good card counter requires a tremendous commitment. Before you ever take your skills into the casino, you?ll need to spend hours honing your craft.

You won?t desire to spend your practice time learning in the casino:

To begin with, it?ll become cost-prohibitive.
Also, you?ll easily be spotted by casino staff. When caught, your likelihood of becoming a card counter will undoubtedly be dead in the water.
So, you should find a partner or a group of partners to apply with for hours. You can learn the essential concepts very quickly, which is fantastic.

To be able to effectively keep a precise count amidst the chaos of the casino floor is really a different story. Remember, you?re playing for the table minimum until the count becomes favorable.

Then you will significantly boost your bet amount to maximize the positive count when the coveted blackjacks are more likely.

Which means that you?ll not merely need to track the count but additionally keep up with varying your bet size. It?s definitely doable, but you will have a learning curve to weather.

You?ll Have to Avoid the Attention of Casino Staff
One of the more challenging areas of counting cards is avoiding detection. Don?t worry, the FBI isn?t worried about your advantage gambling technique.

The casinos are a different story. Casinos are massive money printing institutions where players can be found in and exchange their cash for entertainment and the possibility of leaving a little wealthier.

The casinos need players to lose to make any money. They know some players will win; that?s related to the randomness of the games. However, they are able to?t afford to possess large sets of players consistently fleecing the casino through gaining a sustainable edge.

The Casino Has Trained Its Dealers, Pit Bosses, and Security Personnel to Spot Card Counters
The casino even has several ways to determine in the event that you?re counting cards or just getting lucky. You?ll need to avoid drawing suspicion from the ever-watching eye in the sky if you hope to make a profit from card counting.

The relieving news is that the casinos are long taken off the days of brutal intimidation tactics and all-out assaults typically. That barbaric calamity sure makes for good television, though.

About the worst that you can expect to function as victim of today is really a little bit of public shaming as you?re escorted from the table. You may also lose your chips that may be a blow to the bankroll, but that?s likely not the finish of your ordeal.

Following the casino bans you from their casino, they?ll distribute your image to all casinos in the area. That will make it difficult to merely move your game to some other nearby casino.

Getting busted by the casino won?t ruin your life as a card counter. However, it?ll likely ruin your day.

So, you need to spend added time and focus on understanding how to count cards without looking like you?re counting cards. This step is critical should anyone ever want to make money.

Stick to Land Based Casinos
Real cash online casinos are booming right now. These virtual casinos are a hit with gamblers on a worldwide scale.

They offer a convenience factor that is unmatched in the gambling world. Unfortunately, they have differences in the games that put advantage gamblers on the sidelines.

You won?t make a long-term profit by playing blackjack within an online casino.

The web blackjack games use RNGs (Random Number Generators) to create a result for every hand; having less an actual deck means the deck never spends cards once they?ve been played. Some online casinos have live dealer games that resemble the natural thing to perfection. However, these games use constant shuffling machines.

The constant shuffling is really a clever way to combat any card counters looking to exploit the web casinos. Stick to land-based casinos for the card counting sessions.

Counting Cards Will ENHANCE YOUR Gambling Throughout the Casino
The plain facts are that card counting won?t only boost your gambling profits in blackjack; the disciplines learned in card counting will result in earnings throughout the casino.

The main lesson you?ll learn is known as variance. Variance may be the way the math could work for you personally or against you in the now.

For Example:
In the event that you?re playing blackjack and increase your bet to $250 per hand. You can see the math work on your side and quickly win thousands of dollars. Conversely, the math may fall another direction and wipe you out. That?s as you have a long-term advantage.

Imagine a coin flip; you've got a 50% chance of flipping heads. Assume that things went perfectly, and 50 out of 100 should come up heads for you.

You wouldn?t expect the outcomes ahead out; heads, tails, heads, tails, heads, tails, and so on. Yet, this is one way many players misinterpret the math.

The fact is that you may get yourself a string of nine or even more heads in a row at some point. This is variance, also it can bankrupt gamblers.

Having this knowledge demonstrated practically over time will give you a distinctive perspective that may ultimately result in more wins throughout your gambling career.

You Can Make a lifetime career Out of Counting Cards
Let?s finally answer the million-dollar question. Will counting cards send your casino profits soaring?

The short answer is maybe. Yes, when you can adequately learn all the techniques of the successful card counters.

I understand many card counters which have lived in NEVADA for years, and they create a very comfortable living playing blackjack.

Depending on what your targets are as a card counter, you can quit your day job and be a professional gambler in no time.

Counting cards will send your casino profits soaring. Like most worthwhile endeavors, you?ll get out of card counting what you put into it.

I suggest you take things slowly and approach card counting like a new business venture. Protect your bankroll and perfect your craft as time passes. You?ll be an edge gambler before you know it.Ed Thorp is among the biggest blackjack legends of all time. Dubbed the ?Father of Modern Card Counting,? he?s credited with teaching thousands of people how exactly to count cards.

Many people embrace Thorp and treat him like a blackjack god. In the end, he did invent what was widely regarded as the initial successful card counting system.

However, I despise the guy and blame him for ruining blackjack. I?m likely to discuss exactly why I think he?s in charge of the declining state of modern blackjack. First, though, I?ll go into greater detail on the feats that I?ve made him famous?or infamous in my book.

Why Is Ed Thorp so Celebrated in the Blackjack Community?
In the 1950s, four Army engineers devised ways to improve their chances of winning in real money blackjack. Known as the Four Horsemen, Roger Baldwin, Wilbert Cantey, Herbert Maisel, and James McDermott invented their own card counting system.

This counting system improved the Four Horsemen?s likelihood of winning beyond basic strategy. It wasn?t, however, sufficient to give them an advantage over the casino.

Enter Dr. Edward Thorp, professor of mathematics at UCLA and, later, MIT. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Thorp made a decision to turn his immense math knowledge towards blackjack.

He was a recreational player at that time who, like everyone else, was facing a house advantage. Unlike the average blackjack player, though, he had the abilities to circumvent the home edge.

He devised a new card counting method that superior the minor flaws of the Four Horsemen?s system. The ?10 Count? strategy became the first system that was with the capacity of overcoming the home advantage.

He partnered with a specialist gambler named Manny Kimmel and made a decision to put his counting technique to the test. Thorp and Kimmel were immediately successful and made a fortune by counting cards at Reno and Las Vegas casinos.

Kimmel wished to keep their act going by beating the casinos for more profits. Thorp, however, had another idea in mind.

Thorp Exposed Card Counting for the World to See
For Ed Thorp, card counting was never about becoming a long-time pro gambler. Instead, he was interested in the research side and showing the world his findings.

The professor knew that his card counting strategy worked following a casino trips with Kimmel. Rather than continuing to fly under the radar, he made a decision to expose counting for everyone to see.

Ed Thorp

In 1962, Thorp published Beat the Dealer. Underneath this simple title was a revolutionary book that taught the common Joe how to play blackjack just like a professional.

Unlike other blackjack books at that time, it wasn?t only a dive into basic strategy. Instead, Beat the Dealer detailed Thorp?s and Kimmel?s (?Mr. X?) experiences as blackjack pros. In addition, it provided the products on the 10 Count.

A large number of gamblers were immediately inspired to use up card counting and try beating the dealer themselves. A lot more would follow as they became aware of Beat the Dealer and counting cards generally.

What Was Blackjack Like Before Thorp ARRIVED?
Although revolutionary for its time, the 10 Count isn?t the most-precise counting system. Actually, it wouldn?t stand a chance against today?s multi-deck shoes.

The fact is that Thorp benefited heavily from friendly rules in the first 1960s. In the past, single-deck tables with 3:2 natural blackjack payouts were typical. These games would also include one or more other player-friendly rules.

The outcome was countless blackjack tables with a 0.5% house edge (99.5% RTP) or lower. These low house advantages greatly aided card counters and their efforts to create profits.

Card counters weren?t the only real ones profiting from these rules. Recreational players also enjoyed a much better chance to win back in those days.

Of course, they needed to know basic strategy to achieve the best payback. If skilled, though, these players could look forward to 99.5% RTP or more.

The Fallout From Beat the Dealer
Gamblers weren?t the only real ones reading Thorp?s book. Casinos also caught wind of Beat the Dealer and began dissecting it.

They came away realizing that their rules were too soft. Casinos visited work on changing blackjack games to create life tougher on advantage players.

The first step involved adding more decks to the shoe. Up until Thorp came along, there was really no reason to feature anything other than single-deck blackjack.

However, gaming establishments quickly realized they could get rid of the Thorp method simply by adding more decks. After all, the Thorp counting method is only accurate enough to work on single-deck games.


Eventually, casinos lowered the payout for natural blackjacks. 3:2 payouts were the norm in the 1960s. Some casinos, though, began offering 6:5 payoffs to lessen the benefit that counters could easily get.

Perhaps these rules wouldn?t be so annoying should they only affected advantage gamblers. However they also impact recreational players right now.

Just the change from 3:2 to 6:5 payouts alone improve the house edge by 1.39%. The move from a single deck to either six or eight decks escalates the house advantage by 0.48% and 0.50%, respectively.

The gaming industry has since tinkered with other rules that enhance their advantage, while simultaneously hurting card counters and recreational players.

Thorp 'S ALMOST a Billionaire
Although he?s still a legend in the overall game today, Ed Thorp has long since moved on from blackjack. He doesn?t have to eke out a full time income through card counting because, well, he?s almost a billionaire.

Thorp isn?t teaching classes or even writing books anymore. Neither of the pursuits typically gets one anywhere near billionaire status.

Instead, Thorpe became an investment guru in the 1970s. Once more, he used his math acumen to beat the competition.

Thorp transitioned the same work ethic and skills that he used to topple casinos to beat Wall Street. He?s now worth over $800 million today.

So, the next time you?re at the blackjack table and cursing the 6:5 payouts, you can thank the nine-figure man because of this courtesy.

Would SOMEONE ELSE Have Blown the Cover on Card Counting?
It?s been six decades since Ed Thorp crushed casinos and wrote all about it. With that said, it?s highly likely that someone else would?ve determined card counting between occasionally.

The Four Horsemen already laid the foundation for this advantage play method. Thorp simply used his mathematical skills to refine their work to the point where he actually beat casinos. Since then, a lot of other skilled card counters attended along and advanced the game.

Al Francesco mastered team blackjack play, especially the ?Big Player? concept. Stanford Wong developed the manner of ?wonging in,? or waiting to jump into games when the deck becomes hot.

Arnold Snyder explained the concept of deck penetration and how it was pivotal to beating multi-deck games. The MIT Blackjack Team mastered a businesslike method of blackjack.

Of course, for every true innovator was an opportunist seeking to bring the most benefit to themselves. The late Ken Uston is a perfect exemplory case of a blackjack opportunist.

A genius who began attending Yale at age 16, Uston would apply his wisdom to blackjack as an adult. He was a successful gambler early on, but his career didn?t really take off until meeting Francesco.

Uston later joined Francesco?s team as a ?spotter,? or someone who scouts tables for the Big Player. He used these experiences to create The Big Player: What sort of Team of Blackjack Players Made a Million Dollars in 1977.

Similar to how Beat the Dealer exposed card counting, The Big Player uncovered team play. It effectively ended Francesco?s golden era as his team was soon banned throughout Las Vegas.

If Thorp hadn?t refined card counting and introduced it to the world, then Uston or somebody like him would have done so.

I?ll admit that Thorp wouldn?t have been the initial and only person to fill casinos in on blackjack advantage play. Uston, after all, published The Big Player behind Francesco?s back. Any number of other successful card counters, who could also write, might?ve done exactly the same.

My problem with Thorp, though, is how quickly he went from making money through counting to penning a tell-all book. He jumped from being truly a successful counter to letting casino executives know just how it was done.

Thorp didn?t own the idea of card counting either. He merely superior the task of the Four Horsemen.

Blackjack has been an exploitable game from the beginning. The opportunity to count cards already exists within it, meaning somebody would?ve spilled the beans at some point.

Nevertheless, I don?t exactly revere Thorp because of how quickly he was willing to blow up card counting. Beat the Dealer not only had ramifications on advantage play but additionally general blackjack rules.

This book was the beginning of the finish for widespread great rules. Now, many tables feature 6:5 natural payouts and multiple decks.

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