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Malaria Raises Concerns For International Travelers
If you are traveling outside the USA, Canada and Western Europe you may well be at risk for malaria. Over 30,000 American and European travelers are infected every year. It has a 4 - 20% mortality rate.

check here is still a great killer. People with malaria experience flu-like symptoms such as for example chills, fever, body aches, shaking and extreme sweating.

Travelers to sub-Saharan Africa are under the greatest risk; but all travelers to countries with malaria may come down with this deadly disease.

What regions of travel and what seasons of travel improve the threat of malarial infection?

most malarial transmission occurs in rural areas
mosquitoes breed more in low altitudes (coastal areas) with warm temperatures
rainy seasons bring out mosquitoes
most tropical and semi-tropical countries have malaria mosquitoes
dusk may be the worst time because most tourists are not yet of their rooms at the moment
How can I prevent catching malaria?
before you travel, get yourself a prescription from your own doctor for malaria medicine
apply to the skin mosquito repellent with at the very least 17-35% Deet - especially spray the feet and ankles when eating at a restaurant
wear light colored long pants and shirts when outside at night
spray the bedroom an hour before bedtime - mosquitoes hide in dark corners, drapes and wet bathrooms
mosquito coils are effective and can be bought locally (some countries use an electric anti-mosquito device; can also be bought locally)
How can I be certain if the country I am traveling to is really a malaria hot zone?
The World Health Organization (WHO) comes with an interactive data map that presents areas of the planet infected with malaria, seasons once the risk increases, and recommended methods to prevent the disease,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also gives you travel health information at
We advise that you immediately seek diagnosis and treatment in the event that you develop a fever seven days or even more after entering a malaria-risk area. Travel insurance will cover you around 6 months after returning home for diseases incurred overseas. If you are first diagnosed and treated in your travel country.

Talk to your travel insurance broker such as for example Good Neighbor Insurance in what types of international travel cover cover costs back for diseases - like malaria - incurred overseas.

Email Jeff Gulleson at Good Neighbor Insurance for suggestions about international travel insurance and malaria.
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