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Stomach Balloon
A stomach balloon (also called a gastric balloon or an intragastric balloon) is an inflatable medical device that is used to help patients lose weight after diet and exercise have failed. This procedure is not suitable for patients who are unable to reduce their weight on their own and do not wish to undergo surgery. Despite its benefits, stomach balloon surgery is not recommended for people who do not want surgery and do not wish to undergo invasive procedures.
Endoscopic placement

Endoscopic placement of a stomach balloon is a relatively simple procedure that uses a thin tube with a lighted camera to insert the device. During the procedure, a doctor will pass the endoscope through the patient's mouth and down the esophagus to the stomach. Once there, the balloon is inflated under light anesthesia and will take up space in the stomach. This will help the patient eat less and feel full more quickly.
Long-term success

Long-term success with a stomach balloon can depend on many factors, including your starting weight and the changes in eating habits that the balloon can encourage. The procedure is not a miracle weight loss solution, and long-term success requires focus and discipline. Diet and exercise are important factors for long-term success.
Complications of deflation

An obese patient who undergoes an intragastric balloon insertion may experience a variety of side effects. While most patients experience minimal to no side effects, patients may experience gastric outlet obstruction, bowel obstruction, or gastric ulceration. Fortunately, these complications are rare and can usually be treated successfully with lifestyle changes.
Side effects of overinflation

There are a number of side effects associated with overinflation of stomach balloons. One of the most serious complications is pancreatitis. This condition is characterized by intense pain in the abdomen and back, a rapid heartbeat and fever. The FDA has issued warnings about the risks associated with balloon placement.

The first few days after a gastric balloon insertion are typically filled with discomfort and nausea. This is normal and usually subsides on its own after several days. During this time, a liquid diet is recommended. You should also try to avoid hard nuts and seeds, and products with simple carbohydrates. Eating slowly is also key, as you should avoid foods that increase gastric acid.

There are some contraindications to stomach balloon therapy. Patients with known cardiovascular conditions should not undergo this procedure. If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor may suggest other procedures to treat your condition.
Elipse intragastric balloon is procedure-less

The Elipse intragastric balloon is CE-approved and is designed to be swallowed. It is removed through natural excretion, meaning there is no need for sedation or endoscopic surgery. In addition, the Elipse balloon has minimal complication rates compared to other intragastric balloons.

The cost of a stomach balloon can vary significantly depending on the surgeon you choose and your insurance coverage. Most health insurance plans do not cover the procedure, but some may. In addition, experienced bariatric surgeons charge more than general surgeons. However, the surgeons you choose should be well qualified and have experience with this procedure.
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