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Hold YOUR ONLINE Host Accountable With Website Monitoring Services
If you've ever shopped for or purchased internet hosting services, chances are you've seen a number of hosts, like the one you pay each month or year, claiming an uptime rate of 99.9 percent. The question is, are they really delivering on that promise? In terms of something as serious because the hosting of one's website, you need to be in a position to hold your webhost accountable. The only effective way to do that is with a quality website monitoring service.

The Stories Are Always Similar

It's a common occurrence. An entrepreneur or webmaster subscribes with a leading webhost, entrusting the uptime of their website to the company. After you start with the company, the customer is very pleased with the service. However, as time passes it becomes apparent that the uptime the customer's site is really experiencing will be a lot significantly less than the 99.9 percent that has been promised and guaranteed during signup. The thing is, the customer has no real solution to know how much downtime the site is experiencing and can't give numbers to the webhost when filing a complaint since they don't have website monitoring in place on the website.

Know Just How status Is Encountering

The only way to hold your webhost accountable with regards to how much website downtime your site is experiencing would be to hire a quality website monitoring service to monitor your site. These services will monitor your website for you round the clock, 7 days weekly, 365 days per year. The moment your website goes down, the business will notify you with a selection of contact methods. Just how quickly you are notified and the way you are notified depends on the quality of the web site monitoring service you select.

Hold YOUR ONLINE Host Accountable

By the end of the month it is possible to go through the downtime reports and information obtained from your own website monitoring service. If it's significantly different from how much uptime your hosting provider promised you once you signed up for service, you should contact the provider with the required information including just how much downtime your website experienced so when the downtime occurred. Your goal would be to determine exactly why your site went down preventing it from happening again. If your web host doesn't have a good explanation for the downtime or solutions to prevent it from happening in the future, it's time to change hosting providers.
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Regards; Team

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