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Are cats cold when it's cold outside? How cold are cats at?

The temperature of cats is very sensitive, especially when they live indoors. We feel colder than cats. You should be particularly careful around breeds like the Siamese or sphynx, which have little to no fur. You may want to consider a jacket or sweater.

It is also important to give extra attention to cats who have a low-defense disease. This is true for older and younger cats who have weakened immune systems.

How cold can a cat resist? is unknown what temperature minimum a cat is able to tolerate. However, we do know the maximum. Cats are warm-blooded, so the temperature at which they maintain thermal comfort, without exerting any energy, should be between 30 and38 oC. After knowing this, it is clear that cats will feel the cold starting at 29 oC.

But it is also important to take into account the level of humidity and the wind, if we have a cat that goes outside. When your cat lives outside, or is often outdoors, it requires a diet that provides the required calories for it to be able to regulate its temperature.

By the way, if you are curious about whether dogs are cold , we will tell you about it in this article.

How to determine if the cat is feeling cold

Find out what signs your cat may be showing if it is cold.

His extremities are cold. Look at the pads and tips of his ears as well as the tips of tails.

Search for places that are warm. The sun is the best place for cats to be in your house. They are warm-blooded and need the warmth.

You can find him between cushions or under blankets. It is possible to find him in between blankets or cushions. The first sign that your cat is becoming cold will be if he curls himself up and looks for warm areas, such at radiators.

this website . Your cat will shiver if they are cold. In these cases, they may have been in the cold for quite some time.

The man isn't very active. During the winter, people tend to reduce their activity.

Siamese cats have a peculiar coloration called "colour point". They have darker tones on certain points, like the muzzle, tips of the ear, legs and tail tip, while the rest of the body is lighter. The darkest parts of the cat's body correspond with the areas that are coldest. This is a peculiarity of "colour point", cats, which can vary their colour depending on temperature.

Starting with food, just like us, our cats need enough calories to withstand low temperatures. To help your cat survive in the winter, you may want to give him some extra energy. Keep in mind, however, that they won't be able to burn the extra calories if you give them more.

Your house must have a warm environment, so it is recommended that you put the heating on. You can also open the curtains or blinds on the windows to let in the sun's rays from outside and so your cat can lie down and warm up while they hit it directly.

When you don't have the heater on, or aren't at home to use it, you can build a shelter just for the cats. You can use blankets to cover the cardboard boxes or even beds. They love it.

Look for clothes or sweaters for cats with little or no coat. Your veterinarian can help you determine the best materials to use for your skin problems and warm up your cat.

Just like humans, cats can get a cold if they are exposed to temperatures below freezing. Cats can also get a cold, and the symptoms are very similar.


Eyes that are red and watery.


The lack of activity and Apathy

However, in very serious cases in which the cat has been very cold or has been at very low temperatures for a long time, it may have hypothermia. The symptoms of hypothermia are:


Muscular rigidity.

A change in the vital signs.

A difficult time breathing.

When this happens, you will want to get him warmed up before taking him immediately to the vet. This is because if we don't treat him correctly, then he may suffer permanent damage.
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