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What Is Transformational Resistance?
Resistance is the emotional reaction people have when faced with change, either out of ignorance or fear of failure. This response can be a major hindrance in change management and often contributes to why some initiatives fail.

Transformational resistance is the type of protest that works to transform oppressive social conditions. Its motivation stems from a concern for social justice and displays greater awareness and critique than self-defeating resistance does.

Transformative resistance can take many forms, from protests to incarceration. leadership develops through educational and political processes like organizing for social change or advocating for racial justice.

Students with a strong sense of their oppression and motivation to fight it are the most likely to engage in transformational resistance. They may take actions that challenge the dominance of a school's dominant culture (e.g., starting an anti-oppression club or boycotting it).

However, some students will engage in self-defeating resistance that does not work to transform their oppressive conditions but rather serves to recreate them. An example of this type of student behavior includes high school dropouts who criticize the schooling system without actually working towards improving their status.

Another example of this type of resistance is when a student protests the school system without having any profound understanding of racialized social, economic or cultural forms of oppression and does not question its relevance for teaching methods and curriculum. Without resistance, these students are more likely to follow in the footsteps of their dominant school's path to success - which will likely be determined by their racialized socioeconomic background and family structure.

When it comes to digital transformation, there are various approaches. leadership of the most successful is taking a path that gradually implements new practices and technology without causing too much disruption or chaos within an organization.

To accomplish this, an organization should first define its goals and then create a roadmap with achievable steps that employees can easily execute without much hassle. This approach can have a major impact on the digital transformation strategy as well as help employees adjust to the rapidly transforming business environment.

This approach allows organizations to evaluate and test their new strategies before investing in more significant technologies and changes, thus minimizing the risk of implementation. Furthermore, it helps organizations identify problems early on so that they don't require costly or time-consuming fixes later.

Accomplishing this aspect of the transformation is crucial in the Digital Transformation space. leadership should identify their transformation objectives, then craft a road map with achievable steps that can be implemented incrementally so that organizations quickly learn how to utilize new technology and make necessary modifications. Doing leadership increases their chances for success while reducing potential failure risks in the long run.
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Regards; Team

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