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Classical Conditioning – A type of learning in which a response naturally elicited by one stimulus (innate) comes to be elicited by a different, formerly neutral,
Elements of Classical Conditioning
– Unconditioned stimulus (us) A stimulus that invariably causes an organism to respond in a specific way.///
Unconditioned response
(UR) A response that takes place in an organism whenever an unconditioned stimulus occurs.///
Conditioned stimulus
(CS) – A
originally neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and eventually produces the desired response in an organism when presented alone.///
Conditioned response (CR) After conditioning, the response an organisms produces when a conditioned stimulus is presented. /// Intermittent pairing- the
conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus on only a portion of the learning trials.///Conditioned taste aversion, a learned association between the taste
of a certain food and a feeling of nausea and revulsion, is an example of preparedness.///
Operant Conditioning
- type of learning in which behaviors are emitted
(in presence of specific stimuli) to earn rewards or avoid punishments.///Elements of Operant Conditioning two elements: 1. Emitted behavior or operant behaviors-
behaviors designed to operate on the environment in a way that will gain something desired or avoid something unpleasant. And 2. Consequence- A stimulus that
follows an emitted or operant behavior.///There are two types of consequences: First is, Reinforcers- Stimuli that follow a behavior and increases the likelihood that
the behavior will be repeated. Second type of consequence is, Punishers- A stimuli that follows a behavior and decreases the likelihood that the behavior will be
repeated.///Law of Effect (principle of reinforcement)Thorndike’s theory that behavior consistently rewarded will be “stamped” as learned behavior and behavior
that brings about discomfort will be “stamped out”.///Establishing an Operantly Conditioned Response the behavior has to be emitted
. ///Use of punishment
has drawbacks- Cannot unteach unwanted behaviors, can backfire by stirring up negative feelings, and can teach aggression.///Shaping through Biofeedback-
Technique that uses monitoring devices to provide precise information about internal items like heart rate, blood pressure, and to teach people to gain voluntary
control over these functions.///Neurofeedback- A biofeedback technique that monitors brain waves; operant condition can be useful in controlling biological
functions./// Schedule of Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning- The rule for determining when and how often reinforcers will be delivered.- Fixed-interval
schedule- Reinforcement which the correct response is reinforced after a fixed length of time since the last reinforcement. Variable-interval schedule- A
reinforcement in which the correct response is reinforced after varying lengths of time following the last reinforcement. Fixed-ration schedule- A reinforcement in
which the correct response is reinforced after a fixed number of correct response. Variable-ration schedule- A reinforcement schedule which a varying number of
correct responses must occur before reinforcements is presented///Generalization and discrimination can occur with both classical and operant condition. :
Stimulus generalization –the transfer of a learned response to a different but similar stimuli. : Stimulus discrimination-Learning to respond to only one stimulus and
to inhibit the response to all other stimuli./// Tolman study(1930)with rats in maze showed they were capable of latent learning- Latent learning – learning that is not
immediately reflected in a behavior change. , Cognitive map-A learned mental image of a spatial environment./// Gestalt Psychologist Wolfgang Kohler did an
experiment with chimpanzees and examining another aspect of cognitive learning: sudden insight into a problems solution. Insight – learning that occurs rapidly as
a result of understanding all the elements of a problem./// Vicarious/observational –learning ///
Vicarious reinforcement
(or punishment)- Reinforcement or
punishment experienced by models that affects the willingness of others to perform the behaviors they learned by observing those models.///Bandura study(1965)
*Children imitated aggressive behaviors they observed. *Significantly more boys and girls exhibited imitative aggressive behaviors when rewarded.///Information
Processing Model- Identifies the way that individuals take in, store and use information.///
What are the foundations of the IP approach
?- They are : Encoding,
storage, retrieval.///Sensory registers are the entry points for all of the raw information from the senses.///Broadbent(1958)suggested that there is a filtering
process at the entrance of the nervous system.; Allows only those stimuli that meet certain requirements to pass through. Treisman(1960,1964,2004)modified the
filtering theory by suggesting that the filter is not a simple on off but a variable control like the volume that can “turn down “unwanted signals without rejecting them
entirely. :Treisman’s modification to the filtering theory explains the cocktail phenomenon * Recall of some details but not others.///
Inattentional blindness
overlooking important information when it’s in our face.///Capacity of STM- Short term memory can hold as much information that can be repeated or rehearsed in
about 1.5 or 2 seconds *Capacity of about 7(think #).///Chunking, the grouping of information into meaningful units to help increase capacity of short term
memory.///Encoding in STM- Verbal and visual information is stored in STM Phonologically the way it sounds.///Maintaining STM- Rote Rehearsal, Repeating
information over and over.///Serial Position Effect- The finding that when asked to recall a list of unrelated items, we remember the first and last of the list./// Types
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