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Tired of Riding the Health Rollercoaster?
Many people want to appear and feel good but don't desire to put in the time, energy and effort to take action the healthy way. Nobody wants to hear the secret to getting back in shape and staying fit requires hard work and commitment as well as a balanced diet, exercise regimen and nutritional supplementation.

People would rather hear they can sprinkle something on their foods, pop a pill or do the latest Hollywood cleanse and get their desired results. Trendy diets today are like music's "one hit wonders" and in a world of instant gratification, folks are interested in the "one fix wonders" but those too walk out style rather quickly. That is until the next trendy health fad begins to spread like wildfire through the celebrity world filled up with outrageous endorsement deals.

The weight loss industry is a $60 billion dollar sector filled up with millions of dieters. Have you become a statistic or perhaps a victim of the scale? True email address details are a matter of lifestyle choices, not a diet. There are no shortcuts and no end date. How many times have you dropped 5-10 pounds for a marriage, holiday or vacation merely to put it back on and 5 pounds more, maybe even 10 pounds more?

So long as you keep riding medical rollercoaster, you will keep obtaining the same results. What's this is of insanity again? According to Albert Einstein, insanity is "doing a similar thing over and over again and expecting different results." Isn't it bad when people can name more fad diets than Presidents of the United States? People can name every Kardashian and Bachelor finalist but do not know what an enzyme is even though they are naturally stated in your own body. Many don't understand how good they are able to feel only if they took care of these health! When things sound too good to be true, they are this means, be smart and inquisitive. When something promises huge weight reduction results in a short period of time without changing any aspects of your life, a big red flag is going up. Run!

Another thing to bear in mind are celebrity spokespeople whether a model, actor, doctor or highly paid average person hoping for connecting to the people with a plain Jane look. Big money is spent putting well-known faces and bodies on today's latest weight reduction trends but do you ever ask yourself if these people have really gotten results from the merchandise or they're just saying what these were paid to say? What folks usually do not always realize may be the limelight isn't as glamorous as you think. A number of the world's hottest celebrities and fitness models are in fact the least healthy people who are also on medical rollercoaster to fit a notion or unattainable image.

If being in form was easy, everyone will be fit. Instead, we live in a world where obesity is an epidemic and the pressure to be thin is constantly publicized in newspapers, radio, magazines, Internet, TV and social media. Although the Internet and media outlets put information readily at the hands of people, it has converted into information overload. While one website discusses the advantages of adding a specific vitamin to your daily regimen, another website is saying that same vitamin is currently shown to cause disease. In a multi-billion dollar industry, we've more celebrity doctors than previously and many have confidence in the "latest and greatest" products just because a doctor said so. Do you know everything you are taking or the consequences long-term use might have on your liver and kidneys? Can you even ask?

Two years ago I started Innerzyme, a nutraceutical company specializing in natural enzyme based natural supplements. I am an enormous fan of digestive and systemic enzymes; I take them daily and wouldn't ever be without them. I also workout 6 days a week and eat clean. When what you do is what you love, it is not a matter of earning time; it really is just something you do, a lifestyle. For me, working out is part of my everyday, just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. I really do not push enzymes on anyone despite the fact that I understand medical benefits and understand how many people could reap the benefits of them. I believe in the significance of educating people and allowing them the opportunity to ask questions and conduct their very own research as well.

About a year ago, I approached two health retail giants about introducing Innerzyme into their retail stores. Neither one asked what sort of supplement Innerzyme is nor what ingredients come in the merchandise. One asked if I had any celebrity endorsing the product and another said call back when you can get the product on Dr. Oz. So, what does it try get a your supplement on Dr. Oz? I decided to write him an email to learn. The response returned quickly from an Ad Director saying, "The types of partnerships we are talking about could run upwards of a couple of million dollars." I assume that was the finish of that discussion. However, I am not discouraged, I'm motivated to keep educating people 1 day at the same time because I really believe in Innerzyme, have a vision and am passionate about creating awareness about healthy living.

When you make something a lifestyle, it becomes a habit, not a chore. It is not always easy but nothing worth doing ever is. As a health professional with a passion for helping others move their lives in a healthy direction, I am working to educate people on getting off the rollercoaster by changing the mindset from diet to lifestyle.

Only you can make the decision to boost the quality of your daily life by improving your wellbeing. Hold yourself accountable, make small realistic goals and don't quit, no excuses!

Move your life in a wholesome direction, see how Innerzyme can help! For more info , visit
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