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Soap Nuts Detergents - Must Knows!
There are some critical aspects about using soap nuts in non-traditional forms. By "traditional" I refer to the very safe approach to using dried soapberries (aka soap nuts) that are to put it simply in a cotton bag and tossed in together with your laundry. Recently, soap nut powders and liquids are turning up an increasing number of. Isn't the race for the next "new thing" always amusing? The inherent problem with a "race" is that speed often results in errors and mistakes. You can find very significant issues for the buyer to understand with both these new types of soap nuts.

Right when we are stretching our dollars so far as possible, while also growing inside our concerns about all possible health hazards, both these types of soap nuts have drawbacks.

It's important to note that my roots are in natural skincare product formulations; hence my perspective in the detergent and cleanser industry is quite unique. As a product formulator and a signer of the Safety in Cosmetics Compact, I abide by strict policies. I view detergents and cleansers with exactly the same care and concern when i do topical and beauty industry formulas. Both big issues here involve:

1) The economics of using powder.
2) And most importantly the potential health hazards.

Let's focus on the economics:

I really do not promote use of soap nut powder - unless money is of no object. It's becoming increasing popular by many sellers, but is - undoubtedly - the least economical way to use soap nuts. (Guess some people are deciding in addition. Well, at the very least the math isn't tough.) The problem is that it doesn't matter how finely one powders the shells, the saponin (the all important active component) isn't fully released before it ends up down the drain. Not good. Remember it is a fruit - not just a synthetic chemical. Hence we must accept and work with its inherent properties. Compare for yourself: A half-ounce of quality soap nuts found in the traditional method (that is the average weight of five soap nuts) can perform three, four, five or even more loads. A half-ounce of powder (the recommended total succeed) does ONE load. Period. That's it. To worsen the problem, sellers are charging a premium for powder. Ouch! If soap nut powder is what you really feel you must have, NaturOli recommends utilizing a coffee grinder and grinding them yourself to the best possible dust possible. Try reducing the suggested half-ounce to a third or quarter-ounce. Dependant on your water hardness and machine type, you may well be in a position to use less. Save the pieces that don't grind to utilize traditionally. Soap nuts used traditionally and wisely can be as affordable as any effective chemical detergent. If you desire the convenience of powder, simply remember that presently the convenience comes at a steep price.

Now - the far more serious warning regarding potential side effects:

Be extremely cautious of most soap nut liquids. That is scary. My recent review and analysis of the official MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheet) that was reluctantly provided by an India/Nepal exporter was absolutely frightening. Apparently, in the big rush to quickly get a liquid to advertise, the exporter used less than eco-friendly extraction processes, plus loaded the solution with the cheapest salt they could find. Much like most botanical extractions and solutions, a pure soap nut liquid will go rancid within days unless preserved in some fashion. (One seller who will need to have been in an extremely big hurry to acquire a liquid to advertise stopped selling it within weeks. I purchased some. Talk about gross!) Let's remember that read more are simply just clueless when it comes to chemistry. Plus, the India and Nepal exporters don't have the mindset for creating a safe and healthy detergent. (Remember it's a detergent - not a skin care product.) The precious saponin's inherent healthy, green characteristics were totally destroyed in the liquids I tested. Essentially everything good concerning the soap nut was undone. The MSDS from the exporter read like it was poison! Shocking! It will have a biohazard label on it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This does NOT have to be disclosed to the consumer. A seller can simply label a product with saponin extract and become on safe legal ground. One more time basically: There are no laws requiring companies to inform you this. Remember that there are no FDA requirements for complete disclosure for detergents & cleansers. To worsen the issue, you can bet that many soap nut liquids will undoubtedly be produced, bottled and labeled in India and Nepal. It is - by far - the cheapest way to produce it. So PLEASE don't expect the label to inform you all this. As usual it will only tell you what you need to listen to. So, Caveat Emptor! (Buyer beware!)

Although saponin is naturally anti-fungal and anti-microbial, once liquefied it will rapidly become rancid and can then pose serious health threats. A common sense approach to use of well tested, high quality semi-natural and safe salt will be necessary to extend the shelf life properly and safely. Citric acid simply does not do the job. If you want to be 100% natural - and remain safe from serious fungal along with other infectious diseases stick with the traditional ways of usage for moment. Avoid any liquid imported from outside the US.

(Although this is simply not the topic of this short article, on the note of shelf life: Never expect a GENUINE, "natural" skin care or cosmetic product to last years. Formulas designed for topical application that ultimately will enter your bloodstream, should be used within six months for obtain the most and effectiveness. Discard after twelve months.)

High quality, safe soap nut liquids - and many other household cleaning solutions - will undoubtedly be available soon. As always, research your options and study the labels. However, remember that labels are often very deceptive and misleading. They are made to sell us. That's all. Ask questions of the seller and producer. Move along if your questions aren't answered thoroughly, or even to your total satisfaction. Avoid being shy about requesting a MSDS. There is no rating system for detergents and cleansers as there is with cosmetics. Hopefully Skin Deep or a similar organization will establish one. Sooner or later you will see one. That is clearly a guarantee. We shall demand it.

Soon we will all be able to stop spending money on rubber gloves - IF we simply be patient and use good judgment. Once more, don't rush out for the first and newest. That's one of the biggest mistakes consumers make, and a pocket liner for the sellers.

Good luck, be wise, live safely and live green!

Christopher Sicurella is the founder of NaturOli, a respected formulator of natural skin care products, soaps, detergents, and cleansers, plus distributor of soap nuts.

The NaturOli corporate mission: Setting New and Higher Standards - Today.

For more information on soap nuts, and recommendations for powder and liquids uses see the links above.
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