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17.The transfer of oxygen and nitrogen into the bloodstream occurs through the walls of the:

18.The proper first aid for Arterial Gas embolism, Subcutaneous emphysema, Pneumothorax, and Mediastinal Emphysema is:
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19.Overexpansion injuries can be prevented by:
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20.Gas can enter the bloodstream and cause serious damage to the lungs or even death by:
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21.Which of the following overexpansion injuries can be characterized by swelling in the neck area with a crackling sensation upon touching the swollen area?
Subcutaneous emphysema

22.Which of the following overexpansion injuries can be characterized by chest pain, breathing difficulties, weakness, and cyanosis (blueness) of the lips and nail beds:
Mediastinal Emphysema and Pneumothorax

23.If a flexible air-filled container at 30 meters of sea water has a volume of 6 liters, what would be the volume if it were transported to the surface?
24 liters

24.The most serious lung overexpansion injury is:
Arterial Gas Embolism

25.Rip currents are formed by:
Water breaks over sand bars and reefs near the beach and recedes through channels or cuts in the bars and reefs

26.When entering the water through the surf, dive buddy teams should:
Maintain physical contact and time entry to coincide with the lull between wave sets

27.The most important reason for planning your dives and executing the dive per your plan is to:
Prevent incidents

28.Which of the following steps should be taken in the selection of a dive site:
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29.A good diving buddy:
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30.Dive computers are essential for planning and executing dives because they:
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31.If you lose contact with your buddy, you should:
Search for no more than a minute by turning 360 degrees and looking up and down and then perform a normal ascent to the surface

32.The term No-decompression Limit is defined as:
The maximum allowed time at depth without having to perform a mandatory decompression stop during the ascent

33.Coral reefs are formed by:
Coral animals called polyps that form skeletal structures

34.Divers can help protect the marine environment by:
All answers are correct

35.More than ___ of Earth’s oxygen is produced by marine plants.

36.Two examples of hard corals are:
Elkhorn and Staghorn

37.Water comprises about ___ of the Earth’s surface.

38.When diving in Marine Protected Areas like Marine Parks, divers should:
Respect and follow the local Marine Park regulations

39.Two examples of soft corals are:
Black and Red Coral

40.The ocean is an important source of life because:
It is home to many of the first links in Earth’s food chain
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