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Building Sexual Health by Building Confidence
Contrary to what many men believe, good male sexual health isn't about having an extremely big penis, or a really handsome penis, or even really exceptional penis health (although a penis that's in good health already has a large head start where sex is concerned). In the first place, there are various factors that combine to create a good example of good male sexual health, no one factor may be the be-all and end-all of sexual health. However, one of the most important - and often-ignored - components in achieving good sexual health doesn't directly relate to the penis at all: confidence. The confidence a man has in himself includes a big impact on his sexual health insurance and well-being.

There are plenty of possible reasons why a guy may suffer from erection dysfunction, including insufficient confidence. This same lack may make a guy feel unattractive and undesirable, and may therefore make him hesitant to seek out potential partners. So building confidence is one method to help build sexual health.

With that in mind, following are some tips at building confidence:

- Save money time with somebody who makes you feel great - and less with those that don't. Many people have a friend or acquaintance who has a method of making them feel very special or prized or valued. If a guy needs to build his confidence, it helps to be around somebody who sees the strengths and makes him alert to them as well. By the same token, he needs to spend less time with those people that have the contrary effect and bring him down. It can be impossible to cut these folks out altogether, especially if they're work colleagues or members of the family, but finding ways to decrease the period of time spent making use of their negativity will help.

- List assets. A guy needs to remember to write down things that are good and positive about him. These could be characteristics (e.g., dresses well, practices excellent hygiene, says hello to doorman) or achievements (e.g., cleaned up file system, took dog for long walk, beat deadline on important project, etc.). Whether it's hard to think up items for the list, he should consult a good friend. And following the list is compiled, he should read it at the beginning of each day and increase it by the end of each day.

- Set challenges which are realistic. For example, instead of setting a goal of losing 100 pounds, set a goal of losing 5. Once that's achieved, think about setting a goal to lose 5 more.

- Celebrate successes. Many people feel self-conscious about acknowledging things they do well. A man should feel absolve to celebrate when he has achieved something or done something that was challenging.

- Do something enjoyable. Particularly when feeling stressed and overworked, make a point to do something enjoyable - swimming, reading, cooking, whatever. Releasing the stress can help boost confidence.

- Talk with Atomy Skin Care Review . Most importantly, if a man has significant confidence issues, he should seek out help from the mental doctor or life coach. Insufficient self-confidence could be debilitating - and not just to sexual health - when it is extreme.

Boosting confidence can be quite a boon for sexual health, particularly if penis health is already taken care of. For the latter, it helps to regularly apply a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil , which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should be certain to check on the oil's label to see if it includes L-carnitine and arginine. The former is really a neuroprotective ingredient to greatly help maintain proper penis sensitivity. The latter is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide and keep penile blood vessels open and flowing.

Visit for more information about treating common penis health issues, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is really a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and can be an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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