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3 Signs Your POOL Is Extremely Dangerous
Swimming pools are beautiful and relaxing features in virtually any home backyard?at the very least, they're said to be. Did you know your swimming pool might actually be a death trap? This might appear to be fear mongering, but it's true. Certain pools can be extremely dangerous, and needlessly so. Sure, your stovetop is inherently dangerous and accidents are possible, but a swimming pool can have certain features that make it far more dangerous compared to the average swimming pool. Do not fret; simply read on for 3 signs that you might need to hire backyard pools repairs in Los Alamitos. Pool professionals could make yours far safer.

Rundpools 's Too Deep
If you don't have legitimate Olympic dreams, then there is no reason for you to have an Olympic-style pool, which is usually 7 feet deep.

Drownings have become common in home pools. According to the CDC, there were about 10 drownings each day in American home pools between 2005 and 2009. The medical journal Pediatrics found that hundreds of backyard drownings occurred between 2001 and 2009, affecting mostly children. This cannot be written off as too little swimming education. There is absolutely no reason for you to have a swimming pool that's too deep. Hire pool repair and renovation experts to change that and make your pool child-friendlier, and adult-friendlier, too. A shallow pool will be very safe to take pleasure from, and will be more pleasurable, too. Isn't that why you installed a pool to begin with?

It's Dirty
Your pool is chlorinated, and which means that it is safe, right? Actually, this is simply not always true. Have insects or other pests died in your pool recently? Does your pet prefer to swim with you? Have tree pollen or other allergens fallen into your water? There's only so much that chlorine can do to combat these pollutants. Water-related illnesses are highly common, in line with the CDC, and dirty pool water may frequently be at fault. Is your pool filtering working properly? If not, in that case your pool doesn't stand a chance against pollutants, which can sometimes be even worse than urine. Even worse, is the quality of the water itself encouraging fungal growth? If your pool pH is off balance, then that is likely.

The Deck Is Deteriorated
Do you understand that rule you're taught as a kid: No running around the pool? There is grounds that rule was screamed at you. Running on a wet deck could cause falls?worse than embarrassing-but-hilarious slips into the pool while fully clothed. Adults and children can fall into water that is too deep to allow them to swim in (that you shouldn't have anyway, remember?) or it is possible to literally hit the deck, injuring yourself on the hard surface. But did you know that a deteriorated pool deck enables you to far more likely to injure yourself around the pool? Loose tile, gravel, rims, or railings can cause serious injuries. Hire a pool expert. They are able to assess your pool deck and perform backyard pools repairs in Los Alamitos if necessary. Should they find any serious issues with your pool which make it unsafe, they are able to address these, as well.
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