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My Story.

My name is Emily Jade and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2013. For the few of you who know what I'm talking about, you feel me, I know. For those of you who don't, (endometriwhat?) let me give you a crash course. ENDOMETRIOSIS is the presence of endometrium-like cells elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus, where they should be. The endometrium is the membrane that lines the inside of the uterus. That exact membrane that bleeds every month if you don't get pregnant.

So imagine having bleeding tissue on your diaphragm, ovaries, bowels, or all around your pelvic cavity. Yeah, it hurts. And the crazy thing is that, although it is a very common disease (it affects 1 in 10 women worldwide!), it's also one of the most misdiagnosed. Doctors are horribly misinformed and very few can skilfully practice the surgery that is needed to control the disease. I say CONTROL because, newsflash, to this day, there is no cure. (If you suffer from endometriosis, or suspect you might, I strongly encourage you to research the disease for yourself, rather than just listen to what one doctor has to say about it. This group has helped me a lot : )

How does this story fit here?

Well, I was DIAGNOSED in 2013. I DEVELOPED the first symptoms in 1998.

That's fifteen years of mind-numbing cramps. Fifteen years of missing a couple days of school, then work, every month. Fifteen years of being told off by my GP, of hearing that it's normal to experience cramps while menstruating. (BTW, it's NOT!)

I had my first surgery in March of 2013. They removed a cyst on one of my ovaries and for the first time in years, I was pain free... For 2 months. Then, the pain came back with a vengeance. At this point, I had already switched to a vegan diet in order to eliminate any foods causing inflammation (also because I LOVE animals and I CARE about the environment, but that's another story...).

I was really desperate to find a way to cope with this disease that didn't involve popping 20 Advils a day, or wrecking my endocrine system with hormonal therapy... I knew that being physically active would help but I wasn't ready to commit. Yes, the mind is stupid that way... In my defence, it was hard to commit to a fitness routine when at any moment, I could be hit by a cramp so intense, it would literally make me vomit.

In early 2015, my gynaecologist found another mass in my abdomen. This time, it was so big that it was unclear if it was a cyst or a tumor. I underwent surgery in April and they removed my ovary along with 2 LITERS of liquid from a cyst. Yes, 2 LITERS. No joke, the surgeon told me that I looked like I was 6 months pregnant.

After my second surgery I knew I was ready to commit. I had been following my very good friend, Emilie, since her start with Beachbody. I had witnessed all the great things it had brought to her, so when I decided to start this journey, I knew I would be in good hands with her, and the company that had helped her to get in the best shape of her life.

I started drinking Shakeology daily and working out with Chalene Johnson's Turbofire. And to my surprise, I loved it!!

I haven't had any pain since the surgery -touch wood!- and I know that the combination of Shakeology AND the workouts is largely responsible for this. I haven't felt this good since... I can't even remember. Probably ever.

My life has changed in such a way that I feel a responsibility to share my story and to pay it forward. That's why I became a coach.

If you feel like you need a change, but you need the extra accountability or just a little push to get started, you've come to the right place. Physical activity and good nutrition help not just for endometriosis but for all auto-immune diseases, depression, hypertension and even to just become a healthier version of you. And trust me, it is worth it.

YOU are WORTH it.

If you're curious, ask! Shoot me a quick message, no strings attached. And don't forget to share this if you think it might help someone else. <3


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Regards; Team

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