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What Is Orbera Weight Loss?
ORBERA is a nonsurgical weight loss procedure that uses a gastric balloon to reduce the size of the stomach. The balloon is filled with saline or salt water and placed in the stomach during a short outpatient procedure. The procedure is usually non-surgical and takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Patients usually experience significant weight loss immediately following the procedure. The procedure is usually effective for two to six months. However, the weight loss rate can vary from patient to patient depending on their eating habits and physical activity level.
Non-surgical weight loss with Orbera

ORBERA is a non-surgical weight loss solution that uses an intragastric balloon to help patients lose weight. The balloon is placed inside the stomach and filled with saline solution. This treatment can help patients feel full sooner during meals, helping them avoid overeating. After the procedure, patients must follow a diet and exercise regimen to keep the weight off.

The balloon, which is made of soft silicone, is inserted into the stomach during a non-surgical outpatient procedure. The procedure usually takes 20 to 30 minutes and the patient is usually able to return home the same day. After about six months, the balloon is removed. In the first few months after the procedure, the patient will begin losing weight quickly. The process is not painful, and the amount of weight lost will depend on the patient's diet and exercise habits.

While the FDA approved Orbera in 2015, it has been investigating its safety in patients. Since then, the FDA has received more than two hundred reports of serious side effects involving the device. Since then, the FDA has partnered with the manufacturer, Apollo Endosurgery, to review the product's safety data and to develop mitigation strategies.

The device is placed with the help of an endoscope, which travels through the patient's esophagus and stomach. Although this procedure is considered to be safe, there is a small risk of infection and bleeding. It can also cause a hole to form in the esophagus.

The cost of Orbera weight loss surgery varies. Most patients spend $7500 to $8,000 for the procedure, which covers the surgeon's fee and anesthesia. The cost also covers any follow-up visits with the surgeon. A further $750 covers the cost of the Orbera Coaching Tool, which provides online sessions with a dietician, nutritionist, and weight loss coach. The tool is designed to help the patient maintain their new, slimmer body for up to six months.

While Orbera is not as costly as other weight-loss procedures, many patients do not have insurance coverage. In the United States, most major health insurance companies do not cover weight loss surgery with the intragastric balloon. However, some companies may fund it if you live outside of the US. You may also be able to receive financing options to cover the cost. In addition to these options, you may be able to use a flexible spending account to lower your cost.

Contraindications to ORBERA weight loss medications include certain medical conditions, including severe liver damage. This medication may also not be suitable for individuals who take medications that inhibit proton pump activity. Some other contraindications include severe digestive disorders and slow emptying of the stomach.

For those considering the use of this medication, a detailed medical history is necessary. Patients should be examined for any gastrointestinal conditions, including previous gastric surgery and serious liver disease. There are also several absolute contraindications. These include severe liver disease, previous gastric surgery, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding lesions. Other conditions that may impair compliance with ORBERA treatment include pregnancy and alcoholism.

ORBERA is an intragastric balloon that is implanted in the stomach. It stays in place for six months to promote weight loss, while also reinforcing portions and encouraging healthy eating. Those who don't follow the prescribed diet and exercise program may not see significant results or even lose weight at all. During the treatment period, patients will be closely monitored by a team of doctors, nutritionists, and other health care professionals.

The balloon is made of soft rubber-like material, and is meant to fill space in the stomach. Its presence slows food's emptying, which is beneficial for a healthy weight loss. However, some people develop an intolerance to the balloon. Thankfully, this is rare.
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