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THE MOST RECENT In Crime Fighting
Nigel Osprey sits before his tv with a can of beer in his hand and slowly raising it and going for a luxurious sip and an audio escapes his wet lips 'ah.....that is life!'

He is enjoying the activity program on television, holding his favourite brew in his hand as symbol of freedom, whilst stabilising a family size pizza that had just been delivered and now balances precariously on his knees. He notices its steam rising gently and wafting through the air, filling the room with his favourite aroma: 'food!'

He listens with rapture to his favourite football manager's ranting.

Yes, he reminds himself with glowing eyes: that manager's a genuine man, strong, with a thick-set body and a mouth that continually appears to burst forth outrageous statements! And expletives - admittedly beeped out by a sissy programme editor - seem to stream effortlessly from thick and egotistic lips.

Nigel giggles to himself. He could be enjoying these outbursts; they're amusingly insulting and words are increasingly being aired that can't be received over the airwaves because of the earth content - they're too earthy! But you can always lip-read and not missng out, thereby increasing the fun!

Wonderful thoughts are arriving at his mind as he takes another strong suck from his beer can: The wife's gone away, this time for good! The divorce was very disturbing and a real upheaval. She appears to live now with her aunt Gerti in Muckalot in another state - wherever the hell that is.

Her dim-witted cousin Winston had come and picked-up all her belongings. He's taken a lot, piling it high on a truck, but it was great to see the last of her junk!

To any extent further, he keeps reminding himself, there is no more screaming at him, forget about berating, the home is currently quiet and peaceful as there is only he and his cat Benny, who is in complete agreement with him.

He glances around and notices that the area now looks sparsely furnished. His wife, ex-wife to be exact, has left him with the bare necessities! But there is a tranquil light filtering through the sheer curtains, making all of the dust visible and yet giving the area a tranquil ambiance.

'This is really a man's paradise', he thinks, nodding to himself. You can find his scattered newspapers, with the sports pages open and soon you will see a few magazines lying around the room he'd normally not need dared to buy.

'It's great to be free', he thinks - this can be a wonderful feeling, and he becomes aware of an intoxicating rush rippling through his body, making him sigh in bliss.

Suddenly, you can find knocks on the door, rather firm and banging with determination.

'What on the planet.....' He doesn't like unforeseen visitors, especially when they are interrupting his favourite television program!

Before the guy can shout 'Go away!' it bangs again, this time having an added touch of impatience and incredibly annoying! He feels his fury rising.

Opening the door somewhat in order to avoid further noise, he becomes alert to two men who have been obviously detectives, identifiable by their tight fitting suits and felt hats - 'who wears hats, nowadays?' he observes. In it jostled a fat policeman with a television news team, filled with camera man and sound technician.

The detectives worry him - from his first look into them he has this gut feeling they spelt troubles. These two men had faces so leathery and weather beaten and with darting eyes that, when coming up with eye contact, appear to yank out any secrets a person might want to withhold.

They are with a third man, some sort of professor type, with thick glasses, holding a clipboard in his hands.

The news team gets visibly exited, beginning to push their way closer to Nigel. They're of the delicate type, colourfully dressed, 'very pansy-like', Nigel observes.

They are holding their various apparatuses as though they were doing the public, and humanity generally, an excellent favour! 'But what is this about?' his thoughts keep racing through his mind.

Before he could think straight and absorb all of this gathering, one of many detectives, with a face such as a constipated bulldog, with eyes which were big and bloodshot and darting everywhere, held out a shiny metal plaque.

'Homicide!' he rasps, 'Are you Nigel Osprey?'

And get more info did not wait for an answer - so sure was he of his case.

'You are under arrest for the murder of a Mrs.Emilia Prattlelot..., your ex wife!'

'W..w..w.whaaaat?' Nigel could only gasp incredulously.

'That's right!' You heard!' This bellow comes out of non-existent lips.

'Come with me now. Come on, come on.....' A huge fat hand reaches out to seize him.

'What are you talking about?'

Nigel instinctively tries to close the door in an attempt to shut out this hostile crowd.

Unfortunately, this Robert-Mitchum-look-alike has big feet - very big, they reach the entranceway gap, thereby preventing its closing.

The third man, the main one looking such as a boffin, but with exactly the same non-descript clothes, had white hair and probably a big bald spot that, too, is covered by the old-fashioned hat. His pronounced features were thick spectacles - very thick. These were so pronounced that they seem to convex out in an attempt to reach him, with two tiny black spots showing that are trying to hypnotise him - these were either his pupils or the dots flies had left on his glasses.

'We know' escaped his stern lips. His Adam's apple moved along his scrawny throat with a collar that was much too big, giving the impression of shrinking whilst on duty!

The policeman, was in a uniform that tries to control his excessive weight by compressing it severely. But it only shifted his blubber downwards, manifesting itself in legs like concrete crushers, with rather gigantic, broad feet.

Now, he too, tried to find yourself in the act: Turn out, quick!' it escapes his thick lips.

Nigel feels that it is time and energy to say something:

'Look, I haven't done anything to anybody - I just desire to be left alone'. He forcefully through his weight contrary to the door, as hard as he could, jamming that giant's foot as hard as he could - with no effect.

'He must have a prosthesis', he observes as the man's features betray nothing.

The person with the thick goggles explained:

'We are from PCU, Predictive Crime-fighting Unit, based at police headquarters......'

'I don't give a fig what you are - I haven't done anything and my meal gets cold'

(He didn't shout exactly 'fig', but this writer is of good upbringing and wouldn't normally know how to spell the precise expletive!)

Nigel keeps banging the door against the detective's shoe - a useless exercise.

'Hey', shouts the man with the microphone, 'can you turn out a bit and give us a smile - you will end up on the news headlines tonight!'

Amazed, Nigel opened the door and steppes outside. 'What news? What are you discussing?'

The reporter was quite friendly; 'Our government has installed a fresh supercomputer that not only records all the crimes in this state, keeps statistics as to their frequency and type........'

The scientist took over:' With the demographic details, and the time-span, motive and all the relevant personality traits of the perpetrators, we have been now able to forecast where a crime may happen, by whom, the reason, et cetera, et cetera', letting the Latin words dissolve on his tongue.

He looked really exited concerning this new era of crime fighting. His hand, holding the pen, seem to write something unseen in the air.

'What rubbish! I 'aven't done anything and that is it. Leave me alone - the lot of you!'

His eyes encompassed everybody and his chin pointed especially at the reporter and his team. Blood is draining from his face and suddenly he feels so alone and helpless.

' Additional info is a nightmare! How do you get out of this?' his thoughts keep racing. And there are now signs of perspiration on his forehead.

'Come around - come on, come on!' The hefty detective uttered these words like a busy landlord reminding his patrons of closing time.

'Just to show you how accurate we are,' the scientist tries to show eagerly, 'You've ordered a pizza for dinner, with extra anchovies and mushrooms.' Staring at his clipboard folder in his hand, he rattled off what.

Stunned silence prevailed.

'Well, yes, but.....'

'Come on, come with us. Don't give us any troubles.' The mountain-man began tucking at his arm again - a symbol of his impatience.

'Leggo of me - I 'aven't done anything!'

Nigel's cry now sounds a bit more desperate.

Staring at his clip board folder, the scientist eagerly continues:

'You've ordered this from an outlet called Pizza Paradise - didn't you? You then fed your cat - didn't you? Also, you rang your friend Alfredo, inviting him for the evening?'

The last sentence was shouted with disgust.

In the background, the tv screen anchorman began to talk right into a microphone, explaining to his unseen viewers this fun new technology, with the eager face of a specialist and an uneasy stomach because he had not been sure just what he was talking about.

Sitting on a nature strip, he notices that was not the only thing he was standing on. Don't people have confidence in picking up after their dogs?

Now the policeman gets into the act: 'You have a brother called Arthur who lives in England. And a cousin in Townsville, called Edward, - right? As well as your car number is ......' Raising his voice in triumph he finishes:

'Your ex-wife will arrive any moment now, try to take custody of the dog, leaving you with the cat. And it will happen!'

He nodded at the increasing number of spectators. Justice is being done - everybody can see this!

A fresh person, female, approaches the crowd. She actually is somewhat dowdily dressed, with a headscarf and showing an expertly method of pushing and shoving her way into the crowd and through it.

Nearly reaching Nigel, she nods at him.

'Stop! Where do you thing you are going? And who are you anyway?' The policeman organized a meaty hand with sausage fingers.

'Let me through, I have to see Nigel!'

The detective tried to convey a fact:

'So, you're Emilia Prattlelot, the ex-wife?'

The gathered crowd beyond your door stiffens; they look at each other, nodding 'I told you so!' Then they step back somewhat, aware they are facing a cataclysmic moment.

'No, I'm Sally the cleaner! I'm here to pick up my pay for the house cleaning. She viewed Nigel, holding out a hand: 'You promised you should have the eighty-five dollars for me personally.....'

Nigel gasped: 'Of course, Sally, eighty five-dollars did you say? No problem! Reaching into his back pocket he produced his wallet and carefully counts out the amount of money into her upheld palm.

Staring at the amount of money piling-up in her hand, she readily gives information to the questions. Yes, she comes regularly which afternoon is her pay-day.

Great consternation is spreading and the police suddenly look deeply wounded: It really is supposed to be enough time of murder!
There are frantic calls to the authorities head offices and phones are ringing in reply, back and forth.

'Thanks, Nigel, see you soon!' Sally disappears with exactly the same amount of determination she was included with, but this time with an added touch of triumph.

For some reason the band of police are looking pale and stunned. The scientist staring into his clipboard folder was suddenly red-faced, the police crowded around him, all wanting to look knowingly.

'There is no reference to a Sally!' The geek with the thick glasses appears to have his eyes protruding like on stalks.
'The wife is not here, but a cleaning woman arises.....'

First, a murmur undergoes the crowd, a kind of rebellion starts spreading. Mumbling first disappointment, then loud sounds of dissatisfaction concerning the police in general and regulations begins to be aired.

The television team hurriedly pack-up their various equipment with downcast expressions whilst their bus driver starts the engine. Now, they will have no story to report!

People are walking away, disgusted and everywhere, having been cheated out of a genuine drama.

The people of regulations remain making frantic phone calls with their head offices, especially to their computer department.
'Goggle-eyes' stares at his mobile as though he cannot believe what he's just heard, Fatso tries to crush his phone in his meaty hand and the bulldog's blood-shot eyes keep staring in disbelief at the scientist's computer readout.

But after a few years they, too, withdraw, making their exit with a final glare at Nigel: 'We will undoubtedly be back,' their looks appear to say.

Everybody withdraws - the new, crime-predicting, computer has made a blunder!

Leaving Nigel standing outside his door, alone and scratching his head. Shrugging his shoulders he murmurs:
'Who the hell is Sally?'



[email protected]

For most of his working life, Peter was a commercial traveler, driving across Australia's countryside, having to cope with many hilarious situations plus some mellow moments. Now, he could be writing about them in his books. Peter Frederick invites the reader to visit him on his website for more information about his publications..
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