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Opening :-
A wonderful day! Thank you for choosing Xfinity! This is Rishbh, your Xfinity Ambassador for today. It will be a great pleasure to assist you today. Please help me with your issue so that I can go ahead and help you out.

A wonderful day! Thank you for choosing Xfinity! This is Rishbh, your Xfinity Ambassador for today. It will be a great pleasure to assist you today. Kindly tell me more about your concern and let's start working on it.

Toggle :-
Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruptions.

I really understand what you're saying, it's hard to enjoy your TV shows if you can't watch Tv ! I know I experienced the same issue a while ago with my previous cable provider. We are definitely going to get it resolved as quickly as possible…as I know exactly how you feel”.

Oh no! I use my internet for everything, so I understand how important it is to get and keep you connected. I' m glad you chatted.

I really understand what you're saying, it's hard to use Internet while you are doing work! I know I experienced the same issue a while ago with my previous Internet provider. We are definitely going to get it resolved as quickly as possible…as I know exactly how you feel”.

I can totally understand having reliable, fast internet is crucial to working and learning from home- It is something my family and I depend on daily! Let's see what's going on.

I've dealt with pixelation on my TV and it was so frustrating! The good news is I'm an expert and I know exactly what to do to fix this issue.

I know how frustrating it can be trying to watch tv and getting an error. I know exactly what to do to get the XRE error fixed.

Thank you for reaching out today so I can help. I still use a home phone too, so I know it's super important we get your phone service working ASAP.

Appreciation :-
I noticed while reviewing your account that you've been with us for the last sometime. I'd like to say thank you for your loyalty, for being our customer and for choosing Xfinity. We really could not be doing this without you.

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Xfinity family. Thank you so much for choosing Comcast to be your service provider. We are so grateful to have you and we value your business.

I would request you not to toggle between tabs as we might lose connection in between however in case we lose connection while troubleshooting, you just be rest assured. I will mention all the details on the account so that you don't have to repeat yourself again.

Extra Effort :-
I appreciate your patience and effort going through the necessary troubleshooting steps to fix this remotely. Initial investigation indicates that there could be an issue with the equipment, physical connections and/or network connectivity.

Just to set right expectation, if after performing all the health checks and troubleshooting the issue still remains the same then I will go ahead and schedule the tech for you to check and get this issue permanently resolve for you.

We have exhausted all our troubleshooting steps and found out that the box is still not responding to the signal; it may be with the signal interruption outside or the box itself and other connections.

In this case what I will do is, I will escalate this to my Network team and will also schedule the technician to resolve it permanently. Network team will keep your modem and connection from the server under observation and if there will be any Congestion than they will remove it.

Meanwhile I would like to inform you that Xfinity has millions of Wi-Fi hotspots throughout our service area to make sure you are always connected. These hotspots give you fast, convenient Wi-Fi and can be accessed using Xfinity User ID & Password when you see Network Name Xfinity Wi-Fi on your device.

I wanted to share that you can also enjoy our XFINITY WIFI hotspot on the go, please refer the link to check available hotspots . All you have to do is to connect using your XFINITY user name and password.

With the Xfinity TV Remote app, you can change channels, set DVR recordings and browse Xfinity On Demand and TV listings using your smartphone or tablet. The App is exclusively for Xfinity TV customers and can be downloaded via Apple/Google Store. Create a Favorite Channels list and have your own personal channel lineup, all you need is Xfinity User ID and Password to login.

Self Help :-
For any internet connectivity issue in future, you can reach out to our self-help service website with basic tutorials and easy troubleshooting steps i.e.

Empathy :-
Your issue is a cause for concern. I would feel the same in your situation, but we will sort this out.

I understand your situation and we wouldn't want our amazing customer to feel this way. Let me quickly help you out with this issue.

Contact Numbers :-

1- ACTIVATION - (1-855-652-3446) - Hours of Operation Monday - Sunday, 7:00 AM - 1:00 AM ETD.

2- CENTRAL SALES - 1-877-424-2028 - Mon to Fri - 8 AM to 9 PM & Sat/Sunday - 8 AM to 6 PM.

3- SEASONAL HOLD - 1-888-633-4266

4- PREPAID - 1-855-757-7372

5- Internet essential - 1-855-846-8376 - 08:00 AM - 12:00 AM ET, seven days a week.

6- CSA - 1-888-565-4329 - Hours of Operation 6:00 AM - 2:00 AM ET/Seven days a week.

7- Weekly Passes - 1866-489-0919

8- Gift Card - 1-800-526-3268

9- XM care - 1-888-936-4968

10- Data usage - 1-877-807-6581

11- Movers- 1888-245-4000

12- Retention - 1866-470-6654

13 - ACP - 1855-254-8687

14 - UPS - 1800-823-7459

Tech Visit :-
I’m looking in our appointment systems to find a date and time that fits your schedule, it may take me a few moments.
Before our technician arrives, please remember someone 18 or over must be home, ensure all pets are secured, and that we can have access to the equipment.

May I have a preferred phone number where you can receive the automated call, as there will be automated call for confirming the technician appointment ?

There will be automated call before technician visit for confirming the technician appointment, kindly acknowledge that to avoid cancellation.

You can also cancel or reschedule tech visit on following link as well -

I apologize for all the inconvenience you have gone through, I can imagine how annoying it would have been for you to wait for the technician the whole day. Let me quickly check where the miss happened and fix it for you right away.

No worries, our dispatch will look for an available technician for today . Since we give two hour time frames for our technicians' arrival, some of those technicians can resolve the customer's concern in just a few minutes, so they are available for the next hour or so. Some customers also cancel their appointment prior to technician's arrival. We will look for those available technicians and send them over to you. You will receive a call from our dispatch within 30 minutes once sooner schedule available.

There is one time charge of $100.00 for the technician visit, the technician will run the cable lines from outside pole to in home, connect with the wall outlet to activate it and also complete the installation for you.

I understand you are little uneasy about the charge but if you look at the timely resolution being . I am sure you wont mind . Moreover, the tech will check and informed about the final charges.

It takes around 4 to 6 hours for the tech to install the services in the house and after the installation the tech will give you the complete demo regarding the features and how to use it and will also help you with the features.

The reason why you are not getting any service properly is because of an ongoing outage in your area. This is due to some possible congestion of signals flowing in one of the poles within the area. We already sent our Engineering team out and they are working on this.

For future reference, you can sign in to and know about ongoing outage in your area. You can also update your phone number to get text message as soon as your services are restored.

I understand how it feels to be in situation like this. I know how important a working internet connection is. If it is in my scope I would be more than happy to get this fixed for you but the issue is from server end due to outage so it cannot be fixed remotely. Please be assured dedicated team is already working on this and services will be restored by.

The least that I can do right now is to at least apply a fair credit on your account to the number of hours it was affected and will make sure that it will reflect on your next month's bill so that you will be just paying for the services that you used and not being affected by the outage.

Approval :

Before submitting your order, I want to spend a few minutes confirming with you that I've accurately captured the services you want. I'll ask you to review the order and, if it's correct, to please approve it. What phone number or email address would you like to use to complete this process?

Fantastic! I have sent the approval from my side. Please review the same and approve it from your side. Once approve please confirm me the same so that I can go ahead and finalized the same for you.

Bingo! So from my side, I have successfully approved the new package and make the correct order on your account so that you do not have to chat back with us for this, Once this new offer will get activated , we will notify you via message or email so that you can enjoy with new offer.

Please note, as long as you keep any 1 service with Comcast, an early termination fee would not apply. You may upgrade, side grade and downgrade all lines of business without penalty.

Survey :-
May I know, How's your overall experience with Xfinity service and assistance that I provided on the chat ?

You were very patient and co-operative through out the chat, probably the best customer I had today . After this chat is over you will get the page where I would appreciate your amazing feedback on Xfinity service and my efforts today .

Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support and being a valuable member of Comcast family! We value and appreciate your great business with Xfinity! Have a fantastic week ahead.

I would love to hear your amazing thoughts on the experience I was able to provide you today. I really appreciate your awesome feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today. If you’d like to share them you can click the “end agent chat” option”.

Billing :-
I would like to inform you that your payment is scheduled and scheduled date is after the suspension date of your services so it will keep on disconnecting, you need to make payment of atleast past due to avoid disconnection again and again.

I really wish if I could have setup further extension however as the previous extension not fulfilled, unfortunately system does not allow us to make any changes until the past due amount will be paid however as I do need to discuss your concern with my supervisor for you.

I discuss your concern with my supervisor and we really wish if we could have setup further extension however unfortunately we are unable to do so as the previous extension not fulfilled however I assure you that once the past due amount is paid, we will help you with the same. I hope you understand.

I know how you feel, I wish someone is there to help you out and if only I own this company you don't have to ask this for many time. I will provide you the extension right away since I know how important your services especially in these times however as an representative we have limitations and restrictions when it comes on providing the extension. I hope you understand.

Our deepest sympathy for the loss of you love one. I know it is really hard to manage our finances specially during this time of situation and we understand that sometimes you need the extra time to pay your bill.

Even if I will restore then it will get disconnected as this is an automated process, however you can visit nearest store to get it permanently restored. If I will restore or as many times as we will restore on chat or call, reactivation fee will be applied .

Movers :-
Awesome! Congrats for your new home! What an exciting accomplishment for you! We certainly would appreciate continuing our relationship with you and thank you for your continued business.”

No Service :-
I can understand your concern however I am sorry to inform you but it seems currently comcast services are not available at your area. For this I can submit a ticket to first send out our sales team to check your area to see if we can provide connection line there to provide services, then we can follow up further and share plans detail.

I request you to please help me with your working mobile number so that I can go ahead and submit the ticket from my side.

Service Cancel :-
Just to set right expectations, I will share best internet only deal, however to apply the same deal you need to call as we do not have an access to disconnect the services , I hope you will understand on my behalf. I will also mention notes so that you do not have to repeat it again.

I'm sorry to hear that. We would love to keep you as an amazing customer. Is there a particular reason you want to disconnect?”

Call Back :-
I would have loved to call and help you, but I would like to inform you that as I am from chat repair team so I will help you on chat as well .

Since you’re looking to have a word with Voice representative, you can schedule a callback on- , however; I’m here to help you with the issue you’re experiencing with Xfinity services

Modem Compatible-
To learn more about XFINITY Supported Modems and steps for the modem activation, please refer the link

Return :-
If customer is requesting for return label in-order to return his old equipment via UPS.

1. I would like to tell that Comcast no longer offer return label kit, however our amazing customer can return equipment via UPS store without return label.

2. There is no charge to our valuable customers for returning equipment to any of UPS Store location.

3. You can also schedule equipment pick up from home by calling UPS at 1-800-823-7459 . However, there is a fee charged by UPS for home pickup and Comcast does not cover the fee.

4. Also there is no need to pack the equipment, UPS Store will pack the equipment ,ship it to Comcast and provide a receipt to the customer for the same.

5. All you need is to show a valid ID proof and a copy of the Comcast bill at the UPS store. You should ask for equipment return receipt at the store for future reference.

6. You can track your equipment return on with the tracking number provided on their receipt.

7. Also you will receive a confirmation email from Xfinity for equipment return.

Port Fowarding -
Please go to below link


Select Port forwarding.

Select Add port forward.

On the first option select the device from the list to which we need to open the ports.

On the second option select Manual Set up. Enter the port number at the Port option and set up the protocol to TCH, UDP as recommended.

If need to open more then one port, click Add port and once done select Apply changes to save the settings.

Modem active and router offline-
As I have seen that your modem is showing online, however to connect the modem please follow the steps -

1- Disconnect power to modem from the power source.

2- Unplug the router from the power.

3- Disconnect the Ethernet cables from router to the modem.

4- Then power on the modem and wait for 2 minutes to get it sync.

5- Once the modem is synced, then connect the router and modem using the Ethernet cable and then power on the router.

6- Once the router is fully synced, check for internet connection.


1- Because of personal security I am being restricted to check the exact data usage or sites, download are accessed for specific device to determine which device is using more data for scenarios like this we have customer security team data usage escalation available.

2- For this let me share the options available to check the break down of data usage from your end and also escalate this issue with the customer security data usage team. So if there is any discrepancy we can fix it for you.

You can check data usage breakdown on your smartphone/tablet, just go to Device setting>Data usage for this.

On your Windows PC, go to control panel>Network and sharing. Select data usage to view the breakdown there.

On the Xfi App we can only check monthly data usage and keep monitoring on network activity on daily basis.

Also, You can view your Monthly Data Usage in Xfinity app. You’ll need to sign in with your Xfinity ID and password.

When you open the app, tap Internet on the top left menu bar or on the Overview screen.

You’ll see your current data usage in a box at the bottom.

Tap that box to view data that was used in previous months.

To Differ 2.4 and 5.0 -:
1-Please go to below link


3- Check the box 'Use different Names for 2.4 Network and 5.0 Network'

4- A security pop up will appear, please ignore it.

5- Update the 2.4 WIFI Name to - and 5.0 WIFI Name to - and click Apply changes.

Links :-
1-Call back for cust -

2- Call back -

3- Movers link -

4- cancel -

5- Seasonal hold -

I am really feeling bad that you have to go through this. This time I will personally take care of this and will do my best so that you do not have to contact again for the same issue.

I really apologize for unpleasant experience which you had faced being a valuable customer of the Comcast family. Please allow me a chance to overturn this situation.

Just to set right expectation it may take few minutes to get everything fixed so please bear with me while I am checking account and troubleshooting to resolve it for you. Your patience will be highly appreciated.

I am really feeling bad for this and you might thinking that I am of no use but trust me I have tried my best to get this fixed.

Rewards :-
Let me tell you about something amazing, so have you signed up for our Xfinity Rewards program yet ? I highly recommend checking it out , its a brand new program that gives us another way to say thank you to our valuable customers, ( movie rental, sweepstakes, discounts and more ! ) Sign up for free at to see what offers are available.

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Regards; Team

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