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What American Fridgefreezer You'll Use As Your Next Big Obsession
American Fridge Freezer

A built-in American fridge freezer is a popular option for families, and usually comes with modern features. These sleek units can be used as a stand-alone feature or be put back into a bank of kitchen units to create a minimalist appearance.

They provide an average of 390 litres, which is enough to hold 20 grocery bags of food items. There are models that have water and ice dispensers that don't need plumbing.


American fridge freezers are usually larger and deeper than UK models, so they are likely to take up more space in your kitchen. If you are replacing an old American refrigerator freezer or adding one to a new, open-plan kitchen make sure to measure the space to ensure that it will fit without any awkward gaps or corners.

The bigger size of the American fridge freezer indicates that it has a larger capacity than a standard UK model. This makes it ideal when you have a big family, regularly host guests, or want to store food items in freezers for quick meals.

This impressive LG American-style side-byside refrigerator freezer has plenty of storage space for all your fresh food with 4 shelves, 2 doors, and a flexible salad crisper. It also has a plumbed-in water and ice dispenser to provide convenience of a ready-to-use beverage.


American fridge freezers can accommodate a lot of food and some models include ice and water dispensers that are connected to. They can also be equipped with smart screens that allow you to plan shopping lists, consult recipes, and much more.

A standard side-by-side model will have the capacity to store around 600 litres, which will be enough for the majority of families. You can have more storage space by purchasing the French door model that comes with two full-length doors and allows access at eye level.

There are models that are slimmer, which are designed to fit into the cabinet and help reduce energy costs. You can choose an integrated fridge/freezer that can be fully integrated into a cupboard. This lets you conceal it when not in use. They are great for kitchens with smaller spaces or if you do not want to be faced by a freezer fridge that dominates the space.


American fridge freezers are easier to access and organized than traditional top freezers that are sometimes a bit jumbled with their "Joker" freezer compartments. The typical size of American fridge freezers is 90cm. Slimline models are also available. They're generally larger, and also around 70cm.

If you're thinking of buying a fridge freezer in the American style make sure to measure your kitchen prior to purchasing to ensure it's capable of accommodating this larger size. Keep in mind that these appliances will be freestanding and are not part of a an array of white goods that extends from floor to ceiling. They'll need plenty of room.

There are two main layouts available that both have doors that are full length. The French door design incorporates the fridge with a double door, and freezer drawers below, allowing the user to open only one at each time, which helps reduce the loss of cold air and conserves energy.


American fridge freezers offer plenty of space for storage of drinks and food and also offer a variety of features that keep everything fresher longer. You can find models equipped with filtered water and ice dispensers, but be mindful that they can consume more energy. Look for best american fridge freezer on the front fascia that allows you to access a myriad of apps that include recipes, shopping lists and messages.

narrow american fridge freezer will remind you to cancel your milk delivery while you're away, while others have a holiday mode which will preserve settings but reduce energy consumption. Look out for twin cooling systems to prevent cold, dry air in the freezer affecting fresh food in the fridge, and will help you save money on your energy costs.

Check for a low-energy rating on your new American fridge freezer to indicate how good it is for the environment and how much it will cost to run. You should also check whether it can fit through any hallways, doors or corners you might need to maneuver through.

Water and ice dispensers

Many American fridge freezers have an automatic water dispenser, which is great for encouraging the whole family to drink plenty of water. This feature might require plumbing, which can limit the location of your appliance. It will likely have a water filter that has to be replaced every six months.

Ice cubes and crushed can be removed from certain models of American refrigerator freezer. It will be automatically topped-up and you won't have to worry about running low on the cold stuff.

american fridge freezer with water and ice dispenser offer SodaStreams that allow you to enjoy carbonated water at your convenience. Refer to the instruction manual for your appliance to find out more about how this works.


If you don't have a plumbed in water supply or don't want the additional expense to have one installed, an American fridge freezer with ice dispenser is an excellent choice. These models can provide cold water, crushed or cubed and ice. Some even come with the option of 144 ice-cubes per day.

These appliances offer a lot of storage space the fridge cavity, typically having four shelves along with two fruit and veg drawers and some mini doors for commonly used items. They also come with various clever technology like air circulation that is fully encapsulated to avoid frost, an easy-to-navigate flat-buttoned electronic control panel that looks elegant and meaningful.

LG offers a variety of American-style fridge freezers that come with ice and water dispensers. You're sure find one to meet your needs and the needs of your family. Many of these models are Energy STAR(r) certified as well. best american fridge freezer provide exceptional performance without compromising quality or function.

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