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Dear Mr. Trump:

I’ve been following your campaign with growing excitement because of the energy, fresh ideas, and boldness you are presenting to the American people. We also have similar tastes in movies! I agree with you that the fantastic film Death Wish could not be made in today’s Politically Correct environment.

More importantly, you’re single-handedly shifting the Overton Window and permitting discussion of once-verboten subjects. You’re right when you state it’s entirely because of you that immigration is an issue in this election. You’ve also helped legendary conservative heroine Phyllis Schlafly mainstream the idea of deporting illegal aliens from American soil [Schlafly: Ship illegals out of U.S. on trains, by Chelsea Schilling, WND, November 22, 2015].

And now, you’ve touched the third rail of American politics by starting a real dialogue on race (instead of the abusive monologue white Americans have been forced to tolerate for a half century) and the “Color of Crime.” By tweeting out crime statistics, you’ve forced both Leftists and Cuckservatives to confront uncomfortable facts. Indeed, I suspect this was a calculated strategy to have them say “Trump’s numbers are wrong, but we don’t feel like showing you what they actually are.”

Perhaps it is now time to shift the debate to crime’s monochromatic reality in our ruined cities.

Crime in the city of Baltimore is worse than ever. People are even putting out signs saying “We Must Stop Killing Each Other” [Street-corner rally appeals for residents to ‘stop killing each other‘, by Timothy Wheeler, Baltimore Sun, April 17, 2015].
The same kinds of signs are present in St. Louis because of black-on-black violence [Hundreds of yard signs go up to stop violence, by Elizabeth Matthews, KSDK, April 6, 2015]
Even in mostly white and heavily liberal Portland, police have had to beg the small black population (6.3 percent) to turn in black criminals through the Somebody Needs Information That Can Help – S.N.I.T.C.H – campaign [Portland campaign encourages violent crime witnesses to come forward, by Maggie Vespa, KGW, October 9, 2015]

This sort of plea isn’t necessary in white communities, where criminality is not tolerated (It would lower property values!) and criminals aren’t sheltered from law and order.

Mr. Trump, you are now the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, and every action you make will be scrutinized by a hostile Main Stream Media dedicated to defending the Minority Occupation Government that is keeping us from being able “Make America Great Again.”

So allow me to offer a suggestion: ask the MSM to look at Pittsburgh, in the key electoral state of Pennsylvania.

It’s a microcosm for America. So why hasn’t the MSM looked at the Color of Crime in this important city?

A few quick facts on Pittsburgh:

The Steel City is 64.8 percent white and 26 percent black [Pittsburgh near bottom in U.S. diversity ranking, by Joyce Gannon, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 14, 2015]. Indeed, one white female employee of the city (Abby Wilson, who works for the Allegheny County Department of Health’s Bureau of Public Policy and Community Relations) lamented the city was too white [‘Too many white people’ in Pittsburgh?, by Colin McNickle, TribLive, July 25, 2015].
In 2011, City Police Chief Nate Harper noted that without black-on-black homicides, there’d be almost no homicides in the city [City police chief focuses on black-on-black crime, by Shay Maunz, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 3, 2011]
60 blacks marched with a coffin to protest black-on-black homicides in October of this year [Downtown Pittsburgh rally calls attention to violent deaths of blacks, by Bob Bauder, TribLive, Oct. 17, 2015].
One of the country’s oldest black newspapers, the New Pittsburgh Courier, started a campaign in late 2014 called “Under Attack by Us!” noting the near monopoly on violence that blacks have in the city [The Courier’s Crusade…With crime coverage, paper ‘challenging community’, by Jesse Washington, New Pittsburgh Courier, December 15, 2015].
Black community leaders met with the station managers of Pittsburgh’s ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates and demanded they present positive images of blacks on the news, because “Many attendees complained the main coverage of black Pittsburghers was at murder scenes or courthouses” [TV news directors assess coverage of the black community: Leaders consider value of crime news, access to black activists and other events, By Timothy McNulty, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 21, 2011]

Mr. Trump, as a CEO, I’m sure you want all the pertinent information before coming to a conclusion. So let’s check out the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police’s annual report.

Here’s the breakdown for the 2013 report that no MSM journalist in Pittsburgh has ever dared publicize:

78.5 percent of those arrested for rape were black
75 percent of those arrested for robbery were black
69 percent of those arrested for aggravated assault were black
55 percent of those arrested for burglary were black
81 percent of those arrested for weapons offenses were black
Of known homicide offenders (16 of the 46 homicides had no suspect… a reminder of the black community’s propensity to participate in the practice of no snitching), 76 percent of those arrested were black

Remember: Pittsburgh is nearly 65 percent white and only 28 percent black.

For 2012:

70 percent of those arrested for rape were black
75 percent of those arrested for robbery were black
64 percent of those arrested for aggravated assault were black
59 percent of those arrested for burglary were black
Numbers for arrests for weapons offenses not available
Of known homicide offenders (21 of the 40 homicides had no suspect) 84 percent of those arrested were black

For 2011:

89 percent of those arrested for rape were black
73.4 percent of those arrested for robbery were black
67 percent of those arrested for aggravated assault were black
54.6 percent of those arrested for burglary were black
80.7 percent of those arrested for weapons offenses were black
of known homicide offenders (17 of the 43 homicides had no suspect) 84.6 percent of those arrested were black

For 2010:

63 percent of those arrested for rape were black
76.8 percent of those arrested for robbery were black
65.4 percent of those arrested for aggravated assault were black
61.4 percent of those arrested for burglary were black
81.7 percent of those arrested for weapons offenses were black
of known homicide offenders (18 of the 57 homicides had no suspect) 89.7 percent of those arrested were black

Mr. Trump, this breakdown of the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police annual report is the first time any journalist has dared look at the racial factor behind crime, and calculated the percentages for the world to see.

Not one person employed at those MSM outlets who met with black community leaders has ever broken out these numbers.

Why has no-one undertaken taken this obvious and elementary journalistic step?

Because then white people might start asking why such a shocking percentages of the violent crime is committed by the black population in Pittsburgh. They might also consider what legal steps they can take to protect their families and investments.

It might even effect their votes.

A real conversation on race in America challenges many powerful interests that ensure their living by propagating lies. For a real conversation, we don’t need sensational claims or militant rhetoric. We simply need the freedom to discuss the hard truth.

Sadly, however, America is no longer a free country. But if someone like you can break the power of the MSM and the Minority Occupation Government, we might have a chance not just to “Make America Great Again”—but make her free again.

After all, as George Orwell wrote: “Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four. If that is permitted, all else follows.”

Right now, we don’t have that freedom anymore.

But Americans are looking to you to get it back.


Paul Kersey

Paul Kersey[Email him] is the author of the blog SBPDL, and has published the books SBPDL Year One, Hollywood in Blackface and Escape From Detroit, Opiate of America: College Football in Black and White and Second City Confidential: The Black Experience in Chicagoland. His latest book is The Tragic City: Birmingham 1963-2013.
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