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Secret Keeping
The Business of Keeping Secrets

The business enterprise of keeping secrets is a rather complicated affair. That's because everyone's after secrets. If anyone ever gets to know that you are keeping a secret, they'll follow you or jump at you like a sniffer dog to get at your secret. This is a well-established fact that people are hungry for secrets even more than they are hungry for food. Such may be the power of attraction of a secret. It is possible to keep anything in your safe custody safely aside from a secret. As soon as people know that you've got a secret, they'll hound you till you go mad and blurt out your secret in sheer frustration. Sometimes, keeping a secret necessitates that you involve another person in the secret. This can be a perfectly terrifying situation. You will not know whom to trust with your secret. The individual whom you think could keep your secret ably could be the first person to go and blab out your secret to your neighbors, colleagues and so-called friends. Or they may double-cross you, pretending to help keep your secret while doing work for your adversary. The person might deceive you into thinking that they are loyal for you by disclosing to you your adversary's secret. This way the person is trusted by both you as well as your adversary while they're doing work for neither but themselves. So, it is possible to well imagine the perils of trusting anyone with your secret.

Who Can Keep Your Secret a Secret? Mum's the Answer

A secret can be a secret thought, a secret wish, a secret letter, a secret meeting, a secret happening, a secret affair, a secret action, and any other kind of secret. This world is filled with secrets and some folks believe that we've been born here to unearth the secrets of the Earth. Almost each of us has a secret that we'd like to help keep firmly locked within ourselves. But it is hard to keep even your own secrets. Often, humans feel the excruciating need to unburden their minds because of being weighed down by secrets, to share their secrets with a detailed friend. But herein lies the issue. Who's to occupy the place of a close friend? Research has showed that mothers are the best secret-keepers. Mothers have a natural love and compassion for his or her children that prompts them to help keep their kids' secrets absolutely safe. But apart from mothers, it seems that there is no one else it is possible to trust together with your secrets. Friends more often than not let the cat from the bag to get a good laugh behind your back. In the event that you tell a friend that something's " inside info " also to be kept hush-hush, the friend will immediately spill the beans to another friend saying that it's top secret and really should be kept hush-hush. Ultimately, you will discover everybody's discussing you as well as your secret in a hush-hush manner. Partners tend to misuse secrets when they're having a fight. Whatever you've told your partner when you both have been very close will undoubtedly be misused and made public, the moment you squabble. Siblings could also laugh at your expense if they are privy to your secrets and understand that you have something to conceal. Your disadvantages offer great opportunities to siblings who consider themselves to be your rivals and who contend with you to acquire family wealth. Fathers of the old school, that are egotistic, ambitious and proud, usually do not make good keepers of confidences because they are simply unapproachable. But needless to say, there are exceptions to everything. You can find buddies who'd die to rescue and preserve their friends' secrets. You can find partners who'd willingly play the cloak-and-dagger game to hide for the clandestine moves of these partners. There are siblings who'd go out of their way to back up erring brothers and sisters, to camouflage their shortcomings, who'd go the extra mile to protect their own blood relations no matter what. Barring all exceptions to all or any rules, mothers are the best protectors of these kids and their kids' secrets.

People Who Are To never Be Trusted with Even a Single Secret

Even if you can find exceptions to the rule in the case of friends and family members, there aren't any exceptions to the rule in the case of colleagues. Research conducted across large samples representative of large populations show that colleagues could possibly be the worst secret keepers of the earth. As office colleagues are always competing with one another for higher salaries, promotions and recognitions from upper management, they don't really think twice prior to making public their rivals' weaknesses that they learn through mutual association or from the grapevine. The organization world thrives on competitions, victories, defeats, the gaining of competitive advantages, the ousting of competitors by grabbing their market share, and winning at the expense of others. So, that is a world where secrets cannot be kept. Senior managers of one company frequently hire detectives and employ spies to infiltrate rival companies in order to find the latter's business secrets. By acquiring the business enterprise secrets of rival companies, they gain a strategic advantage that helps them to overthrow their competitors. So, it is very tough to keep a secret in the ruthless corporate world.

Hey! I Have A Secret To Divulge About Myself...Oh, Please Listen Everybody...

There are a few amongst us who do not have confidence in keeping secrets. They have confidence in openness of the highest degree. Hence, they disclose everything that's known to them, even things that they must be ashamed of, freely and frankly. Such people are not hypocrites. However they are certainly weirdos. They crave for the attention of the public and the media so in retrospect they unveil obnoxious and also embarrassing facts about themselves. But by baring their very own secrets, they sometimes cause mortification to others. Actors, publicity-seekers, and famous personalities that are no longer famous fall into this group of people.

What's Your Secret? REVEAL, We Are the Secret-Mongers...

There is a group in the people that firmly believes that other people's secrets should be blurted out, discussed and laughed at, at parties and at other places. Such people sex other people's secrets public and indulge in gossiping though they'd like to be very secretive about their very own lives. They make it their business to solve other people's mysteries though they'd like to keep mum and be mysterious about their very own failings. The more cryptic you're, the more they'll pounce on you. They are sneaky naturally and might even visit the extent of listening through doors. Unfortunately, many people belong to this section of people.

There are yet others who can be a lot more horrifying. Gathering secrets is their chief occupation, desire to and ambition of their lives. They tap phone conversations and hack emails and website s and blackmail people when armed with secrets. Making profits through blackmail and extortion is their livelihood.

No Secrets, Please

There are several secrets that have to be produced public by law. If crimes have already been committed or unlawful acts have been executed, it is the duty of the law-enforcement agencies to ferret out secrets, to open dark closets and expose the skeletons therein. It is also the duty of journalists, especially investigative journalists, to find and expose secrets. The penal code of any democratic nation mandates that illegal acts committed by people be taken to light so the culprits could be caught and punished. Because if illegal acts remain secrets, the wrong-doers will just go scot-free. Journalists have a vital role to play in digging out secrets. Reporters need to go on different beats so that they can report news of most kinds. News reported by journalists also keeps the general public informed in many ways. The modern world works on the news generated in newspapers, on television and on the net. People know exactly what to expect and the most recent happenings by reading and watching the news. News helps people to lead their lives better also to take informed and crucial decisions.

Do Secret Hunters Serve Society or Do They Break regulations?

Journalism has its limitations. Some categories of extreme investigative journalism are considered to be violative of individual privacy and so are prohibited by law. Many a time, journalists tend to overstep the limits to probing and be nosy-parkers with prying eyes and ears, eager for secrets. They are known to hound celebrities just for muck-raking. 'Paparazzi' is really a term given to journalists who are bloodhounds, who put unbearable pressure on celebrities merely to get a glimpse of these private lives, which they have no right to do. Some investigative journalists pose as laymen, doctors, engineers, executives, teachers, lawyers, policemen and as other people merely to get an inroad into various places and the private lives of individuals, and videotape events, and tape conversations to be able to expose criminals and criminal activities. The doings of such investigative journalists attended under the scanner. Many believe that investigative journalists should pursue celebrities and uncover the lives of important people holding important offices and lay bare the secrets of anyone they come upon. They believe this is helpful for society generally. But human rights activists among others feel that such a license granted to journalists only urges them to misuse and abuse their powers and encroach on the privacy of human beings and therefore violate fundamental human rights. What is worse is that investigative journalists and journalists generally sometimes fabricate secrets and portray them as 'scoops' and 'front-page news' merely to get a name for themselves and raise the sales level of the newspaper or magazine or the viewership of the news headlines channel they're doing work for. Such actions are criminal and should be punished heavily by law. However the glitch is that many times such actions go unpunished. If the law-enforcement agencies can't find any conclusive evidence against the journalists or if the journalists have been so cunning in spreading rumors that myths begin to don the looks of truth, it is hard to punish them. It takes ages to create cases against such journalists, especially if they are widely known in media circles and also have connived with high-profile politicians. Investigative journalism, hence, continues to be a gray area in most countries with no fixed laws to either support it or oppose it.

I'm the Agony Aunt. I'm the Agony Uncle. Tell me Your Secret. But Mind, I'll ASK YOU FOR for It

As it is indeed difficult to keep a secret secure, most people have begun to confide in rank outsiders. These outsiders are professionals trained in counseling and mentoring. They charge exorbitant fees for hearing people's secrets and for providing psychological support. In some instances, these guidance gurus can really work miracles and inspire and motivate their clients. However in most cases, their words are empty and insincere and are completely ineffectual. They just drain money out of their clients without causing any perceptible and positive change in the minds of their clients.

Online Diary Planner: The Authentic Secret Keeper

But don't be disheartened. Besides your Mom, there's someone else whom you can trust together with your secrets, just one single other entity in the whole world. It is an excellent secretary, a great confidant. It really is called the web diary planner. It includes a colossal data-storage capacity and can store all your secrets safely. A trusted online diary planner may be the safest web-based application on earth and an excellent secret keeper. The one and only it is possible to access your secrets in the online diary planner. It is a totally tamper-proof and fail-safe application that can't be hacked into or accessed by way of a single unauthorized user. You must create an account in your web diary planner to be able to log into it with your Username and Password. Remember, a trustworthy online diary planner keeps your Password secure with itself so that it is totally inaccessible to everyone nevertheless, you. Even the employees of the organization that has created this superb webapp don't have usage of your Password, your computer data as well as your secrets. So, there is no question of one's secrets leaking out from a reliable online diary planner, unless you make the error of letting slip your Password. A geniune online diary planner doesn't ask you for anything for maintaining your secrets. Being a genuine confidant, it keeps secrets without requesting any favors. Apart from keeping your secrets, a trusted online diary planner also teaches you to restructure your thoughts, realign your actions, work powerfully, think creatively and positively so as to spearhead the meeting and business management processes. This is a fantastic counselor and mentor that allows you to acquire superhuman capabilities and talents. Trust the reliable online diary planner to help keep all of your secrets confidential. Visit to see which online diary planners are reliable and authentic as Wikipedia is a trusted source that always gives correct and unbiased information.

Damien Ghosh is a prolific author of articles that concentrate on technology, places, psychology and people. Damien has worked in various industries like the information technology industry, the travel and tourism industry and the retail industry. He's got worked in a number of projects for blue-chip companies, that are area of the IT, travel and tourism and retail industries. His work and his passion for traveling has made him journey across the world. He's got led large work-teams to perform business goals successfully. He could be also a specialist on psychology and contains many degrees and diplomas in clinical and business psychology. He's got successfully coached, counseled and mentored several people in the many organizations he has worked as a professional HR manager and psychologist. He has also counseled many people by holding counseling sessions in different parts of the world. His counseling sessions have been very helpful for motivating people and for enabling them to recognize and set their goals. His rich experience undoubtedly helps him to create extensively. Damien writes for magazines, the net and for newspapers. He has also done several research papers on motivation, goal-setting, and human psychology and contains contributed chapters to textbooks that deal with human resource management, human resource development, business and industrial psychology and clinical psychology. His articles, chapters and papers have obtained lots of accolades from critics, professionals, psychologists, HR managers, industrialists, help-seekers and readers in general. Damien Ghosh's website is [] and his email is [email protected].
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