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Why Do People Spend Money to Make Money and Then Do Nothing?
Why do people spend cash to make money and do nothing?

Prioritization I ask myself this question continuously. I don't understand it. People will spend hard-earned money on a business venture only to do nothing with it. I know that when people are starting out it isn't their goal to abandon ship and allow tide dictate their outcomes, why does it turn out that way?

I took enough time to call some individuals that I recruited into my business and ask them why they became inactive. I heard multiple reasons. Here are some of them:

o They didn't have enough time.
o It wasn't what they thought it could be.
o They couldn't spend the money for monthly auto ship.
o Their friends said they did it and it didn't work with them.
o They simply didn't know very well what to do. They weren't like me!

Wow, what do you think of this? Especially that last one. The only way where I'm different is that I am 100% committed to making it work, to succeeding in my business?
The truth of the problem is that these are reasons, valid explanations for frustration and ultimately throwing in the towel. It is a fact, though, that if they stay with it and keep trying they'll succeed. I didn't ensure it is the first time or the next or the third. It had been after failing 3 x that it came together for me. The key to this type of work is keeping it. Stick with it, stay with it, and stay with it! I haven't figured out how to impress this on my partners enough.

For all your excuses people use to quit on themselves, there is one simple truth: If you would like it badly enough, you can aquire it. There exists a dangerous misconception out there you could make tons of money without doing any work. This can never be true, regardless of how convincing the marketing. Second simple truth: If it appears too good to be true, it really is.

My goal is to help people who struggle to succeed in multilevel marketing businesses. Here is the most simple advice I can offer those looking for answers to the most common concerns:

First, I don't have enough time. If you don't have the time to commit to working a business, don't join. In case you are willing to make commitment, set aside a certain amount of time and stay with it. It doesn't need to be a lot initially, but it should be consistent.

Second, it wasn't what I thought it would be. Well that means you almost certainly didn't do your homework. Always check out the company. Learn what the product is. Ask yourself these questions: Is the product over priced? Would I choose the product if I weren't in the business? Who is the individual recruiting me? Are they going to help me, can they help me? If you ask these questions before you join I guarantee you're less likely to waste your time or your money.

Third, you can't afford the auto ship. The only way companies and you're up line make any money is if everybody buys and sells the merchandise. If you don't can pay for to join and stay on auto ship for at the very least half a year then wait and save the money until you can. Additionally, you will need money for advertising and possibly to get leads. Businesses don't start up with no working capital, so why would you?

There are programs on the market to obtain started for a little investment and leverage your time and effort and money. That is a smart way of getting started.

Fourth, my friends told me it that this stuff doesn't work. Is your friend an expert in business? Is it possible that they quit before these were able to succeed? I think so, in fact I know so, and I don't even know your friend. What I know is that if that they had - say it with me - stuck with it
And done it right and not abandoned everybody would succeed. The difference between the one's that succeed and those that say it doesn't work is they quit. So unless your friend is an expert in business don't listen to them.

Fifth, you didn't know what to do. Did you take the time to head to trainings all companies do trainings? Additionally, there are a lot of companies on the market on the internet that offer training some for free plus some you pay for. I want to ask you this question once you got your job did somebody train you? You had to say yes compared to that because nobody exists a carpenter, a nurse or other things we all need training to do the job we have or had. So why wouldn't you take working out to do this? I understand, you think you know it all. How hard could it be? You find out right after the people you talk to, who you thought for sure would join say no. Make an effort get some good education than go talk to your warm list, don't scare them away before you had chance to learn about your organization.

Take my advice, a person with experience. Do all this first. And you will not be one of many thousands that quit and waste their hard earned money. You will be one of the elite groups making money having time and financial freedom. I look forward to maybe one day working together as you took my advice and did what it took to get there. God Bless

Paul Skulitz is really a Co Founder of Mega 10 Success a bit about me is I have been self employed my whole life. I have built several traditional business and have also built several successful network marketing company and I am currently receiving a continual income from them. The biggest thing my life is my family and the second is working with people and helping them I'm always around to give a helping hand.
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