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Security Companies Have to have Higher Standards
Starting a security company is just a matter of paying a license fee, holding a security qualification and having two different people offer you a reference. This is concerning the level required and a person can setup a security company. Think about this when you decide to use a security company to provide you with security guards to protect your valuable assets and employees. Who's the security company owner and what proof have they provided of these ability to protect your valuables

How much practical experience have that they had in preparing and organising the security procedures and methods to protect you

What guarantee do you have if a few of your valuable information, assets, or employees are injured because their security failed as promised

Security company checking

To manage the risks to your organization better you need to execute a little research prior to deciding to contract a security company to safeguard your business. I understand of very few clients that actually execute a check of the security company and just assume they know what they are doing since they say they do. I've often been tasked to fix up the mistakes made by selecting the wrong security company once they have cost the client thousands of dollars due to service failures.

When you start looking for a security company in Melbourne I would recommend that you require their company brochure and material. I know that it's just advertising material and someone in marketing put it together, but think about this: if they make statements of guarantees or claims of ability you could possibly have sufficient evidence weight if you needed to pursue a court case. More importantly it is difficult for their managers to argue with you once you ask they do what they say in the brochure.

Security companies all have different reputations

Take the time to call many of their clients that are similar to you in security needs and have if the security company has failed their service agreements and what they did about any of it when it was reported in their mind. Do an Internet check using the names of the security company owners and the name of the security company to see if anything comes up in the news that presents insufficient professionalism or integrity. Security companies that get fined or caught doing the wrong thing may change their business name in order to avoid anyone else finding out about their insufficient integrity.
Be sure to check the Industrial Relations court listings to see if they have a history of unfair termination or failing woefully to pay security guards the right wages. Some of the smaller security companies can provide you lower prices for the security service because they're not paying the security guards correctly or taking other short cuts in areas of compliance. This causes a high turnover and low morale in your security guards that means they will not be focused on protecting you.
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Regards; Team

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